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About gespivete

  • Birthday 09/03/1933

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  1. Hello from LIN Ete (Ettore Italy). I've tried everything and it works very well. I am very happy and I thank you. Being able to do more work separately and then combine them into a montage for me was indispensable. Thanks again and TI greeting. Hello.
  2. Good morning from Hector. I want to know if you can combine two files into one file PTE (Basic MERGE). Thank you. ETE
  3. I state that the program worked well. Only after upgrading to 7.5.10 does not work well. Reinstalled several times always bad. If I open a file PTE-safe-working loads it fine IF THEN USE PREVIEW The program closes WRITING "THE PROGRAM has stopped working And he writes. Application Error. Exception EAccessViolation in module Pteviever5.exe at 000FFD73 Access violation at address 004fdd73 in module "C: \ Program Files (86) \ WnSoftPicturesToExe \ 7.5 \ Main \ Pteviever5.exe." Read of address 00000076. Forgive me but I'm tired for each update I always cry. I am 80 years old and I'm tired of this program. Greetings and thanks. ETE-Hector.
  4. Good morning from Hector. I used the program WnSoftPicturesToExe version 7.5.9 and everything worked well. After you have downloaded and installed the new version 7.5.10 the program do not work anymore. I am very angry about this. I tried reinstalling everything, but no longer works. Here's what I said in refusing to open the files PTE everyone. Thank you. Application Error. Exception EAccessViolation in module Pteviever5.exe at 000FFD73 Access violation at address 004fdd73 in module "C: \ Program Files (86) \ WnSoftPicturesToExe \ 7.5 \ Main \ Pteviever5.exe." Read of address 00000076.
  5. Da Ete to Ken. 28/04/2013- PnIt. Hello from Ete. Thanks for the reply. I downloaded PrintFolder and works in W7 64 bit very well. Thank you once again I wish you many things and greeting. Ete nickname of Hector in Italy. Ciao Ken.
  6. Good morning from italy ete (name Ettore 80 years old). How can I print the list of photos in a project? Thank you. Many hello.

  7. Good morning. How can I print a list of all give a project. Thank greeting. ETE.
  8. My version is 7.0. The first key for version 6.0 is about 2008, the next version of the 2010 to upgrade to DE lux. The dates are not very precise. If you need a new KEY, where can I find the procedure to do this. Thank you for your concern, hello by Hector. nickname Ete.
  9. Pìctures To exe de Lux. Using Win 7 64 bit Ram 8 Gb. Now thè program does not work. My Key are acetates and choìrs. I wrote thè following in module :; Exception EAccess Vìolation Pte Viewer5,exe atOOOF26F23 Access violation at address 004F26F2 in module C: \ Program Files \ WinSoft PicturesToExe \ W7.O \ Main \ PteViewer5.exe 1, Read of address 0000006C._ Can I do ?. Greeting.
  10. Good day. I have to know the key to the Pictures To exe switch to Win 7 64 bit. The first key or 2008 for rel.6 in 2010 le key to De Lux. How can I recover because i had.

    The E-mail different from today ?. I have to redeem it ? I remember the address ok always the same. There is a version for64-bit.

    Thank you.

  11. Solved the problem very well.I did not know you had put your photo in a single FOLDER. Forgive me I'm too old. Thank DeviG. Ete is nickname Etttore. Ciao.
  12. Good morning from gespivete.How can I change the letter drive HD (ex. G to K)in le window " ERROR DETECTED ". Thanks.
  13. Buon giorno da ete nel programma PicturesToExe al comando di crea files AVI dopo aver dato invio alla richiesta scrivi, si blocca e mi scrive CatCantCreateFiles, cosi scritto. Cosa significa e Dove sbaglio. Grazie ete.
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