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Everything posted by gh6539

  1. Recently TheDom offered free for a limited time the Travel Template. Beging a great fan of "free" I promptly grabed a copy. To put it to a test I decided to do s show on a visit to Las Vegas in 2009: The show is in 16:9 1280x720 Length 4:13 Size 58.7 MB Download My many thanks to TheDom for providing this template. I hope if he see's this show he will enjoy! Regards, George
  2. Great vacation photos. Memories to keep. Only wish the slides could have been a bit longer in length. Well done!
  3. Thanks Ken, I am shutting down. El Paso is having rolling blackouts. I am inthe dark, in more ways than one! George
  4. Ken, I think you will find Version 2 somwhat smoother. George
  5. Thanks Ken, I will look into this! George
  6. Ken, I am developing this on a Win 7 64 Vaio. Where are you seeing the "bump"? Is it the end oft the opening title and beginning of the box? George
  7. Thanks Ken, I Have tried on XP 1024x768 screen and it looks ok. Development is on Win 7 1600x900 screen. Of course I may have "tunnel vision", ie see what I want to see! George
  8. Ken, I am working on a slight revision of Version 2. Check back in about an hour. The revision should be ready at the same link. George
  9. Mick, You are correct, that was the way I had Version 2. I have corrected this and replacement file loaded at the same link. Thanks for your input and all your help. Best wishes, George
  10. Boogie, Thanks for your input. I forgot about the cursor. George
  11. Roger, Thanks for you input and vote. Your input has been most helpful, Regards, George
  12. Colin, I greatly enjoyed the show. I found it refreshing and entertaining. The images and abstracts are great. Thanks also on the insight on how it was created. Regards, George
  13. I have been working on a 3D Oriental Jewel Box in 3D as a Valentine for my wife and two versions have been created. A Poll has been created and I would appreciate your vote. Version 1 or Version 2. A note on the Japanese Characters and how they were made. The first problem to overcome was to translate English to Japanese Fortunately Google handled this very well: http://translate.google.com/#en|ja| 1. Copied the Japanese character and pasted into Microsoft Word 2007 Wordart 2. To save the Wordart to image 3. Save Doc as a web page. Wordart is converted to a image in the folder you named the document. 4. This is a PNG image and is transparent. Version 1 Download Version 2 Download Size of both 3.23 MB Length 1Min 13 Sec Aspect Ratio 16:9 Regards, George
  14. Thank you Dom, I really enjoyed this project! Regrds, George
  15. This is a Valentine Greeting in 3D. The sides are annimated gif''s Keyboard control is enabled. Aspect ratio 16:9 Size 4.78 MB Length 60 seconds Download A special thanks goes to MickP for his valuable input on this project. Regards, George
  16. A very nice stroll. Excellent photography and composition. Regards, George
  17. Thank you for you comments, I Thought it woube mak a good screensaver also. See link in my original post above. Regards, George
  18. I would like to offer for your enjoyment and critique "Dueling Cubes" wich is based on Lin Evens 3D Cube Tutorial. The show loops until [Esc] is pressed. Also keyboard control enabled. Size 3.11 MB Download Screensaver Many Regards, George:rolleyes:
  19. Davy, Very Sad and I ran out of tissues! Why above 20 M?. Quality, not quantity! My Best To You, George
  20. Lin, Thank you for your reply. I am going to check out you link. Many thanks and regards, George
  21. Lin, I love the motorcycle and the "Summer Dreams"! So happy to see you back on the forum. Many regards, George
  22. Happy New Year Forum Members! I have been away from the forum for a few months. Projects and holidays being the reason. One project has been my continuing involvement with DavidP and his family of "Daub" programs. The link to my show is based on Davids latest effort. I hope you enjoy the images. Download Here 10.1 MB: Length 2:04 I hope you all have a very productive New Year George
  23. Barry, I very much enjoyed you images. The sound of rain in the opening was great. The rest of the music was some what distracting. Keep up the excellent work and have a productive New Year. George
  24. Barry, Very impressive. George
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