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Everything posted by ronwil
William Unlike the others there is a bad flicker on my equipment. What are your image sizes? I use 1024x768 with 8 compression *.jpg files, normally 150 to 300 Kb each. Are you using *.mp3 music? Beautiful images. It was a lovely weather last weekend, unlike today wet & cold. Ron [uK]
The way I do it is to create each image separately in Photoshop using layers over a background, possibly the previous image Gaussian blurred. Ron [uK]
I'm lost on this one. How can a vertical image be 768x576? It has to be 576x768 !!!! Ron [uK]
I am not into this wedding photography larf - too scared and too old. If having created your preferred wedding sequence and "created a template from show", you could then as Al says delete all of the unwanted images and save the amended result as your template. When you next call up File>Template and your particular template it should be ready to add in your new images, finally "saving it as" and "creating slideshow as" your new title. Ron [uK]
You might also like to take a look at my "Intro Demo" on www.beechbrook.com where Title images produced in Photoshop would be used as buttons. This was produced in response to an earlier thread on this subject. Good Luck. Ron [uK]
Welcome to the Forum. I think the answer is that you do not click on finish until you have burned the DVD or SVCD. But I suggest you place your question in "How to Create Video" in this Forum which may already contain the answer you require Good luck Ron [uK]
I've actually kissed the Blarney Stone, with a photo to prove it, so can you believe anything that I have to say. Except my thanks once again to Al of course. Ron [uK]
Words fail me. Thanks Al for all your help on and off Forum, including your sequences on Beechbrook and your e-mails. Ron [uK]
I have a link to Gerard's "Digital Basics" in English which I have kept as one of "My Favourites" and refer to from time to time. It is an excellent reference and I am hoping that there are similar translations to the current links which are being quoted. What are automatic translations? Ron [uK]
I liked the sequence and in particular those changes from grayscale to isolated colour and then to full colour. Whilst I am not tuned to music quality, I will leave others to comment on that, my brain is still tuned to traditional AV so I am not too keen on the overuse of all the fading effects which Igor has given us. I do use these effects myself but in moderation as also the use of frames. I prefer the straight fade in & out using frames for inserting a vertical or portrait format and the other effects where it enhances the presentation. Ron [uK]
Jim My understanding is that attachments are not allowed on the Forum, but there may be other sites where you can upload. Also there may be a problem with copyright but I am not at all sure on that one in view of the age of the article. Ron [uK]
Robert I have read and re-read your #3 but. if I understand what you are saying. the facility is already there by using "Customize Slide" and judicious use of prepared images in Photoshop. Ron [uK]
Fitzner I received an e-mail from newsletter@roxio-shop.com on 24 March offering the upgrade so I ordered. Presumably it was sent to me because I am registered with them. As regards DVD writers I have a Philips DVD+ The DVD+ and - were being developed at the time I upgraded fom a CD writer and were going to be very pricey. I don't know what the present situation is. Ron [uK]
Maureen I successfully burnt an SVCD on CD using Roxio 6 way back in November, thanks to e-mail directions from Michel. However whilst it played back successfully on my DVD player and computer it wouldn't on those of my younger son and two grandsons so I have abandoned the idea for the time being. Have you seen that an upgrade to Easy CD Creator 7 is now available at £49.99 [uK] Ron [uK]
What about "Thank Heavens for Little Girls" by Maurice Chevalier in the film 'Gigi'? Ron [uK]
14000 slides Bill, surely that must be an all-comers record. As I work on all my images in Photoshop my mind boggles at the thought Ron [uK]
Thank you Spike for an excellent piece of work. Your positional selection of images with some of the diagonal features and the timing of the fades made the changes virtually imperceptible. Most enjoyable. Ron [uK]
Sorry Bill it had never occurred to me that WnSoft were in this to make money. I thought the approach was from that of enthusiasts in AV presentation. My mistake? Ron [uK]
Bill You have given what is probably a very reasoned argument for those who fully understand all your technical input, but I very much doubt that it will be an immediate attraction to newbies, as you call them, or it is a correct interpretation, as you shouted, "follow the voice of the customer if at all reasonable in development cost". Ron [uK]
I too agree with Ed's thoughts on this. Introduction of a waveform into the "Customize synchronization" window, which at the moment is a very useful part of the programme, in my opinion would probably have very little use for the average enthusiast. Ron [uK]
Where can I expose my P2E presentations
ronwil replied to claudemarcil's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
RayMac I too have just tried www.beechbrook.com/pte and it worked perfectly for me. Could be your server is overloaded when you try. Ron [uK] -
A beautiful show which appealed to my love of the sea and ships, although I am a poor sailor. The sequence is presented as an album and as such it works well. In my subsequent viewings of the sequence I have shut off my vision of the appendages and captions and concentrated on the images themselves. I was then able to appreciate the quality of each image, with their composition and subtle use of filter effects. More of the same please. Ron [uK]
I have always kept to this thread where it first started and I can go back and follow it through, without switching. As regards the sites, I too thank Bart with whom The Image Suite organised that we should use his site Multi-Media Matrix www.community.barcin.net for depositing our three Architectural images originally by March 1 2004. This date was later extended to cater for latecomers but no further images were posted. Nothing was decided as regards the ultimate destination for our completed sequences to be judged except one suggestion was The Image Suite. As there has been "a lot of talk and no do" I decided to close the issue as far as I was concerned and deposited my effort on the Beechbrook site, which has a good following. So far 71 members have downloaded. I have contributed to this thread in a practical way first with my Third Image Demo and finally with Third Image Challenge RW as well as input as regards sizing and ratio. Ron [uK]
The main third image feature is the Dome appearing in a slow pulse build up of intensity within the dark area of the Street Furniture culminating in the full picture of the Dome. The use of one of the Street Furniture/Dome compositions within the garden slide was an effort to use one of the other of the twelve images submitted in addition to the Street Furniture & Dome images submitted by myself. As I said earlier our four sets of images did not gel too well, for the purpose we intended. I am glad two others at least have appreciated my efforts. Ron [uK]
To refresh everyone this is how this sequence idea started on pages 2 & 3 of this thread with the following extracts: Great to see this topic running on and on. With regard to Contaxman's suggestion I would say if a group either locally or on line could be given a group of slides with out script or music, and each was asked to compile a show from them you would find some very interesting results. We have often used this in Ireland in IPF workshops and it opens up the whole debate about sequencing and show content. Alan Lyons Feb 11 2004 Sounds like a good idea - will suggest it to our Camera Club cttee. Roger Feb 11 2004 Excellent idea. I think it is of great learning benefit to occasionally be 'willingly forced' down the route of extending one's imagination, and as you say, it would be fascinating to see the mixture of results. The Image Suite Feb 11 2004. Hi All again, We seem to have set a few sparks flying! I wonder would any forum member be willing to host a file of small images which others could download, create a show, and post the result? This would allow all to see the results and perhaps start a " is that the best you can do? well watch this" competition. There is a rude name for this type of competition but I will not use it here. Alan Lyons Feb 11 2004 ……why don't we use the following forum site for this experiment.....there is already a facility to upload/download the files there....you can join for free and then either host here on p-t-e and/or there on Multi-Media Matrix www.community.barcin.net. The Image Suite Feb 11 2004 More came later as regards Pixel width (640), Format ratio 4:3, and set subject Architecture. There have been a number of 'red herrings' and diversions on the way like a committee without a chairman but I hope at last we have reached the goal. No decision was ever made as to where our final efforts should be sent so I hope Bill did not mind me sending mine to the Beechbrook site. Thank you Bill. Apart from my two short demos this is the first sequence I have managed to upload, possibly because it was short enough to get by my server. Ron [uK]