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Everything posted by gh6539

  1. David, I like the menu driven presentation. Works well. Keep up the good work on DigiDaub!
  2. Hello David, I must say I Very much liked your new PTE. I especially liked the mood you reated. Well Done! George H.
  3. Davy, Thanks for you support and kind comments. George
  4. Rick, Thanks for the hint. George
  5. David, Thank you for the kind comments. My Best to you! George
  6. Davy, Only one word describes this show and it is Stunning. Well Done! Regards, George
  7. My PC Club will be having it annual photo contest March 19th and Tthe South West Computer Conference in San Diego will be having it's contest June 3-5. I Have tanken the photos my wife and I are submitting and made a PTE show. As always comennts are appreciated. Download PC Size 16.1MB Time: 2:26 Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Enjoy! Regards George
  8. Malcolm, Truely awsum photography. Nice use of the rippling water of the boat sceen. I almost dod not catch it. Thanks for sharing, Regards, George
  9. Mark, I am glad you liked my show. There is perhaps som noise on some of the images and will keep this in mind in the future. Regards, George
  10. Bert, I am sorry you gave up on it. As with any software there is a learning curve. Honestly the manual is not that long. I hope you will give it another try. Regards, George
  11. Dom, Thanks for you comments and I will look into new shape to replace circle. Regards, George
  12. Thanks Greg, I am not perfect [who is], persistince I can do. The "twirly image animation" Is one of the things I liked. I can see it may not bee everyone's cup of tea. Cheers, George
  13. Mick, Thank you for the nice comments. The mind unlocked and got around the problem I was having. Cheers, George
  14. Rick, Thanks so much. Looking forward to San Diego. Look Me up and we will have a beer! Regards, George
  15. Many Thanks David!
  16. To all those forum members who have followed this show, thank you for you comments and suggestions. In this final version I have tried to implement your suggestions. I can now say that I am pleased with the results. I am sure there can be improvements but for now the elude me. File Size: 16.3 MB Aspect Ratio: 16:9 1280x720 Length: 3:30 44 Images TheDom's Travel Template uses for opening and ending PC Download PREVIEW Regards, George
  17. Hi Rick, Thanks for you comments. Most appreciated. A new and Final version will be coming soon, and I believe you will see much improvement. By the way, it was you presentation at the Southwest Computer Conference in San Diego last year which got me started down the PTE Path. For this I Thank You. Hope to see you at the conference this year. Regards, George
  18. Greg, No I was not very pleased. I have finally got myself on the right track and a new and Final version will be coming soon, so watch for "Travel Las Vegas Final". Regards, George
  19. Mick, Glad to here from you. Weather here is very windy and will get dusty. That is EP. I am beginning to believe that I should have used only the beginning slide [desk, passport, etc.] and then used a more traditional presentation of the images. I should note that this is the way the template was presented, i.e blank slide, beginning slide, blank slide. I did loose some quality due to downsizing. As always I learn a bit each time. Best to you, George
  20. Thanks, Your comments are well taken and I will keep them in mind for the future. Regards
  21. Thanks Ken, Imagination I have, its the power of implementation that eludes me. George
  22. Thank you David & Den, your comments are most useful! Regards
  23. Yeasterday I posted Travel Las Vegas using TheDom's Travel Template. I received from the forum and other sources som comments which prompted me to make a few modifications. 1. I resized all the images making for a smaller download 11.5 MB, down from 58.7 MB 2. The Flash effect has been removed. 3. In the main imgage slides the background has been removed, placing emphasis on the image. The show is in 16:9 1280x720 Length 4:13 Size 11.5 MB PC Download Regards, George
  24. Greg, Thanks for your comments. 1. The show was intended to demonstrate the Travel Template and my interpretation of it. 2. The tempate was used in its original form. Slide 2 where the desk, passport and tickets appear is original changing only the "travel-background" 3. I used parts of slide 2 to produce the rest of the slides. Notably I used the calendar in the day changes. 4. The flash feature is one I did not care for. 5. I can see the the repeat of the background may have been tedious. I would like to see other presentations using this Template. My interprepation may have been way off base. In the end I had fun doing this show and have learned from it which is what it is all about. Many regards, George
  25. Thanks Ken!
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