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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. Brian, I wasn't suggesting a continuous re-sizing of every image until I got the proper fit but doing a one off experimentation to establish a yardstick for future images. In fact I used a blank coloured image for the purpose. There would be no extra degradation with my method. But I go back to what I said previously, as a general rule I always compose my required "slide" completely in Photoshop and not in Object editor, so it is not until I have completed my composition that I "Save it for the Web" at Compression 8 so any degradation is kept to a minimum. Gary, you don't say if you have a picture editing programme such as Photoshop. Ron [uK]
  2. A quick look at what you say 90 slides at 4 seconds apart that adds up to 6 minutes. 5'30" is not long for a show of 90 slides. 75 slides 4 seconds apart and Quick fade would require at least 5 minutes. I think you need to make some adjustments to your timing. Why not try Project Options>Main>Show settings and Check "Synchronise slideshow to music duration"? Ron [uK]
  3. The very few times that I have inserted images using the object editor I have done it by experimentation resizing the images in Photoshop, until I achieved my required result. So as a general rule I always compose my required "slide" completely in Photoshop. I only insert images in object editor if I need a thumbnail for action purposes. However, back to your question, assuming you are working on a 1024 x 768 pixel image as a background you will need to re-size your overlay image so that the dimensions are less than 1024 x 768. For instance for two vertical images side by side 480 x 640 using a 3:4 ratio. At the moment this can be done only outside of PTE using a picture editing programme such as Photoshop or such as Irfanview (a freebie) Ron [uK]
  4. Thanks Al. Once Igor introduced the method which I described earlier I haven't bothered with the "piece of toast" (icon bottom right of the slide preview window). My response to Ken C was maybe a little hasty, not realising that a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since I changed my mo and stopped using the "toaster". So there you are Ken H - another way. Ron [uK]
  5. Ken C I don't always find that "the piece of toast" method always picks up at the right place in the background recording, but usually at the beginning. That is why I omitted to mention it to Ken H. Ron [uK]
  6. Welcome Ken Right click on your the particular slide in the Slide List and select "Start preview from current slide (Ctrl+R)". This method can also be used in other places such as the "light box". Ron [uK]
  7. Ron Your signature is not working for me and is still in a large font. I can access your site using Ken's link in the previous post. I have looked at your profile and suggest you amend the signature by first using just the URL and also adding your URL under Home Page. Ron [uK]
  8. Ted Have a look at my website (below) and select Information>4. Equipment..... where you will see a Plus U3-1080 Digital Projector (XGA resulution 1024x768) sitting atop the Royale Projection System. I do not know if the projector is the current model, but the system has been and is being used for digital projection at both the International and National AV Festivals in the UK. So it may be one worth considering, but you will have to search the Web for more details. Ron [uK]
  9. Ken www.fabsoft.com/products/ruler/ruler.html Ron [uK]
  10. Isabel Following on from what Ralph has said, I used Windows Media Player for my tests. Ron [uK}
  11. I highlighted www.fabsoft.com and pasted in msn search and found the site without any trouble. Downloaded "Cool Ruler" and the shortcut icon now rests on my desktop and works satisfactorily. Thanks Brian. Good luck Ken. Ron [uK]
  12. Good morning Jan Try the following: For ypur first two sequences go back into PTE for each project and go to Project Options>Main>Show settings and select "When show ends keep last slide in show on the screen". Now go to Project Options>Advanced and select "Run application after last slide" filling in the box by using the browser and selecting your next slideshow (*.exe). While you are in Advanced it is a good idea to select "Hide mouse during show" or whatever ypur choice may be. Good luck Ron [uK}
  13. I am no connoisseur of sound so I have kept quiet on this one assuming that I was unable to recognise "drop out", but I can say now that I too could not detect any difference between your two examples. Ron [uK]
  14. Both monitor (17" flat screen) and projector 1024 x 768. Ron [uK]
  15. Someone will correct me if I am wrong, but the vast majority of the digital AV entries in the bi-annual International and National AV Festivals in the UK are produced using PTE. Surely that must be high enough recommendation. Take the plunge and commit yourself to this route. I am sure you won't regret it. Welcome to the forun JEB. Ron [uK]
  16. I don't wish to elaborate any further Ron, but hope others more knowledgeable than myself will step in and give answers to the two questions which I have posed. Ron [uK]
  17. I take at 1280/960 and work - converging verticals, cloning out unwanted, cropping at 4:3, adjusting levels etc - in Photoshop. I then set in motion an action in Photoshop which resizes the image to 1024/768 and sharpens with an unsharp mask setting, which latter can be fine tuned using Edit>Fade unsharp mask. I then File>Save for the Web and use compression 8 producing an image for use in PTE at an approximate size of 250/500 Kb. Before I resize, because of cropping, my images are now less than the original 1280/960. Is it suggested that I will have a better image re-sized upwards? My Royale Projection Unit is 1024/768 what would the effect be there? Ron [uK}
  18. ............and here too. Thanks Igor. It is now 9.26 BST Ron [uK]
  19. I am sending this message at 7:43 BST (British Summer Time) and no doubt from what has been said that it will show as 6:43 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Ron [uK]
  20. Mysty Lumenlux wrote this as the first reply to your initial posting: "Mysty, if you are using Windows XP, the easiest way to make a zip file is: "Find your PTE show such as MyShow.exe. "Right click on the .exe file, choose "Send to", Compressed (Zipped) file. "When you or a recipient "unzips" the .zip file, you will find the exe file of your show. Double click on the .exe file and your show will run. You will be elated! " Now when you find your PTE show such as MyShow.exe that is the folder to which Brian refers. Right click on that and follow Brian's instructions. Ron [uK]
  21. Thanks Brian. I have checked that and now copied your instructions and added it to my notes. Ron [uK]
  22. Kurt The extension does not show against the file name when you use right click>rename in Explorer (Windows XP). I was told a method some months ago but I have forgotten. Hence my interest. Ron [uK]
  23. Kurt Wouldn't it be best if you explained how to change the extension? Ron [uK]
  24. I downloaded 4.43 successfully yesterday from your link Igor on another thread. I trhink I might have notched up another century of postings with this one. Never mind the quality feel the width. Ron [uK]
  25. Bart It depends on whether you are talking about fading un from the desktop, as Bethan describes, or from a blank (black) screen, which I prefer. My method first is to insert a couple of seconds at the start of my background music/voice over in my music editing programme. Insert the first slide twice but uncheck the box against show image for the first slide so that it becomes a blank on screen. Customise this slide so that it is quick change (no effect) and adjust the time on screen until the second slide comes up on cue. These latter adjustments can be made on the timeline if it is being used. However generally I dispense with the blank first slide as PTE in default mode always starts up from a blank screen and I make my adjustments to suit, both in the music editing and my PTE settings. Ron [uK]
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