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Everything posted by ronwil
It is quite right, renaming by prefixing with a sequential number, as I was suggesting in Windows Explorer, is no longer necessary. If I was you Igor I wouldn't even think about a feature to rename a file. Ron [uK]
Well done Igor. All that I have been saying only this week in another thread that you could drag and drop the thumbnails in Windows Explorer can now be done in PTE. But, the important thing is that you do not have to rename the images with a sequential number the revised sort is saved for you. You must have been chuckling to yourself reading those threads knowing that this v 4.30 beta#1 was going to be released. Thank you. Ron [uK]
Jongru I do not understand what you mean by render, but you create the SVCD or DVD from the *.pte file not the *.exe. Ron [uK]
Vincent I have persevered and allowed it to download whilst having my afternoon tea and I am glad that I did. I agree with all that has been said before. In addition I would add that ice and snow require expert photographic handling and you have shown your expertise in this sequence. No burn outs of the white areas with perfect exposures. Just one query, not affecting the showing of the sequence, my download includes a *.ico image but this has not been used in setting up the sequence. Was there a reason for that? Ron [uK]
Carol Another example of using fast transitions is in my "IntroDemo" on the Beechbrook (Beechbrook.com) site. Ron [uK]
Jongru Go to the other section "How to create a video". Start at the beginning and I think you will find all your answers there. Ron [uK]
Brian Why do you use "Save as" and not "Save"? When you "Exit" after working on a project you are prompted "Project has changed. Do you want to save it". You are not asked if you want to "Save as". Might this be the solution?. Ron [uK]
Eric In the original thread to which I referred I think the main use of the thickness of the smoothing line was directed at smoothing out the "flickers", which some people were experiencing with their fades. For those who haven't read that original thread, I found it by entering a search for "Smoothing Line". Ron [uK]
I operate the same as Roger for all my images. It is first into Photoshop and produce everything from there. Ron [uK]
I use the object editor for complete show presentations by using "When show ends keep last slide on screen" then using Object Editor insert thumbnail title slides or text titles. Then using right click on the Object select Properties complete the "Action on mouse click" by selecting under Action "Run application or open file" and completing the "Enter Programme" box. There was a previous thread on this for which you might like to search and for which I produced "Intro Demo" for the Beechbrook (Beechbrook.com) site. Ron [uK]
I think I am right in saying that with method 1 whilst you can position an object you cannot resize it. With Method 2 (Photoshop) you can do both and other things besides. Ron [uK]
I don't think the original question 1 re the thickness of the smoothing line has been answered. This was covered I believe when the choice was introduced. PTE v.4.20 beta#8/Feb24 2004. But one use was explained somewhere that if you use one of the effects such as Gates/Diagonal on an image and select the thickness as 1 and then the next image select the thickness as 1000. You will see that the traversing line across the image is sharpish with the setting 1 and diffused with the setting 1000. Ron [uK]
What an epic and most enjoyable, but where was it? No titles or captions on my download. Still can't quite make up my mind about the sound of lapping waters in the background. How did you keep your equipment dry when progressing through some of the deepish water? Off topic Lumenlux, did you get my recent e-mail about a virus? Ron [uK]
bharkins Please see my earlier post in this thread re use of XP Explorer-View Thumbnails. Jimbo The count of number of posts restarted when WnSoft changed the Forum to inVision in December 2002. Ron [uK]
Right, I have downloaded EXIF Image Viewer but I cannot see anywhere that I can “… move images around the "lightbox" -Sort them………and then sequentially move them into a Folder and import that into PTE2”. Can someone enlighten me please? Ron [uK]
Have tried again. After 9% of 32 Mb downloaded it estimated another 36 minutes to go, and it was increasing all of the time, so I cancelled. Sorry. Ron [uK]
I have downloaded Pixort and printed out the manual, but as far as I can see it has no place in my method of working in preparation of my images ready for PTE. From what was being said I assumed that this was another method of sorting images and numbering them sequentially before bring them into PTE. Bill's PTE Adjustor is worth looking at. Another method, in Windows XP, it is possible to display all one's selected images in thumbnail display. These thumbnails can then be dragged into position as one would slides on a lightbox. Once satisfied as to their order one can sequentially rename them with a prefix starting with 01 or 001. Individually renaming is time consuming but not too much of a chore for modest presentations. I don't think Pixort will stay on my computer for long unless someone corrects me on this. Ron [uK]
I abandoned the download because of the slowness. I have no downloading troubles with Beechbrook, so it shouldn't be my equipment Ron [uK]
It's time for my bed so I haven't time to search, but I believe there was a post within the last few weeks offering a utility for this purpose. Possibly by Boxig. Ron [uK]
Ken Nice little sequence. "Walk across Texas with you" ? Was that Mr President singing !!! Ron [uK]
Ken I am told "The page cannot be displayed". Looks as though your FBI have stepped in Ron [uK] "Who is that knocking on my door? Big Brother?"
Ken I am glad that you mentioned what I call flicker on the fades. I have noticed this on one or two other sequences recently and thought it might be some fault in my own setup, particularly as others have eulogised over images and not mentioned any flicker. With that out of the way I too can add my praise for the outstanding photography by Chris. Ron [uK]
Perhaps this will help: In PTE click the VIDEO button bottom left of middle to open “Making of AVI video file”. Select SVCD, PAL/SECAM (for Europe) and Interlaced Video (recommended). Do not select Sharpness Filter. Click the Create AVI button to open ‘Save As’ box. Save the file remembering where you saved it. On completion of the save, a box will instruct you to go to your software for creating the SVCD. Do not repeat not click the Finish button. Open Easy CD Creator and select DVD Builder>DVD Builder Wizard. Select Create a DVD Builder and click on Next to open ‘DVD Builder Wizard’. Select SVCD and Import Files then Finish. This opens up the DVD Builder and the selected Import Files appears in the bottom left window. Drag this file into the top right hand box of the DVD Builder. Drag the Roxio Intro into the Waste basket bottom right. Double right click on left hand side of the top right hand box for a preview in the Screening Room left. If satisfied click on the BURN button bottom right. On completion of the burn and all is satisfactory you can now return to PTE and click that Finish button. Ron [uK]
Bill I have been receiving your e-mails OK and experienced the same duplication as Chuck. My computer has just 'pinged' to indicate 'Download Complete' of "The King of Edge Hill". Hope you enjoyed your visit to England. Didn't see you around. Regards Ron [uK]
Twelve months ago, for demonstration purposes, I successfully put a couple of PTE sequences on a Compact Flash Card to show how miniaturised things could become. However for practical purposes the recipient would have to have a card reader or "Compact Flash" Camera to view the contents. Ron [uK]