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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. May I add my congratulations too to the winners and the organiser, Desert Dave. Glad I got the first three right with my points scoring. But why was there a variation of between 17 and 33 in the numbers viewing each presentation and how did those viewers select which they saw? I downloaded everyone and, after viewing each a couple of times, produced a spreadsheet and recorded my comments and score before committing myself. Ron [uK]
  2. Ian, I have just put together a four slide sequence using the Object Editor on the last slide calling up a sequence with a space in the title London Architecture.exe with no problems. Ron [uK]
  3. Well I have downloaded it again and now realise how it works. A very clever little puzzle which I have yet to solve. It is like one side of the Rubik Cube which still lies unsolved in the dark recesses of a cupboard somewhere. Congratulations Jean-Pierre anyway. Ron [uK]
  4. Sorry, I didn't understand it and deleted it from my system. Senility on my part no doubt. Ron [uK]
  5. Perhaps SY(P) Software (12 January) in this section is what you are looking for. Ron [uK]
  6. Igor I have used the Ctrl+R tests on slides #4 & #7 as you have suggested and the preview starts on the previous slides #3 & #6 respectively, but I find no problem with this. Ron [uK]
  7. Thanks Igor for the Timeline button, which fulfils my request for retention of my original settings so that I can tweek any final adjustments. Ron [uK]
  8. I too had a problem rolling up from bottom, with the slide flashing on before the roll. I wanted a tighter roll but settled for the default 400 and it worked OK. Ron [uK]
  9. I agree with Boxig and there are other features requested that are already there in the programme, but I am unable to concentrate on them at this time. Hopefully someone else will step in and assist you Terry, but welcome and good luck. Ron [uK]
  10. The answer is Customize Slide>Main>Timing - Check "Use own time preference" and set "Display slide for" with the time that you want.. Good luck Ron [uK]
  11. Mike Did you manage to download SYP? I think you will find that this is what you are after. Ron [uK]
  12. In spite of my senses being dulled by pain from a torn calf muscle since Christmas, I too have responded to the call of DesertDAVE and submitted a sequence from the images submitted by Peter and others. I wish every success to this venture by Dave and hope to be able to submit suitable images for its continuance Ron [uK]
  13. Whilst I start with a basic template with "Fit to Screen" selected and produce my sequences for projection, I go along with what my UK friends have suggested. Ron [uK]
  14. Barry If you create your button(s) in Photoshop and then bring it (them) into the Objects Editor as an image over the spot you want, then follow the procedure as you would for selecting a button in the Objects Editor, then it will not be visible. I thank both Ian and Keith for that tip. I have several of these plain rectangular buttons of various sizes which I use. A programme of seven sequences which I have just produced opens with the portraits of Sutton Camera Club members dotted across the screen. Click on a particular portrait and their sequence opens. Happy New Year Ron [uK]
  15. I do use the Photoshop method, but only when I want to introduce some vertical shots into my sequence. The out of focus (gaussian blur) image forms the background, so the actual change to an out of focus shot is secondary to the new image(s). I have just tried one again without the vertical shots and it looks OK to me. Incorporation into PTE along with Pan and Zoom would of course be a useful feature. Ron [uK]
  16. potwnc For your last request all you need to do is create the out of focus image in Photoshop or other picture editing software. That way is more versatile. Ron [uK]
  17. The following are notes I wrote for a friend rcently: PicturesToExe Basic Project Options Settings Main>Main Settings>Create Slide Show (selected). Nothing else selected at this stage but later I use my own icons. Main>Show settings>Close show after last slide (selected). >Display each slide for (selected) and 4s and 0ms (entered) Advanced>Advanced Options>Mouse Button this is set at Left-Exit and Right-Next slide but I don’t use this function. Hide mouse cursor during show is selected. No other selections under Advanced. Music. No selection at this stage. Comments. No selection. I usually add any lettering in Photoshop. Screen>Screen options>Fit to screen (selected); 100% 0f screen to show slide images (selected) and Fullscreen mode (selected). No other selections. Screen>Background>Solid color and black selected. Effects>Transition effects>Enable transition effects (selected). When setting up the template, if all the effects are selected these can be cleared by clicking the right hand button, showing two sheets of paper towards top left. Now select Fade in/out. >Thickness of smoothing line 60 and Effect duration 4000ms Messages not used. Finally File>Templates>Create template from this Show Ron [uK]
  18. Marianne The following are my trigger notes for an instructional evening I gave to my club. "How" was the title for the evening and whilst I was giving my opening spiel my grandson took digital photos around the room. Preparation of the images, although instructional, was time consuming, but my grandson finished the work on these in the fifteen minute tea break. The rest of the evening went generally according to plan although I felt that a further evening was needed to give it justice. However the end result was a short AV produced from scratch. TRIGGER NOTES FOR AV TALK Introduction: HOW!!! Plus general explanation 1. Equipment 2. Create a folder “SCC 2004” 3. Read in images of Club members into folder 4. Open Photoshop and give a brief explanation Carry out any adjustments – converging verticals, rebuilding etc (leave one raw for adjustment later from PTE Crop to 4:3 Resize to 1024 pixels width. Enlarge image, check and correct any flaws e.g. dust or hair Unsharp mask if necessary. Save for web SCC01 et seq (Create a Title if necessary using a layer and save) 5 Open PTE and explain details 6. Set up Project Options 7. Introduce images and view. Whittle down to nine images. Use of open image in Photoshop. 8. Dummy run. Introduce music and explain change of fade to quick 9. Make individual adjustments using Customize Slide using Time Line & Wave 10. Preview and use of 11. Save Project so that you can always come back to it for future adjustments. 12. CREATE as an executable file. 14. Demonstrate with “RAC Cirencester” the inclusion of voice over 15. Explain the original intention of the Speight Trophy etc and demonstrate the making of “Harbour Scenes” 16. Other refinements such as Start up Window and Buttons. Whilst there was sufficient time to show the two sequences 14 & 15, the intentions behind 14, 15 and 16 had to be omitted. I hope these Notes may be of some use to you. Ron [uK]
  19. I have just responded to Ron's e-mail drawing attention to my addition to the thread started by Isabel a few days ago. Since then I have located the plug-in on Photoshop 7 which I have copied over to CS, but I still get the same problems as reported to Isabel and need to resort to Irfanview which is no hassle. Ron [uK]
  20. Isabel The following is a piece I wrote for a club member. It may help. I make my original creation in Photoshop usually from an image within the sequence, cropping it to 4x4 ratio. I then add lettering usually three characters otherwise they will not show. I then reduce the image to 32 x 32 pixels and save as a *.jpg file. Next I use the IrfanView programme a freebie downloaded on the Internet. There are various sites if you search, but try www.IrfanView.com. Once you have the programme, open it and select File>Open and your saved file above. Check from Image>Resize Resample that the image is still 32x 32 pixels and from Image>Decrease color depth that it is set at 256 colors (here I have found it necessary for use in PTE to select 16 colors then back to 256 colors, don’t ask me why) Then, still in IrfanView, File>Save as>File Type>ICO-Windows Icon, give it a file name and select where you want it saved. I have a separate folder for my icons and I also save it in my Project file for the sequence. Ron [uK]
  21. Similarly if you open up the "lightbox" and right click on an image you can, inter alia, start the preview from there. Ron [uK]
  22. Ken Your and other comments persuaded me to try again, this time with perfect success. I have just downloaded two "Christmas" pieces and one "More" of varying lengths. The time is 7.30 a.m. British Mean Time. Thanks for the introduction to this music and best wishes to all for Christmas and the New Year. Ron [uK]
  23. I tried a couple of downloads, but in each case received only 17-20 seconds worth. Tried a search on Kazaagold for Cynthia Jordan and was able to locate two of her pieces and download them each about 4-5 minutes. Nice music. Ron [uK]
  24. I agree with Roger, this is a most enjoyable presentation in all its aspects. The bland sky was not helpful but this was overcome with the quality of the imagery. "C'est tres tres bien" if that is the correct expression. Ron [uK]
  25. Are you sure that the effect you saw at the Great Northern was in PTE and not another programme? What you appear to be asking is for the zoom effect which we are all awaiting in PTE. The only way I know at the moment is to produce a series of increased size titles on a background image in Photoshop or similar programme. You can then include these in PTE and run them from one to the other, but the effect is not always that satisfactory. Ron [uK]
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