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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. And don't forget that St George's Day is on April 23, the day that dandelions are at their best for making dandelion wine. Ron [uK]
  2. Steve I create coloured squares or rectangles in Photoshop, using File>New and completing the details in the drop down window. Bearing in mind that I use 1024x768 format, I can judge the sizes of the buttons that I want. For instance I have a square 100 pixels by 100 pixels and a rectangle 500 pixels width by 40 pixels height. I save them with titles Invisible 100.100 and Invisible 500.40 respectively and keep them all in a special folder. To use them in PTE>Object Editor, click on the Picture button top left and call up the size "Button" that you want. Position it over the spot in the image where you want it, right click, select Properties, check Transparent Background and away you go. If you want more than one of these buttons for the particular action, before you make it transparent right click on the button and select Copy. Hold the Ctrl key down then press the number of times you want the extra buttons and the Objects window top left will count up. The extra buttons will be stacked on top of the original button and you just drag them over from there to wherever you want them. Thanks for asking me this question. I gleaned the idea it from Ian and Keith. I offered it to another member of the Forum in a previous thread but it was declined. Ron [uK]
  3. Sam Don't you mean 160Gb? Ron [uK]
  4. I have tried one of my introductory sequences which has hidden buttons (no bounding lines visible) and these worked satisfactorily. I unchecked "Permit control of show" and the buttons didn't work. My mouse cursor is set to hide after 2 seconds. Ron [uK]
  5. Daniel There is a thread http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...ernal+harddrive which ran a few months ago. Try a search for "external harddrive", I have just located it, and copied the above from "Properties". Ron [uK]
  6. Michel As a matter of interest what bitrate do you use for the backing of your excellent presentations. For a 3'48" piece of music originally with a bitrate of 117 kbps the file size is 3.20 Mb, increasing the bitrate to 192 the file size is then 5.26 Mb. Whilst my hearing is not acute, I do detect a smoother playback with the latter, but is it essential for our "public" presentations I wonder? Ron [uK]
  7. My biggest problem with the Timeline, and I have mentioned this on previous occasions, I want it to reflect my selections for timing of effects and time on the screen and not to alter all of my settings to give equally spaced transition points according to the length of the music. I need a choice other than "Customize synchronisation" so that I can do my final tweaking with the background music. Ron [uK}
  8. Kenny The lightboxes have different uses. One shows the slides in the File List and from this you can select and add to the Slide List using the Add button or right click for other functions. The other shows the slides in the Slide List where you can move the slides around and also perform other functions by right clicking on a selected image. I hope this answers your query. Ron [uK]
  9. Thanks Ian To think of all the trouble I went to last year doing all the digital projection for South London AV Championships. I must get some fresh batteries for the remote control unit. For my normal presentations I use a radio controlled keyboard and mouse. Regards Ron [uK]
  10. Mike If what you are saying is that you can horizontally flip the whole of a *.exe presentation with most modern digital projectors, can someone tell me please if and how you can do this on a Plus U3-1080 Digital Projector. Thanks. Ron [uK]
  11. Mike I notice you refer to back projection. I have had the occasion to do this for an AV Festival and had to advise the authors of each sequence to bulk flip the images at the *.pte stage by using Irfanview. Ron [uK]
  12. Thanks for the link Fred. I downloaded the file and was glad that I did. What a superb illustration of portrait photography. Thank you Connie. Ron [uK]
  13. My reference to the Royale Digital Projection System was to draw attention to the PLUS Vision Corpn "Plus U3-1080" projector, the subject on which Ed was seeking advice, and not the system itself. But if comment is required on the system, my Royale was one of the first five off the production line three years ago and apart from one 'hiccup' when the on/off button was jammed through misuse, touch wood, it has given me a faultless performance both in operation and quality of projected image. Last evening for instance at a local camera club, Photocraft, I projected 14 sequences in two separate programmes of 40 minutes, each sequence being activated from an introductory sequence by the click on hidden buttons (i.e. with no visible bounding boxes). The comments at the end were of the professionalism which could be achieved with such equipment and the software (e.g.PTE) available. It does not need, and I quote, "massive advantage of a great technical team" to operate it." But thanks to Colin Balls, the designer of the System, for the pleasure it has given me in my AV productions. Ron [uK]
  14. Some keyboards e.g. from Logitech have volume and mute controls incorporated. Ron [uK]
  15. The International and National AV Festivals in the UK use the Royale Projection System for the digital projection of sequences with outstanding results. The specification of my particular model of the System is in the Information pages of my website www.ronwil.statacom.net You will see that the projector used is a PLUS Vision Corpn "Plus U3-1080". Ron [uK]
  16. Well done Den it works. What did you do? Drop off to sleep at your keyboard or is it that northerners are more intelligent than we in the south? Ron [uK]
  17. Bill Harold wants to open up to full image from the light-table not the main image panel. Left clicking on an image on the light-table opens the Customise Slide Box. Right clicking gives a number of options, one of which is the one that I have quoted. Ron [uK]
  18. Not as far as I know Harold, but you can right click on the image and select "Open picture" (Ctrl+W) and this will open the image up in your picture editing programme. Alternatively you can get larger and fewer images on the light-table by using the slider bottom right. Good Luck Ron [uK]
  19. I don't know about Bethan, but thank you Chuck that was a piece of useful information. Ron [uK]
  20. I see what you mean Alan. The only way that you can get out of the Timeline is either to click OK, Cancel or the Close 'X' and should you return you have to start again. Presumably, if it were possible to keep the Timeline window open or minimised to work elsewhere some cross action might occur, but that is one for the experts. ron [uK]
  21. It's ridiculous. Where does it stop? Thanks Ken for the experience. Ron [uK]
  22. I have read with interest the views of those for whom I have great respect. So until this matter is sorted I suggest working on copies of the project or, failing that, one can always resort to not saving any changes should a fault occur. Nevertheless thank you all for the timely warning. Ron [uK]
  23. Well done Guido. I like it. Me, Doyen !!!!!!!!!! - never mind the quality feel the width. Ron [uK]
  24. Alan I am not sure what you mean. When you click OK in the Timeline window you are returned to the main PTE window at the last point or selected image when you left. If you then go to the light table the selected image is highlighted. I don't know how many images there are in your long sequence, but judicious use of the slider, bottom right of the light table should bring all your images into view Ron [uK]
  25. And now I am completely lost. Time to quit. Ron [uK]
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