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Ralph William

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Everything posted by Ralph William

  1. nobeefstu, Thank you for the detailed information! If I understand you correctly, checking the "Add chapters" box will permit me to create a video that will let the viewer jump ahead to another point in the DVD, controlled by the number of minutes I choose in the Project Options window. Very cool! I am assuming you know this from familiarity with other video authoring programs. Would it be OK to email you with a detailed question along those lines? Ralph
  2. Thanks for your replies! Is there some sort of documentation that describes what a chapter is? I have been using the term "chapter", I think incorrectly, to describe each of the "mini-movies" (.ptv projects) that I've made when I am putting more than one .ptv onto a DVD. But, I don't understand what that it truly means. I see the check-box option for "Add chapters," and then that enables one to set a time amount, but I don't really follow what that is enabling the creator to do. Any direction would be appreciated! Ralph
  3. Hello All! I have created a DVD home-player slideshow for friends comprised of essentially 6 different major parts of their lives, using photos with audio interviews that explain the images shown. Despite looking through the User Guide pdf as well as the forum, I could not find this question asked nor answered. I would love to create the DVD so that each "chapter" can be played separately as a stand-alone mini-show (already done and works fine, as I made the 6 shows separately), and I also want the possiblilty for the shows to link to each other, so that when one ends, the next one begins automatically. Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks! Ralph William
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