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Everything posted by c.s.kim

  1. Dear Mr. Lin Evans and Mr, nobeefstu. Thank you very much indeed for Both of your kind instructions on creating of PTE-zoom photographic show. Now, Thanks to your big help, I finally made it. But It's just a trial work. Anyhow I am very happy. From now on, I wiil do my every efforts to be a good worker. Thank s again. best regrds chang sik, kim
  2. Sorry. I didn't know how to fill in this page. because I am a poor at english. please understand.

    1. Age : 79

    2. Birthday : 29 Feb. 1932

    3. Gender : man

    4. E-mail : csk1987@hanmail.net

    5. Education : graduated from university

    6. Military servise : 19 years

    7. Nationality : south korea

    Please help how to describe the other blanks.


  3. Dear gentlemen. Thanks to your many help, I have been trying hard to create the zoom photographic show. However It does'nt going well. Now I have few questions to ask, for which please give your kind instructions on the matter as soon as possible. 1. I dont know how to go further step to have the zoomed effects(about 10 each of diminished images) returning back to the starting point again. which were created in "animation tab". 2. I also have tried "rotate effect" to rotate the images clockwise and counterclockwise including "default setting" work in the rotate box. It didn't work neither. 3. Your concrete explaining of the "Timeline setting method" would be more helpful. Best regards From : chang sik, kim
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