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  1. Some easy way of adding a small animated starting title for the show and provision for adding small animated icons / GIFs ( may be one per slide ) would be an icing on the cake ! Even the opening title animation can be similar to the one used in powerpoint ( flashing text ..moving text etc). I know it would require a lot of work....but once these feature are added ...it will be really WONDERFUL !
  2. I have saved both the installers in the same folder. Can this give a problem in terms of erratic startoff of installations ? I mean inspite of clicking on photokeeper icon..its still installing Photokeeper ? I will get back after trying out totally new downloads for both in separate folders. sal
  3. Yes , I think the name PTE is seen only after you start the actual installation through the installer icon is red color called photokeeper_release and then the blue screen appears with the PTE version saying that "this will install February+4 release (minimal )build of Aephid photokeeper 2002. Further it takes to the blue screen of Pictures to Exe v 4.10 beta#9 !! I suggest you can try a complete cycle of trial installation and reconfirm this . sal
  4. No I am quite sure about that , The download can be tried at - http://www.aephid.com/photokeeper-default-frame.html After I click on the installation icon, it takes me to PTE . I would also request comments from other members / Wnsoft adminstrator which will help me in clarification on this. sal
  5. I agree and I have got completely convinced with features of PTE , but when I downloaded the trial version from Aephid photokeeper .....it brings me down to nothing else but PTE !! that's why i'm surprised. Even the logo and everything is the same. sal
  6. I am just about to buy PTE and....while browsing the internet I found that it also appears under the name Aephid Photokeeper . This package shows some added features on the same PTE software which are not shown on the wnsoft version. I am confused about this ...what is the clarification ? sal tamb
  7. Thanks for giving me the inputs . One simple question- Can the small animation symbols and icons ( GIF) available free on internet be inserted in PTE slides in some way ? ( Since these work and animate only when used with a browser , otherwise they are static pictures). Can they be run on individual PTE slide as an object ? Sal
  8. Many thanks to you all - Bill, nobeefstu, Alrobin. I think I got a very good solution to my query through all your answers. It was indeed a great help. The forum is great ! Now I will go ahead and buy one copy of PTE and start off the work. By the way...are there any good animation text freeware / shareware which can be inserted as a short title moving on the first slide ? Can I then get a short animation title flash exe made from outside and insert the same on the first slide ? Thanks once again for all your help. Sal
  9. Thanks again for your reply. let me make it more clear ...(thanks for your patience and paying attention to my point ) My basic idea is to preapre a CD with about 600 wildlife photos clicked by me. The opening screen should say the Title "wildlife CD" ( just for eg) in an attractive font anfd music. The second screen should have three clickable buttons for - a) Birds , Animals and c) others. each of these have subcategories like a) Birds- 1.Aquatic birds 2. ground birds 3. Preying birds Animals - 1. herbivores 2. Carnivores c)Others -1. Butterflies 2. Insects 3. Reptiles Each of these are separate slide shows on their own ( PTE exe files ) I can just link them from and back to the opening screens through the PTE hyperlinks. The opening screen can be made in paint shop etc with good fonts . Or some information text pages can be pput as JPEG screens (as good as a single slide inside the individual slideshow) Does that seem possible to be done using PTE ? Sal
  10. Thanks for your mails . I am still in a bit of confusion. Though I want to use a web design packagewith inserts / overlays of multiple several PTE slideshows, but is not to build up a website. But it is with the objective to prepare a photo Cd with clickable hyperlinks on these web pages and some interactive menus( embeded exe files). Essentially there need to be multiple slideshows which one can navigate and click. I hope this should be possible. Saleel
  11. I would like to prepare a auto run photoCD using PicturesToExe. But I want to have some animated text titles at the start up and some small animation icons inserted onto some pictures to make the CD a multimedia interactive presentation. Can I use several slideshows ( cerated as standalone exe files in PicturesToExe ) as embeded slideshows in a web design package which convertys text to HTMl( for eg MS frontpage) etc ? My question is that whether exe files created from PicturesToExe can be inserted in other developments ? Any ideas , suggestions please ?
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