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  1. Hi, is it possible to recover the embedded video from a self-running windows .EXE?
  2. Thank You!!!
  3. Is the last/most recent version of 10.5 still available for d/l? Thanks!
  4. TY, forgot all about the lightbox view, many thanks! #2, more info; say my slide count is less than what should have been imported from a directory. Is there any way to tell p2e to re-import without creating duplicate files in the show?
  5. Besides the good old mk1 eyeball, is there an easy way to find duplicate files in a show? side issue: Is there a way to add only 'missing' flies from a source directory to a show? thanks
  6. Hi, is there any way to get P2E to directly import a PPT(x) presentation? I know that I can tell PPT to export all slides as individual jpg and then use those as a starting point for a fresh pte, but the msft options in this area are pretty limited. Thanks
  7. Lin, your suggestion of doing this via a long video clip is do-able for my purpose, I let myself become unnecessarily hung-up on the the use of an animated GIF. I will research and try out the use of background video. The background doesn't have to be horribly detailed or high-res, this may help cut down on the size of the presentation
  8. Is there a how-to or a demo .pte that demonstrates how to use an animated GIF as a constant low-opacity overlay for all slides in a show? Think of something like an animated GIF of Jeppsen air charts 'flowing' behind a slideshow of aircraft and airports. Or (the ever-hated) flames behind sports-related images. I'm probably messed up in my terminology here (overlay vs background)...... Thanks
  9. I'm thinking the combination of the current PTE user base and Windows 8 means that Igor is going to have to support a couple of distribution/playback methods. - the current, self-contained/standalone files (.EXE). - a new format that is the 'data' portion of a show file that is playable by commonly available media players such as WMP and QT. Oh wait, we can *already* export our files in that direction. - a truly new data format that is both encrypted and cert-signed. this new format would likely require that Igor develop a lightweight, standalone player-only proggy to support it. If the data format could open-sourced it could be released to the major players like WMP, QT, JRiver, XBMC, etc for consideration/inclusion in their product. Yes, this implies some kind of DRM for our shows. It also implies that this new data format might one day be playable on Android as well and Linuxii. Is there already a suitable format available out there (HTML5, Flash, etc) that meets the performance and quality that PTE users demand? A new feature for the current self-contained/standalone .EXE files would be allowing individual users to self-sign (with a registered cert) their .EXE PTE shows. I do think that MSFT (and Apple) are moving towards a position that will require all executables to be cert-signed. How to implement that into PTE is the real challenge I believe.
  10. Seems that this request is counter-intuative, but bear with me. Say I've got 1000 images for a corporate event. These are for 'background noise' during meals, the hotel lobby, etc. There are approx 10-25 of those images, CEO and Exec Board photos, program listings, company logos, etc, that should really come up every 5 minutes or so, certainly a lot more often than they would in a 1000 image random rotation. I know the obvious 'cheat' of putting in an image multiple times with different names. I use it all the time with mostly unsat results........ Would like to have a much more controllable option. Every xx minutes or ever xx random images show this specific image or group of images. Repeat as desired. Alternatively, how about some kind of chapter-style construct wherein there could be chapter-heading images and the have the chapter body (image collection) be shown at random? Move on the the next chapter or mix up the chapters at 'random'. ???
  11. I know the obvious 'cheat' of putting in an image multiple times with different names. I use it all the time with unsat results........ Would like to have a much more controllable option. Every xx minutes or ever xx random images show this specific image. Repeat as desired. Alternatively, how about some kind of chapter-style construct wherein there could be chapter-heading images and the have the chapter body (image collection) be shown at random?
  12. Ok, is there a way to have certain images in a random playback come up more often than others? Say I've got 1000 images for a corporate event. These are for 'background noise' during meals, the hotel lobby, etc. There are approx 10-25 of those images, CEO and Exec Board photos, company logos, etc, that should really come up every 5 minutes or so, certainly a lot more often than they would in a 1000 image random rotation. ???? or is this a future nice-to-have feature? thanks!
  13. "Kiosk Mode"...... Wow. I didn't know that we had this available in v7. Nice. Can PTE also be controlled with the standard Media Center remote buttons this way? Or can we somehow program PTE to use Media Center remote control buttons, etc?
  14. Besides exporting to a video format, how about coming up with an android 'player' for PTE files.
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