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  1. This is ridiculous! I purchased this product Thursday with a promise to have the activation key with in 48 hours max and here it is Tuesday of the following week and after three email two phone calls to winsoft that end up getting routed to the Philippines, that don't do anything but send an email of their own, and two PM's to people that I assume work for wnsoft and still no KEY!!! This company seems to have a problem with fulfilling their promises. How is it that I have read numerous reports from other customers and yet there doesn't seem to be anyone fixing the issue. I do not want a refund, I want the product I purchased to work the way I was promised. Is it that hard to send an activation key? If it was that hard for them to get the money owed to them I promise they would be responding much faster. So, how about it?
  2. I just performed the test e-mail with the text doc attached and it worked just fine.
  3. Spam folder was the first place I checked. I also called the main office, they sent an email of their own asking for the key. And i sent an e-mail myself to wnsoft asking for it at around 3:00 PM. It's funny how the automated e-mail made it to my in box, but they seem to have trouble with sending the key codes. My bank statement shows that it has been paid for, so I know that's not the problem. I just want to use what I paid for. Thanks for the response though.
  4. I purchased picture to exe and have still not recieved the key to use this product. I have a wedding slideshow to put together and would love to start in on it ASAP. Please help.
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