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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. I have received Ken's copy and I have added your sender's address in my Norton "Allowed List". Ron [uK]
  2. Nothing received as yet Bill. Was it your normal one where you have to click on your logo? If it was then perhaps that is why it is now being blocked and I will have to make a routine visit to your site to check what is new. Best wishes and thanks. Ron [uK]
  3. I agree with Ken Ron [uK]
  4. Thanks for the link. I hadn't received my usual notification from Bill. Bill can you confirm that I am still on your mailing list only it looks as though your message may have been blocked by a new regime of heavy filtering as I was receiving a vast quantity of unwanted mail. The sequence "Port Orleans" was excellent. The use of the "Push" effect to create a pan has been used successfully and augurs well for Version 5.0 which should iron out the slight hesitation after sections 2, 3 etc of the movement. Ron [uK]
  5. LumenLux. What are you talking about? What is the link please? Ron [uK]
  6. Brian I think, if you read Seahawk's reply to my earlier post, that he is using "Custom synchronisation". If you look at my post can you see anything wrong in my settings, as I respect your judgment. Ron [uK]
  7. Would the problem be your settings on the timeline before you press the OK button? I have within the last couple of days done some tweaking on the timeline without any problems on returning to the main window by pressing OK. My initial settings in Project Options>Main>Show settings were "Synchronise slide show to music duration" - Checked and "Permit control of show" - Checked. In the Timeline Window top left "Not synchronised" - Unchecked: "Automatic synchronisation........" - Unchecked; and "Customized synchronisation ......." - Checked. Does that help? Whilst we are on the subject of the Timeline we still have not had our wish fulfilled to be able to transfer our individual settings in the main window both for display and effects times to be transferred to the Timeline for final tweaking. We thought we had this sorted last May/June, whilst Andrew was in the UK on holiday, but not so. Or have I missed something. Ron [uK]
  8. Maureen is very very busy this week-end and obviously burning the mid-night oil to post her helpful reply. So she can be excused the typing error in line 4 of her mail which I assume should read "...119.99 mm by 119.99 mm......" Have a great day Maureen Ron [uK]
  9. First of all welcome to the forum. Answer to your first part is that you cannot import *.psd files into PTE. But, to your second part, save each layer or combination of layers as a *.jpg file using "Save for Web". I use a compression ratio of 8, but that is a matter of choice. Ron [uK]
  10. Chappers, I have used a method similar to that suggested by Brian to link separate sequences which in your case would be three. Sequence ! would be set under Project Options>Advanced>Advanced options>Run application after last slide (the application selected would be Sequence 2; repeat these settings for Sequence 2 but as you will be manually controlling the sequence, finish on a blank image; and Sequence 3 would be normal. For Sequence 2, if you haven't found it already, do a search for Manual Show instigated by Brian and very useful. Ron [uK]
  11. Thanks Al. I wondered if that might be the case. So this one should be 741. Ron [uK]
  12. And your two recent posts Al are both on 1853. Ron [uK] ............ and looking back to at least mid-January I have been stuck on 740. Ron [uK] Edit: That was a second posting and has been tagged on to the earlier one.
  13. Thanks for the explanation Tom, that puts me in the picture. With PTE being such an excellent tool, I can understand how it can conjure up what you have suggested. Ron [uK]
  14. What is a multi slide kiosk map please and what does it have to do with PTE? Some information would be helpful in assessing whether or not such a feature is needed. Ron [uK]
  15. Mike I agree with all that Geoff and Patrick have said particularly the over use of effects and filters. I have commented in the past about my minimal use of borders, as all my sequences emanate from a twin projector AV background and not the small screen. My initial impression was of a testpiece gleaned from a Barry Beckham tutorial. This is no criticism of Barry's tutorials. I have a few myself and they are excellent value for money and a handy reference media. If you have not aleady done so try and visit some of the AV Days etc which go on around the country and see what others are doing. www.avworld.org is a good source of infomation. So to sum up, you have made an excellent start with some good imagery. Be sparing with your use of Photoshop (or whatever) Filters and PTE Effects. If you must use borders try and make the frames all of the same size, but if not experiment with them against a subdued background relative to the presentation. Keep up the good work. I enjoyed the sequences. Best wishes Ron [uK]
  16. Daniel I totally agree with what you have written. My grand children are of the age (17 to 24) that I was during those war years and I know that they understand about the horrors which were perpetrated. My elder grandson has produced a sequence entitled "Remembrance". As you say, quite correctly, "this slideshow is an important document for the young generations". Ron [uK]
  17. Well done Patrick. I bet you are pleased with the results from your new zoom. Every shot a winner. I liked the captions - very amusing. Music bonded it all together nicely. Ron [uK]
  18. Patrick I now have had the privilege of viewing the sequence, which was a very moving experience. The sketches told the gruesome story but if they had been actual colour photographs of the actual scenes, I doubt if their viewing would have been bearable. I wondered about the title of the sequence, but I had my suspicions for I had seen such a number on a survivor from Dachau. I was 17 when the war started but it wasn't until after it ended that we were aware of the enormity of the atrocities. As regards the rest of the sequence the first dozen or so images were tranquil and then bang the harsh reality. Thank you for the experience. I am glad that I was able to download it from Jean-Pierre. Ron [uK]
  19. Thanks Jean-Pierre that downloaded in less than a minute and it is now unzipped ready for me to look at it now. I will then come back to Patrick with my comments. Ron [uK]
  20. Patrick I tried to download this sequence when you first announced it, but it was taking so long that in the end I had to abandon it. This morning I tried again but it wouldn't start. I have just tried again now. It took over twenty minutes to download but then it wouldn't unzip. The message came up "WnZipWizard cannotopen this file, it does not appear to be a valid archive.........." Sorry Ron [uK]
  21. Mike Further to my earlier post, I wrote this in a thread started by Wildsnaps on Mar 23 2005. "You might also do a search in PTE for Manual Slide Show by Conflow. It is just a question of setting up a Template in PTE, maybe modified to suit individual needs. It should suit most of your requirements. A pencil note of any that the judge might want to see again shouldn't present any problems with the use of the Light Table - e.g. right click on image and select move to the top. Then you can run those top ones through again, backwards and forwards at the judge's behest". You might also try this search: Seaech by Keywords - " Manual Show" Filter by Member's Name - " ronwil" Good news from Igor but in the meantime I hope the above will help. Ron [uK]
  22. I did write a posting some months ago on how most of what you ask could be done using the present facilities. I haven't time at thsi moment to make a search for you. However it did involve some external recording so your's is a good idea and I wish you luck. Ron [uK]
  23. John Look in the Pinned Heading. I wrote a posting on 12 March 2005 on making a SVCD using Roxio which may give you some help. As I do not find use for the facility, I cannot say if the instructions I gave are up to date. Using SVCD and burning to a CD-R is much cheaper than DVDs and although of lesser quality still acceptable. I must try it again sometime. Ron [uK]
  24. ronwil

    forum AV

    Thanks ED for bringing the Beechbrook submissions to the fore. Having looked once again what has been uploaded and bearing in mind what I said a few posts ago on my definition of peace in an image, I don't consider nationalism in the shape of flags and a montage of warplanes etc. peaceful. Ron [uK]
  25. ronwil

    forum AV

    Peace? An image which makes me feel at peace with the world. An image which when blended subtly with others to a background of soft music gives that feeling of peace. Not a sequence of harsh realities - murder, bigotry, doom and gloom etc which more often than not make the headlines. Ron [uK]
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