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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. Ron Do a search for "Icon" and pick up the thread you started on 28 April this year. I came in on that one and received some useful advice from Al. However I am on CS and not CS2 so it may make a difference. Ron [uK]
  2. ........and that keeps us all guessing. TTFN Ron [uK]
  3. I too do not use "show transition effect to desktop" ever. It is a feature that does not fit in with my presentations. So this would not be the reason for the occasional broad black band across the screen on the first image on a change. Ron [uK]
  4. Haven't had a flash of the desktop in my presentations of this type for some months now but I do have the occasional flash of a black band across the first image on a change. Ron [uK]
  5. Ron Playback was perfect. Exceptional clarity in each image. Recognised all but a couple of the places. Ron [uK]
  6. Ron Download on 2 Mb Broadband = 1min 40 sec. Unzip 4 secs Ron [uK]
  7. I am on Cable with a combined TV, Telephone and Broadband connection. My Broadband is 2 Mb and well worth it as I check the Forum on a regular basis and I do not have to worry about any extra costs. The sequences I download from the Beechbrook site vary in their download times but it is usually only a few minutes and I can always switch to doing other things on my computer while they are taking place. I don't consider Broad band a luxury but a necessity if you are to enjoy PTE and the Forum to the full. Ron [uK]
  8. Thanks Maureen that saved a lot of time. Regards Ron [uK]
  9. Sorry about that. "In its original position", "On site" - that is within the PTE project.
  10. Mine was still stuck on 639 at 7.29 GMT today. But let's see what this brings. Ron [uK] P.S. Having looked and back for a quick edit it is now correctly on 640. RW
  11. ................and to make your blank slide in situ, copy and paste your last slide making the copy the last slide and uncheck "Show Image" in the first box below the Slide List. Ron [uK]
  12. I agree with you all and a very warm thank you to Igor and his colleagues. Can't wait. With your underlined heading to your post Brian, I thought I was on to something and my mouse kept twitching over it with no results Ron [uK]
  13. As regards the second part of your post, I made a suggestion how to do this sometime back but I haven't time to do a search right now. But my suggestion was to use a form of "Manual Show" a utility offered by a Forum member. Search for "Manual Show". Ron [uK]
  14. DITTO Ralph and Ken After all of your hard work on my behalf a couple of days ago. Thanks again anyway and thanks to Igor also for making it so much easier. Ron [uK]
  15. Rick I am sure Boxig (Granot) has such a utility in his treasure chest. Go back in this thread and you will find details of his websites. Ron [uK]
  16. Patrick Quoting you "a little bit as for a movie when the lights slowly switch off to full darkness..." maybe that is what is required the intervention of a dark slide before commencement of a sequence. I don't like seeing vestiges of the desktop fading out over the first picture in a sequence. I am certainly not entrenched. When I first switched from analog to digital audio visual there was a lot of bias against the system as there was against digital prints when i started twelve years ago. So I have tried to soften as much as possible the presence of a computer showing in my projections. Chacun a son gout Sorry to have missed out the accents. Regards Ron [uK]
  17. A really nice sequence which I enjoyed viewing just before bedtime. But on a general note I personally do not like the use of transition to and from the desktop. It is a feature I wish had never been introduced into PTE. Ron [uK]
  18. I am using this thread to show that I have at last posted my Avatar thanks to stirling advice from Ralph, Ken and Michel. Why in this thread ? Well the portrait was taken at our Club portrait evening by the late Edwin Appleton Hon FRPS former President of the Royal Photographic Society and also was our Club President. He gave me the slide. Who owns the copyright? Ron [uK]
  19. Thanks Michel. It is only a picture of my ugly mug so nothing is lost. Ron [uK]
  20. I see Maureen that you too have a problem with your Avatar the same as me. Trust you are well. Ron [uK]
  21. Whilst it is not a method I use as a general rule to put a frame or border round a horizontal or landscape image, which fills the screen. it is one which is used quite effectively by other users of PTE. Barry's use of a very subtle white line I find rather pleasing and very acceptable, particularly as the rest of his imagery is always a delight to behold. Personally, the only times that I use borders or frames in my presentations is when the image is an insert over another. Ron [uK]
  22. Instead of "Automatic synchronisation" I suggest you check "Customise syynchronisation". Then on the drop down menu of Timed Points select "Add arranged points" and "OK" and see what happens. If you don't like it you can always cancel or not save. Ron [uK]
  23. Patience is a virtue Bill, seldom in a woman but never in a man Ron [uK]
  24. Welcome to the Forum Jane. I have never selected "Tiled Image" as a background but "Solid Colour", invariably black. Apart from that under Screen options I select "100% of screen to show slide images" and "Fullscreen mode". Hope that helps. Ron [uK]
  25. I agree. Ron [uK]
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