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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. Phil I think some confusion may be creeping in here with Mike referring to a *.txt file and if you look in the previous thread, mentioned in my post, Ken says that the *.txt file must be changed to *.reg Guru's offer is worth pursuing, if as yet you haven't solved your problem, Ron [uK]
  2. Philip Someone will come up with the exact procedure soon, but in the meantime the key is the umpteen characters you have mentioned. Copy that and paste it to wherever it is required. It is some years since I first registered so I cannot remember the exact format, and even that has probably changed. You are not the first to ask so you may find some clues by searching the forum. Good luck and welcome. You won't regret once you have this programme in your armoury. Ron [uK] PS See the post started by Bishopbrad on 13 July
  3. Whilst this was for family consumption I thought it was an excellent production demonstrating skilful use of layers, presumably in Photoshop or similar programme, with the judicious use of fades in PTE. I had the occasional flicker on my equipment with some of the changes and I reserve my judgment on the spotted background. Good luck for the future. Ron [uK]
  4. Graham I can't remember it being any different but you do have to navigate back to the correct folder for the File List to match the Slide List. All images in the Slide List are indicated in bold type on the File List. What do you mean by the new preview window? Surely that is nothing new or are you referring to the Light Table? Ron [uK]
  5. What is going on here? We have this same query running in three different places. As I pointed out in the duplicated thread initiated by dahol I answered this one now 14 hours ago in the Pinned section introducing v.4.30 beta#3. Ron [uK]
  6. And also see my reply made 11 hours ago to a similar question under the main heading introducing v.4.30 beta#3 Ron [uK]
  7. I am more than happy with what Igor and his team have given us and, but sorry, have no use for any of the suggestions which you have made. However to help you as regards starting the playback from an image on the Timeline, all you have to do is click on Play then click on the Timeline just before your selected image. Equally you can go to the "Light Box", by clicking on the 'F' button, then right click on your selected image and select "Start preview from current slide [Ctrl+R]" and you will get playback from there in full frame. Good luck. Ron [uK]
  8. Bill You can either 1. Drag another copy of the Title slide from the File List to the top of the Slide List then remove the copy at the bottom. 2. You could right click on the Title slide in the Slide List, use Copy then paste to the position you want and then Remove the original. 3. You could go to the Thumbnail Light Box, by clicking on F at the bottom of the PTE window, resizing so that all the thumbnails appear on the screen, then dragging the Title slide into its correct position. 4. Rename your Title slide with the pre-fix A or AA Ron [uK]
  9. I thought you tried to pack too many images into the timescale of music not leaving enough time for really smooth fades. My rough calculation is that you allowed approximately 5 seconds total time between images. For a delicate subject as this I would suggest that a fade of at least 3 to 4 seconds would be preferable' yours appear to be 1.5 or less. I have my basic template set at Main>Display each slide= 4s and Effects>Fade in/out> Effect duration = 3500ms. I too found your titling going off screen and agree with what ContaxMan has to say on that. Otherwise the images were beautiful and the idea good. Ron [uK]
  10. OK Lumenlux I will stick my neck out and say that I am still not sure. I liked the slowness of the fades and the varied use of filters, but in a couple of instances I am sure we never saw the basic image. With the second basic image I think I would have preferred that the image evolved from rather than devolved into a wavy version. My suggestion is that you might try bringing the first basic image up to its original then dissolve down to the wavy form, similar to that used on the second basic image, where I suggest you bring it up through the filtered images to its original. However, I cannot say that I didn't like it. I hope that gives you some food for thought as it has me. Thank you and best wishes. Ron [uK]
  11. Thanks Ken, the non-selection of *.jpg in Irfanview certainly worked and the image from PTE opened in Photoshop, useful if I want to make any minor modifications to an image whilst working in PTE. In Windows Explorer I have it set already to open *.jpg files to open in Photoshop and I do not have to use the "Open with" option. This therefore may be something for Igor to consider, in his future developments, to add a facility to "Open With" when right clicking on a Slide List entry ln PTE. Ron [uK]
  12. Well done Barry, I agree with ContaxMan. You have used and illustrated so many different features in the use of Photoshop (presumably) and PTE to give everyone fresh ideas and a search for more. I sometimes use sketch outlines gradually filling with colour overall and finishing with the final image, but have never thought of isolating sections and filling them with colour first. Must try that sometime. Regards Ron [uK]
  13. Gerard C'est tres bien, mais je ne comprends les mots. I learnt my French 70 years ago in grammar school and haven't used it very much since. Best wishes Ron [uK]
  14. Right clicking on a slide in my Slide List and selecting "Open", opens the image in a picture editing programme Irfanview, which presumably is the default setting on my computer. I would like to change this setting to Photoshop if it is possible. Does anyone know how to do this please? Ron [uK]
  15. "Chuffed", meaning delighted or pleased, is certainly in my vocabulary in the UK. As regards image sizes, mine always end up the same before I commit them to PTE, so I do not have any jumping about in their final projection. In Photoshop, after any adjustments for converging verticals etc. I crop in the ratio 4:3, then, preserving the aspect ratio, resize to 1024 pixels width, it is as simple as that. Ron [uK]
  16. Great minds think alike. Alan has added a similar comment whilst I was composing mine. Ron [uK]
  17. First of all in Project Options>Mai- Show Settings have you selected "Close show after last slide". Next are you using "Customise Synchronisation", if so make some minor adjustments to the positioning on the Timeline of the last few slides bringing in the music at that point so as to correct the fades to your satisfaction and making sure that you have inserted your last slide on the time line by adding a transition point. Good Luck Ron [uK]
  18. I have just altered the ending of my "Intro Demo" by removing the end slide and substituting two others for a new show. As reported in a previous posting I experienced this so called lock-up. The images did not appear in the main window and any further actions were greyed out. I was able to save the changes, switched the programme off and on again and everything returned to normal. Ron [uK]
  19. I agree Michel and thanks Igor for the double click advice. Ron [uK]
  20. I think the interest in video speaks for itself. Take a look at the last time there was a posting in "How to create a video" - 18 June. Sorry Andrew I am probably wrong just as I was about the chewing gum. Ron [uK]
  21. RAVE Maureen? Ron's AV Extravaganza? Ron [uK]
  22. I am not answering the previous posting, but I wish to record that over the weekend I have produced a sequence for a Camera Club colleague making full use of the "light table" - repositioning; right clicking on an image to adjust the effects etc. - and it worked like a dream. Thanks again Igor. Ron [uK]
  23. DJ I have looked back at your posts and the information in the left hand column matches up with what you say it should be with the latest Joined 10 Dec 2002, Number of posts 7, Member No.116 Ron [uK]
  24. Mike Try Project options>Main>Synchronise slideshow to music duration>Customise Synchronisation and there you have it. Good Luck. Ron [uK]
  25. I agree Lumenlux, but questions were being asked and solutions were being given in the interim. Ron [uK]
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