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About Hubert

  • Birthday 02/10/1951

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  • Gender
  • Location
    East Flanders, Belgium
  • Interests
    Computer, Photography, gardening, cycling

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Junior Member

Junior Member (2/6)

  1. Have a look at : http://www.jamendo.com/en/search/discover?qs=q=*:*&by=rating Hubert
  2. Dave, Thanks, much appreciated. Hubert
  3. Nope, I'll give it a try ... OK, did the uninstall & reinstall > problem solved Thanks
  4. Hi guys, I have the same problem ! Did a reinstall ! Problem persists. Using v 8.0.1 Hubert
  5. jt49, Thanks for your reply. I got a bit confused (growing old !!) And I overlooked 'Saved and use by default" at the bottom under Properties. But I got the picture ... Thanks again. Hubert
  6. Under Objects and Animation/Properties one has the possibility to choose between "sharper or smoother" (-128 to +128 -100 by default). Is or would it be possible tot set this default value to 0 ? I'm asking this question because my images are completely finished, including sharpened in PS. So, at this time, for almost every slide I need to adjust this value manually ! Which is time consuming.
  7. I agree with Ken. And ... I dont trust Mediafire ! In PTE one can choose to "safe executable file for internet (EXE file in ZIP with digital signature)"
  8. Indeed I meant shimmering !! I'm using PTE 7.5.1 Graphics card = NVIDA GeForce 8500 GT (Integrated RAMDIAC) 512.0 MB I already largely solved my problem. Pic's are 1920x1200 72dpi For a panorama I used the original image size (3008x2000) from which I made a selection 3008x1200. But I forgot to reduce the resolution from 240dpi to 72dpi. Did no extra sharpening . In Objects and Animation - Properties, I did put the value for Sharper/Smoother to 0. Thanks for the quick replies.
  9. Hi, Can someone point me to the link(s) on how to avoid chiver during PZR. Thanks in advance
  10. In 2009 we made a trip along the caravan route through the Taurus Mountains into Cappadocia (Turkey). This AV shows some impressions I had to deal during the hot air balloon flight above this magical area. Slideshow characteristics: 5m47s, 40 slides, 1920x1275 - AR 15:10 - 38,6 mb Constructive criticism as always welcome Hubert
  11. Jeff, Example attached. Hubert Project1_May14-2011_21-02-49.zip
  12. Jeff, Have a look at the example beneath Example I think that's what Davegee means. Hubert
  13. Luc, A multi usable start sequence. What's in it , What's the purpose ? Could you show us an example please ? Maybe one can learn from it.. Hubert
  14. Lin, Runs smooth as silk too. I dont know the reason, but on my screen I saw some strange colors (see snapshots). Am I the only one with this problem ? It may have something to do with the compression factor ? Never had this problem with any other slidewhow ... AMD athlon 64 x2 Ducal Core Processor 5200+ DDR-SDRAM 2048 MBytes nVidia shipset Acer P225HQL TFT color LCD Max resolution 1920x1080 Greetings, Hubert
  15. Trailertrash, Link is active again. Hubert
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