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Everything posted by amitinc

  1. Thanks for the sanity check nobeefstu.... your feedback was very helpful. I guess I just need to modify my instructions I give to customers to add the "END" key function. Thanks again!
  2. I have used PicturesToExe for a number of years for wedding image proofing under v4.48. I recently upgraded to v6.5. I have always been able to choose next slide and previous slide from the navigation menu no matter where I was in the slide show. Right now with the latest version, if I am on the very first slide, it doesn't let me go to previous slide . Example: Say I have 600 images in the show. I want to be able to go from image #1 directly to image #600 by just hitting previous image on the navigation bar. Right now it makes me click 600 times to get to image #600. It won't let me click previous if I am on the first slide. Version 4.48 allowed it. Has this "looping" feature been eliminated or is this a "bug" in the program. Any help would be greatly appreciated.... Thank You!
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