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Everything posted by gh6539

  1. Peter, I very much appreciate your comments. Yes, this is a technical exercise with the aim of being somewhat realistic. Slide 4 is somewhat overwheleming for the photo. I did love the photo and could not resist using it. The speed was acutally very realistic to what I saw, which was very unusual for El Paso. Regards,
  2. David, I will revisit slide two. I do appreciate cloud formations. Do not know if I understand them. I do love nature in all it's variety. Regards, George
  3. David, I very much appreciate the comments, suggestions and support I have received during this project. It is this support that has kept me going. As to slide 4, this is the photo I took a couple of years ago. I was trying to recreate what I actually saw. I did not get the full effect I wanted. The orgiginal photo can be downloaded from mediafire: Funnel_Chase.jpg Have a great day, George
  4. Well, I think I may be on the right track: The show has four photo slides each with a different sky animation. The last photo slide uses a photo of a interesting cloud formation is took a couple of years ago. It might be a little over much. Project Options: Aspect Ratio: 16*10 Size of slides 1280x800 Ticked "Fixed size of slides" Clouds: 1920x1080 Photo slides 25 sec duration Did more to control animation in Objects and Animation Keyboard Control Enabled Download Valley of Fire 3 Note: I made an error in judgement by replacing the logo in the credits template with my own. It was not my intent to take credit for the DomSharingPlace. I have corrected the error and uploaded a replacement file. My apologies to the Dom. Many thanks for his sharing of the template.
  5. I might just do that if I can ever get the sky animation to be a realistic speed. George
  6. You are right. Working on it.
  7. You comments about the clouds is helpful. I am regrouping and trying to speed of clouds and music. Revision to follow when I get my act together.
  8. I agree the cloud movement is far too slow and the opening screen is a problem. I am struggling with the annimation to get it correct. I am determined to get this right or as close to as possible. I did use the same images and resized them to 1920*1200. I did a quick check and Fixed size of slide was not ticked. There is a difference with this ticked. Regrouping and moving on I will get this working. Thanks for the input,
  9. Acting on all the kind suggestions to my Valley of Fire Post I have revised the show with all these suggestions. I have changed the aspect ratio to 16:10 Changed cloud . Cleand up photos, edges should be smoother. An tried to slow down the speed of the cloud (I could only do this by increasing the the length of the show with a longer music track). There is probably a better way to do this. Download Valley of Fire (16-10) Enjoy,
  10. Ken, Thanks again for your suggestions. Hope to be able to work on it today. Regards,
  11. When removing the sky from the I was using Photoshop Elements 8 "Magic Extractor". To say the least my Photoshop expertise is limited. I am going to redo this project using all the suggestions I received. Many thanks to all who have shared their suggestions.
  12. David, Thanks for the input. I will as Ken suggested redo with a wide screen format (16:9) Regards,
  13. Ken, Thanks for the suggestions. I think you are saying to use an aspect ration of 16:9. I will work on this and post when completed. Many thanks,
  14. Thanks for your input. I was not sure how well YouTube would work. Changed post to download from mediafire. Regards,
  15. Submitted for you enjoyment, my first attempt at animated moving clouds. The photos were take in July 2009 at the Valley of Fire state park, about 60 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada. Download Regards,
  16. Thanks for the info!
  17. Very Nice Ronnie. I would like to know how to get the template you used. Regards
  18. Ron, My Mom & Dad will love this. They are great fans of the UK. Very impressiveI Regards,
  19. Ralph, Thanks for the comments. I only wish I could remember the names and places of all the photos. Regards,
  20. My first slide show of slides taken in 1972 during deployment on the USS Greenfish (SS351) 1972 European Tour Regards,
  21. Thanks Tom, Glad you like the template. This is my first "creative" attempt. I too like the retro slideshows. Regards,
  22. Bill, Thanks for hosting "The Grand Tour" and to bjc for providing it. I very much enjoyed it.
  23. Being new to PTE, I am not familiar with THE MASTERPIECE - The Grand Tour.. If it can be found, I would like to see it.
  24. Very impressive
  25. This forum has provided me a lot of inspiration and help, so I would like to share with the members my humble attempte to create a template. This template "Slide Mount" resulted from an idea to create a slide show of my old slides that I have been digitizing. I wanted a template which resembled a Kodac Slide Mount. DownloadDemo/Template Demo Your comments and suggestions are greately appreciated. Regards, George Holloway
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