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Everything posted by ronwil
Andrew I have re-downloaded and tried it again and it went through smoothly coming in on cue with the music on the repeat. The vertical images quick changed to the music again on cue. I did notice a thin white line across the whole screen across the top of all but one of the vertical images, which is probably the same as Ken's observation. By the way were you using your new 6600 Graphics card? Ron [uK]
Andrew The background was produced in Photoshop by cloning out a couple of ships and a buoy from the second image in the sequence. I have since added a fighter plane (Spitfire) passing across on the last image. I have altered my link setting to show this. Thanks for watching. Ron [uK]
Thanks Ken. Lin and others had a share in my tuition. Ron [uK]
Just in case any of my friends missed my announcement under my earlier thread on "Missing Instructions" I have now added a link tomy first effort on my website (see below). Open the site and select "Links". At the lower left of the page click on the thumbnail of a warship to download. Don't forget to press "Esc" when you have done. I have not added the whole folder because of size. It is just an idea that I had and obviously would need improvement for serious use. I used two images, taken by my elder grandson David, which I had readily on file. *.png images of HMS Gloucester were created in Photoshop using the polygonal lasso tool and quick mask. The background was created also in Photoshop by cloning out vessels, buoys etc. Ron [uK]
Tried it only once Andrew but the sync with the vertical slides appeared to be just right on my playback. Ron [uK]
Brian I agree with the last part of your thread "Question......". I always use ADDREPLY and not "REPLY. Ron [uK]
Thanks Lin. I appreciate your comments and I will certainly try your suggestions. I think I would have to find a sea to fit in with the motion of the vessel, the entrance to Portsmouth Harbour, where the pictures were taken is usually quite placid. What an art form PTE 5.0 is going to be. Ron [uK]
I have now added a link to that first effort on my website (see below). Open the site and select "Links". At the lower left of the page click on the thumbnail of a warship to download. Don't forget to press "Esc" when you have done. I have not added the whole folder because of size. It is just an idea that I had and obviously would need improvement for serious use. I used two images, taken by my elder grandson David, which I had readily on file. *.png images of HMS Gloucester were created in Photoshop using the polygonal lasso tool and quick mask. The background was created also in Photoshop by cloning out vessels, buoys etc. Ron [uK]
L Welcome to the forum. Immediately above your thread you will see "Pinned: PicturesToExe v5.00 beta #2 Announcement". Read this and you will see the present limitations of the Beta which members of the Forum are testing. The full version is coming later. As regards instructions you will see that I posed the question in a thread on 1 May and received a considerable amount of help. Good luck Ron [uK]
Adding to what Lin has carefully explained, you can create 8 separate sequences each synchronised to their own piece of music and select Project options>Advanced>Advanced Options>Run application after last slide, inserting the next *.exe to follow for sequences 1 to 7. Sequence 8 would be set to end normally. Ron [uK]
Just the odd almost imperceptible jerk on both downloads using Nvidia GeForce 2MX. Ron [uK]
Initial assimilation of how to zoom, pan and add moving text completed thanks to my friends on the Forum. I can now keep abreast of developments as Igor and his team, whom I also thank, add further Betas. Ron [uK]
Couple of days changed to a couple of hours. Successfully completed a zoom in and out. Learnt the need to set sufficient time on an image for planned actions, using "Project options>Main>Display each slide for", before going to "Objects and Animations". Also I need to improve the quality of my images before I use them for a zoom in. However, the zoom that I produced was smooth even with my Nvidia GeForce 2MX. I had already produced some text in Photoshop on a transparent background using Lin's instructions in an earlier thread, so that is the next thing I will try. Thanks everyone. Ron [uK]
Thanks for all the extremely useful responses which I have received. I am sure these will stand me in good stead when I start experimenting again in a couple of days time. Ron [uK}
Having completed now the conversion of an analogue sequence into PTE v 4.47 for a memorial presentation tomorrow afternoon, I have started to experiment with v.5.0 beta#2. However, I am finding it difficult making any progress as we appear to be woefuly short of instructions. Lin has provided a useful introductory tutorial so that one can get the feel of the new programme, but all the demo sequences appear to have been made by members with far more knowledge than seems to be available "in print". For instance my panoramas operate only from "right to left", my zooms only "in" and how do you make an add-on image, such as a title, operate independently of the main image. Am I to assume that those of you who have been successful in mastering this beta find it similar in its application to other software which you may have used. I appreciate that this is a beta and I know I am in my dotage, but I do like to keep abreast of developments. Ron [uK]
An excellent idea Granot. Ken's contribution, PanTest_PTE files, has given me a better insight of the settings in Objects and Animation and how they work. But I must add that having first run through Lin's Tutorial made the appreciation easier. On a point of interest Ken, when I clicked on the PTE icon in your folder I received the following message "Project files created with PicturesToExe v1.00-v1.60 are not supported now". So I opened it from PTE 5.0 Beta #2. Ron [uK]
Well done Ian. Played back perfectly on my main computer (NVIDIA GeForce 2MX) apart from a slight flicker as the shuttle crossed the screen in the initial stages. I was surprised that I had not seen your original sequence, so I was not able to compare. I really enjoyed the sequence and I trust you won't mind if I show it to the Sutton Camera Club AV Group. Sorry I wasn't at Mid Thames to see you two weeks ago. Regards Ron [uK]
Thanks Ken for providing the alternative links the first of which worked successfully, with no need to use the second. The two sequences were excellent Dave. You asked for comments and I trust that you will find the following constructive. 1. To stop the cursor arrow showing during the show, in PTE select Project Options>Advanced>Advanced Options>Hide mouse during show. 2 In "Fiji mp3" I would have preferred a solid black background, particularly for the sunset shots, where the background you used was distracting. The background was not a real problem in "Conisbrough". 3. With seascapes watch the horizons - the grid can help if you are using Photoshop. 4. For projected shows, as I have mentioned in other threads, I personally do not use borders on images which fill the screen. If I am not mistaken the techniques of borders and images appearing in rockfaces may have come from a Barry Beckham tutorial. Nothing wrong with that as I am a firm believer in such aids, which have helped not only me, but others new to AV, in the furtherance of our art. Well done Ron [uK]
Andrew After you have answered Igor's question I would like to say how much I admired your sequence. Also I would like to congratulate you and your wife on the arrival of your first born from here on the borders of Raynes Park, where as you will know, there are no distant mountain views but rooftops, including those of my elder son. Ron [uK]
Dave Sorry but your link www.davewindle.com was not recognised for me to download. Ron [uK]
I liked the presentation but I also experienced jerkiness on a number of occasions, sometimes almost imperceptible, but it would be difficult to pinpoint all the offending images. However, if it helps, the first came about 30/40 seconds in from the start of the music with a white cloud building up over a landscape. I have yet to settle down and master the techniques. I envy you. Keep it up. Ron [uK]
I go along with Ken's post about early release of 5.00 Beta. My earlier problem of it overwriting my version 4.47 whilst I was in the middle of a project was solved by placing 5.00 Beta #1 in a separate folder and re-installing 4.47. Yesterday I discovered that when I tried to open some of my old projects from their respective folders they opened in the 5.00Beta. I solved this by moving 5.00 Beta further down the file line than 4.47. Now all is well. One final point. Why oh Why has DVD and Movie Factory crept into this thread. Cannot members see that there is a separate place for this. It is the third heading in the Forum "How to create a video". Ron [uK]
Thanks also Lin Ron [uK]
I have holes in my lawn but not from coyotes but urban foxes, but what they are digging up goodness knows. I am looking forward to your tutorial Lin - it should help me immensely. My initial foray must have been like the other Ron's. My download of version 5.0 is now in a separate folder so that it doesn't interfere with the sequence I am on at the moment. Ron [uK]
I am in the middle of converting a former analogue sequence into PTE, for showing in a week's time. Version 5.0 has upset some of the previous settings and effects. For example the Show Image check box, which I uncheck so as to create a blank, is not available. Also the effects are limited, as explained by Igor in his introduction of the 5.0 beta #1. So I have had to revert to the previous version of PTE and cannot engage in testing at this point in time. Ron [uK]