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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. Thanks Igor. Smooth presentations on my main computer with NVIDIA GeForce2 MX. Ron [uK]
  2. Geoff I never use now the intermediate square for horizontal to vertical transitions. If I have to use verticals and these our usually other people's images, in the Club situation that John is working on, I usually superimpose verticals over a diffused 1024 x 768 background, possibly the previous image if it suits the situation. Ron [uK]
  3. It ATI Radeon X200 is on the list - Group 4 Ron [uK]
  4. Gary When you say "......I'd like the music on the menu.exe to start again", I dont think that would come over very well. My shows often contain as many as 14 sequences, split in the middle for a refreshment break. I have a selection of mp3's of approx 1 min which I use for my intros, which I vary for practically every show, and I arrange for the intro music to end on the last slide which contains the programme. I use fanfares quite often - they wake up the audience. When the show is split in two, more often than not I do not use an introductory sequence but just the last slide and no music, saving it as a separate *.exe sequence. Thinking about it there might be a way of doing what you want but it would need some experimentation as to how you end each individual sequence, but I will leave that to someone else to answer. Good luck Ron [uK]
  5. Laura Anne I added the following to a thread in another section where you asked the same or similar question: The method which I think you may be after has been covered in previous threads and examples, so make a search for Intro Demo for a start. Also you may care to download my "Introdemo" from the Beechbrook site which was uploaded there a couple of years ago and thanks to Bill is still there. I always use an introductory sequence for all my shows with variations of the "platform" from which I launch the individual sequences. Examples included a page from a travel brochure, a click on a particular day in the itinerary launched the relevant sequence; and a click on a portrait of a camera club member launched their sequence. This involves the use of "invisible" buttons which you will find explained in the threads I have suggested above or you could search for just "Buttons". Ron [uK]
  6. Laura Anne The method which I think you may be after has been covered in previous threads and examples, so make a search for Intro Demo for a start. Also you may care to download my "Introdemo" from the Beechbrook site which was uploaded there a couple of years ago and thanks to Bill is still there. I always use an introductory sequence for all my shows with variations of the "platform" from which I launch the individual sequences. Examples included a page from a travel brochure, a click on a particular day in the itinerary launched the relevant sequence; and a click on a portrait of a camera club member launched their sequence. This involves the use of "invisible" buttons which you will find explained in the threads I have suggested above or you could search for just "Buttons". Ron [uK]
  7. Thanks Ken. I was going to add something in the other threadabout the running of the sequence on my Projection System , but I think now that it is water under the bridge. Suffice to say that last Thursday when I showed it to Sutton Camera Club there wer a couple of instances when the images did a hiccup, possibly due to an insufficient gap on the timeline. I agree with you that this is the section in which to discuss the merits of the show, which I consider to be an excellent production and tastefully executed from all the images submitted. Ron [uK]
  8. Why was a separate thread started on this and where do I find the original started by Dave? Can't start a search using 'Dave' as there will be too many. I believe the original title was something like "Just an idea". No doubt Ken will help. Ron [uK]
  9. Also right click on thr slide in the Slide List or the Image on the Light Table and the same drop down box will appear. Select "Start preview from current slide" . Or, just highlight the slide/image and use Ctrl+R on the keyboard. Ron [uK]
  10. John is correct. The method suggested is not one that I like for normal shows, but take a look at the recent sequence 'Peace' on the Beechbrook site, which uses Project Options>Customise Startup Window. Ron [uK]
  11. Your profile gives nothing away, so we do not know if we can offer some local assistance from as Ken suggested a guest speaker. The fact that you are a member of a camera club suggests that there may be some regional organisastion to which you might turn for help. Sutton Camera Club AV Group produce a complete programme of sequences to present to the Club on an annual basis. Apart from the individual sequences from the Group members, we also produce a combined sequence for which we go out on organised "photoshoots" for our material. So if you were local to us we could provide a practical "Teach-in". Ron [uK]
  12. Who is Elvis? Ron [uK]
  13. Marianne If you then use Edit>Fade unsharp mask, as I suggested in an earlier thread, you have complete visual control. Ron {UK}
  14. Jim is right, sharpening is a whole other subject. However for the record I have set up an action in Photoshop for use when I have completed all my work on an image. The action resizes the image (invariably horizontal format) to 1024 pixels width and an Unsharp Mask setting. I prefer not to sharpen if I can possibly help it so I then use the slider in Edit>Fade unsharp mask to get an acceptable result. Ron [uK]
  15. Thanks LumenLux for that very interesting contribution. I have downloaded your "Thanksgiving 2004" for full viewing later. However in the meantime, having looked at the first few images, I was able to use the "Pause" and "Arrow" keys on the keyboard to control the show without the use of the Navigation bar. Looking forward to viewing your sequence in full. And Gary, the "Pause" and "Arrow" keys also work on "Rafting..." Ron [uK]
  16. Gary My comment about not being suitable for projection was because of the intrusion of the control panel. It is possible to control the show without this showing, but it is not a feature that I use as a matter of course. However, if you use Project Options >Main>Show settings and select "Synchronise Slideshow to Music Duration" and "Permit Control of Show" you should then be able to use the "Pause" button on your keyboard and the right and left arrow keys. No doubt someone will correct me if I am wrong. Ron [uK]
  17. Gary Your show contained some good images and was well put together. It illustrated the event but, as you suggested, is of more interest to the participants. I would prefer not to have the control panel at the bottom of the screen as it is disconcerting. In my opinion it is not suitable in its present form for projection and display to an audience, but no doubt that is not the reason for your production.
  18. And best wishes to you Ken. Ron [uK]
  19. Downloaded. Unzipped. Working satisfactorily. Thanks Ken. Now I am off to bed it is just past midnight in UK and it is Easter Day. Ron [uK]
  20. ronwil

    forum AV

    Ed You address your thread to me and in it you say "I think it unfortunate when someone attempts to point out some problems, we only get personal attacks in response. Instead of "blaming the victims," how about finding a solution to the issues? " My thread was a statement of fact as regards my equipment followed by a suggestion as to what might be the cause of the problem. There was no personal attack. Amazing how a sequence on "PEACE" can provoke just the opposite. Ron [uK]
  21. ronwil

    forum AV

    I have had no problems running the sequence, and yet the indications are that my graphics card may not be able to cope with v.5.0. Maureen did take the sequence off-line in order to do a bit of tweaking. I downloaded this fresh version only yesterday. Are those with problems using the revised version - Peace#8.exe? Ron [uK]
  22. Oh ye of little faith Ron [uK]
  23. ronwil

    forum AV

    Wow! That was terrific Maureen. You have made something special and tasteful from the images we submitted. Best wishes. Ron [uK]
  24. I was at grammar school when my parents had their first electric turntable. Prior to that it was the wind-up gramophone. One of my father's records was a Columbia "Fascisti Hymn" and "Garibaldi Hymn". When the war started in 1939 my elder brother took it out into the garden and stamped on it. Ron [uK]
  25. That was great. It is what my sons and grandsons were listening to, so obviously I couldn't miss listening to it as well. I'm of the Big Band era. The mind boggles at the size of the file if full length and all the years were covered Ron [uK]
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