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Everything posted by ronwil
Have been carrying out Igor's tests with no problems. Latest results as follow: 1. ptemusic1.exe - plays OK 2. ptemusic_synced.exe - plays OK 3. pte_prev1.exe - OK 4. pte_prev_synced.exe - OK 5. ptemusic.pte - OK. Unchecked "Synchronize slide show to music duration". Still OK Created *.exe files from *.pte. Both OK Pentium 4 1.4GHz 1024 Mb RAM 20Gb HD + 160Gb HD Windows XP Ron [uK]
Steve and Ken I am pleased to say that it worked for me this time. That took a lot of patience Steve. Did you work backward from the original image to produce your layers? It is certainly most effective, really enjoyable and food for thought. I must try it sometime but on something more simple. Ron [uK}
With my system WinZip ".....could not open the file.... not a valid archive...." Ron [uK]
I generally use the "Add reply" button. I go mental when I see the whole of a previous post quoted particularly when it is the one immediate. Brian has used my preferred method. If I want to quote I usually copy and paste. Ron [uK]
I too cannot believe that there has been such a weak response. I have just looked at the site and at the moment I cannot see any additions since I sent my three a couple of weeks ago. Probably yours has yet to be added DaveG. Ron [uK]
I have not come across this Mike, but from the terminology "disable personalised music of slides" suggests that he or she may have something in the 'Sound' box beneath the Slide list for one or more of the slides. It is a feature I have never used, relying entirely on Adobe Audition for my soundtracks. Just a thought until others come on line. Regards. Ron [uK]
Sam or should I say Rip Van Winkle. Where have you been all this time? Haven't you read of Version 5.0 which we are all eagerly awaiting. You had better cast your eyes back over threads in this forum. Welcome anyway. You shouldn't have long to wait now for pan and zoom on which Igor and his team have been working for some weeks now. Ron [uK]
John I put a "Third Image Demo" on Beechbrook many moons ago and it is still there if you are interested. Also we had a Third Image Challenge each donating a few images. My sequence, "Third Image Challenge" is also on Beechbrook. Third Image is one of the effects we former twin projector AV workers used and is one which we have endeavoured to emulate using Photoshop layers. Ron [uK]
Absolutely magnificent and it downloaded in the blink of an eye. Ron [uK]
Al I agree with all you have written. The only reason why I added the suggested "most" in place of "any" is because within the last week I have been receiving entries for a regional AV competition. A couple of the entries staged a hiccup, not because of my computer but because of their "construction". But it reminded me of some sequences that I have given to people which didn't play on their equipment because of weaknesses in their sound or graphics cards. I hadn't noticed the original comment "...that they will play on any windows based computer. Those were her words, not mine! " Regards Ron [uK]
Al "They will play on any Windows based computer.....". I am not sure that that is correct. May I suggest "most" in place of "any"? Ron [uK]
Mike Click on the Timeline button. In the Timeline window click on Timed Points and select "Arrange all points". Happy New Year. Ron [uK]
That's strange Jim. I too am on cable and when a test check was arranged on this forum last year I was recording one of the fastest times and since then my connection has been upgraded to 2Gb. Ron [uK]
I now have viewed the sequence and I can see that each image has been painstakingly and tastefully constructed. Each I would imagine are large in kbs and might suffer with anything less. The whole sequence has been produced with great thought and dedication. Much appreciated. Ron [uK]
The sequence "Sixty Five Acres...." is taking ages to download from Beechbrook. It has just reached 50% after more tha ten minutes. I have read all my outstanding posts on the Forum and added a reply to one. It will be interesting to know from the author what music format was used and what jpeg compression etc. My interest in this stems from some of the sequences I have received for inclusion in a regional AV competition, which have presented a problem on playback by projection. Well I have written this and download has now reached 84% and I am on superfast Broadband. Ron [uK]
I agree there Al. Dusty's change from "double click" to "open" now brings in that option. Ron [uK]
Just one very small point which has been mentioned before, some of us have the mouse set for single click operation. Double click and you can get a sequence running twice with an obvious "echo" effect. Ron [uK]
This may be an interesting thread but I wish it had been opened originally in "How to create a Video". Ron [uK]
So well expressed Lin, and Al your additions are what make the Forum for me my daily tonic (without the gin). Stick with us Steph. Ron [uK]
Yes Alan. See the answers given by Dave and myself to Mike's thread "Preview" started on 1 January. It is dull and cloudy here also in Surrey, England. Ron [uK]
Ray That is exeactly what I am saying. I usually use solid yellow for my 'invisibles'. When first used in Object Editor they blot out the text or image which they cover. On completion of action in Object Editor they are transluscent and finally when out of Object Editor they are invisible. I spoke of their various uses. I scanned in an image of a page from the brochure of a coach tour. I created a square invisible 100x100 pixels and used it to cover individual days of the itinerary. That way I was able to call up a sequence covering a particular day. Ron [uK]
Fairly similar to Al, I have on file a selection of solid rectangles prepared in Photoshop, which I call "Invisibles", and saved in *.jpg format. One such "Invisible- Long Narrow" has a pixel size of 501x33 for use on a 1024x768 titled programme image. With the Object Editor opened for the Titled Programme click the Picture button fourth in top left and browse and select your 'Invisible'. Drag this over your selected text and right click. Select Properties and from the drop down menu check "Transparent Background", in Action on Mouse Click open it up by clicking the down arrow and select the action you require. In my case this would be "Run application or open file" and I would enter the programme name relative to the selected text. Click OK. I have to thank Ian Bateman and Keith Biggs who helped me with this method a couple or more years ago and it has served me well ever since. The method can be applied equally to thumbnail images or parts of images and I placed a non working example on the Beechbrook site under the title IntroDemo. I always use this method with my shows and will be using it on the 28th of this month when projecting the entries for the Federation of South London Photographic Societies AV Competition.
You can count me in on this wonderful extravaganza. There might be an image on my website which the nominated editor(s) may find suitable. On the composite theme music I might even sing a few bars, such as "Bring me up a nail and a hammer And a picture to hang on the wall. Someone to bring up the ladder And another in case I might fall. Someone to bring up the beer And another to drink to my health, And I bet you I'll hang up that picture If someone will drive in the nail" Sorry about that Ron [uK]
Happy New Year George, Ken and Ed. Ken and Ed have answered your question put to me much more adequately than I could have done. Good Luck. Grumpygrandad???? I resemble that description. I have just taken over the Chairmanship of Sutton Camera Club for my fourth term of office in 20 plus years. My Vice Chairman is my grandson David nearly 60 years my junior. Ron [uK]
Happy New Year Mike. There are other ways. One is to right click on an image in the lightbox and similarly use the drop down menu which appears as Dave has suggested. Another is to highlight the particular slide in the Slide List and click on the small icon (some people describe it as a slice of bread) in the bottom right hand corner of the image frame above. By the way if you have the Timeline open you can select the slide where you wish to start and click the Preview button below to the right. You will find also that the drop down menu which Dave has mentioned contains some other useful features such as "Open Picture". This comes in handy when you spot something in the picture which needs correcting. In my system it opens the image in Photoshop. Correct-Save-Close and you are back in PTE with the image as you want it. Good Luck Ron [uK]