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Everything posted by gh6539

  1. Yachtsman1, Thanks!... I think you missed the aim of what I was trying to achieve. Keep in touch! Regards, George
  2. bbdigital, Right now I am less concerened with sizes of photos. This started out as a project of learning. It is now evolving into ideas for many further projects. Many thanks for your input. All comments and suggestions will be used in my project. Regards, George
  3. MickP, I really appreciate your comments, especially about the less experienced member/user of PTE. I hope my persistance will inspire others to experiment and post thier work for comment and suggestions without fear of criticism. The "Experts" on this forum are truly awsum. Thank for your solution, every bit of input it truly useful. Regards, George
  4. TheDom, What an elegant solution to my problem. I have only just begun analyzing your solution. My first question is why the use of frames vs. rectangles? When I finish this study of Page Flipping, I plan to submit an album of Rainbows Photos taken last night in El Paso. Rain in El Paso is somwhat a rairty and Rainbow's such as we had last evening are almost never seen. Thanks so much for you input and the work you did! Regards, George
  5. For the past 10 days I have been working on creating my own Page Turning Photo Album. I have studied templates recommended by forum members, expecially bjc's My Little Book of Photos I believe I have come close to what I want, yet acheiving a smoth page turning effect eludes me and I cede defeat. I would appreciate any pointers you might wish the share. Demo Link Project Link Note: I have used the page-lighting.png from My Little Book in my project. Regards, George
  6. Andrew, I really enjoy your "Tours". Keep up the excellent work. Regards, George
  7. Peter, I am now logged on with the original account. Many thanks. If possible, please delete the new account: Login: elpaso Display Name GeorgeH Email: holloway.gh@gmail.com Again thank you for you assistance. George
  8. Andrew, I solved my problem and downloading from direct link worked. Recently I have not been able to view imaged in my email using Outlook 2007. I certainly did not think this was related. I finally resolved the Outlook problem by incerting original instalation disk and doing a repair. Images returned to my email. Later I tried the direct link again and all was ok. Strange. Thanks again, George
  9. Andrew, I tried the medifire link and all worked well. I am also using Win 7 64 bit laptop. I tried the direct link again with the result. I at a loss to explain the dificulty which seems to be on my end. I very much enjoyed the tour of the "Blockhaus" Nice use of keyboard controls. Thanks for the tour, George
  10. Downloaded and tried to run. Received error message "not a valid Win32 application". George
  11. Brian, Very smooth and nice transitions. I enjoyed the sceenery. Regards,
  12. David, I enjoyed the "stroll". Regeads,
  13. Andrew I really admire you work. I especially liked the backdrop for the photos. It reminded me of a castle stonework wall. Very well done. George
  14. Thanks Ken, I rather liked the frame. George
  15. This is an 8 slide slidehow using a template I made to display photos in a simulated Digital Photo Frame. The aspect ratio is 16:9 , file is 2.07 MB and runs in loop mode (1:20 per loop) There are buttons on the frame for "Next", "Previous" and "Off". Keyboard control is activated. Download Toltec & Cumbres Rrailroad Comments are always appreciated. Enjoy,
  16. Many Thanks for the links. I will certainly check them out. I am doing this as a learning excerise. Being retired I have the time to experiment. Regards,
  17. Thanks, I will certainly download and study your method. Regards,
  18. I am working on a template for a photo album book. I am trying to create an effect of turning a page. Visualize the cover of a hardcover book. The template in in 16:9 and 7 seconds per slide. I have tried a variety of the effects in project options none of which does what I want. Can anyone offer some advice on how to achieve this effect? Your input will be greatly appreciated. Regards,
  19. I was born in Memphis, TN. I have been in El Paso most of my life. My wife is native El Paso. I will try to keep slideshows going. Regards,
  20. Hello David, How strange to have one view a slideshow that is from the area presented. I appreciate all your comments. I am new to PTE and still learning. Regards,
  21. Rick,

    I Met you in San Diego at the Southwest Computer Conference.

  22. I especillay liked the side with the teddy bear on the ceiling fan. Thanks for providing this slideshow. Regards,
  23. Thanks Ken, The beginning panorama slides are 6018 x 1080px in size. Overalll I was pleased with the result. Regards,
  24. Touring the Mesilla Valley, New Mexico. Mesilla is famous as the former stompping grounds of Billy the Kid, Green Chille's and Pecans and other agriculture. Download Mesilla Valley Enjoy,
  25. Well done. I really liked the sea turtles. Regards,
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