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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. To set the ball rolling I have produced a sequence from the twelve images in the Challenge, but with no decision from the instigators of the Challenge as to its eventual resting place I have managed to upload it on to Bill's Beechbrook.com site under the title Third Image Challenge RW. I have suffixed the title with RW as a means of separate identification. After correcting some of the images to 4:3 format, converging verticals, etc. I created some sort of order and a touch of third image. Can't say it is very successful but each of our four sets of images did not gel too well. The music is "Ocean Blue" by Medwyn Goodall - copyright free - CD obtained from Barry Beckham Ron [uK]
  2. Why have you opened up this thread again? All the answers are in the original thread in Pictures to Exe Presentations. See above. Ron [uK]
  3. One other tip, as well as "Save for Web" you may wish also to save your *.psd files so that you can go back to them to make any adjustments etc. I do not flatten my *.psd files. I sometimes make a number of *.jpg images from one *.psd file by selecting particular layers and saving. One simple example is Background -Save to Web-Title-Save to Web-Sub title-Save to Web. Ron [uK]
  4. Irish Mist will do for me. My maternal Great Grandmother was a Milligan and my late wife's name was Morphy with an 'o' so there is a little bit of Irish in me. So have a great day. And for Maureen and Wales my maternal Grandfather was an Evans. Ron [uK]
  5. Well spoken Maureen. I too thought of the Peter/Ian sequence which I still have on file, but I cannot see myself emulating their achievement with the twelve images on file. However, if we are agreed that the submission of the Architectural images is now closed, perhaps we can now get on with the Challenge. Glad to see that you are now back to your chirpy self. There is another Rugby International coming up and St George's Day is on 23 April. Glad I am of mixed blood - English, Welsh and Irish - and auburn haired well grey now. Ron [uK]
  6. I think the question raised by The Image Suite was not whether Bart's site was operating but what was happening to the Challenge. At the moment there will be no "third image" sequences from this Challenge. Only four members of the forum have added their three image architecture contribution to Bart's site. A total of twelve images is barely sufficient for what was intended. There was a closing date of 1 March which was extended but without any further contributions. The last suggestion was that the finished sequence would be sent to The Image Suite but nothing firm was decided. Some of us have found that because of server problems we cannot upload to Beechbrook. I had intended sending my effort on CD. Ron [uK]
  7. I too have had this sequence and "Who are we" operating beneath Explorer and had to hit the X top right before I could see the sequences full screen. Otherwise I appreciated the tribute, being of that generation. Ron [uK]
  8. I would have preferred the images to have been a little larger - there was too much background - and my usual hobby (sea) horse correct the sloping horizons. Other than that some beautiful photography in a very nice sequence. Ron [uK]
  9. Barry Please see my post above. I have tried to stop this topic being split down the middle and have already given a full answer. Ron [uK]
  10. Marion You have submitted your request in two places. Confusing I know. But I have replied under your thread in PicturesToExe Presentations. Ron [uK]
  11. Marion I always prepare my titles in Photoshop, then they are not affected by any differences in computers on which they are shown. However I am presuming that you wish to do this within PTE. First of all you need to load any image as your first slide. Then just below the Slide List box where it says "Show Image" delete the small arrow in the box on the left by clicking on it. If you now click on the image for a preview you find you now have a black image. You can now enter your title information using the Comment facility immediately below "Show Image" and clicking on the icon at the end of the line. Then finally refine it in Project Options>Comments Ron [uK]
  12. The original post is in Pictures to Exe Presentations - go there please otherwise we will all lose our way. Ron [uK]
  13. See my latest reply in the original thread Ron [uK]
  14. See my latest reply in the original thread Ron [uK]
  15. See my reply under the other thread. Ron [uK]
  16. I gave up a long time ago. I can only think that my ISP blocks anything out over a certain size. I did manage to upload a couple of small tutorials a few weeks ago but I haven't tried since. Ron [uK]
  17. In two recent presentations downloaded from the Beechbrook site there is a disturbing flicker between changes from horizontal to vertical format and vice versa. May I suggest that in these situations special care be taken in the timing of the dissolves so that this does not occur. Or leave out the verticals. I will not name the sequences because the authors have not called for comment, but anyone who has looked at these sequences will know the ones that I mean. Otherwise the presentation, music and photography were excellent. Ron [uK]
  18. You are right Joe...., but what it doesn't do is to gently fade back to the desktop with a fade and speed of your choice, rather than an abrupt transition. I also offer an idea which I often use now instead of the black slide (or blank slide a carry over from the traditional twin slide projector system) is to substitute a patterned or other such image prepared in Photoshop matching either the first or last image in the sequence. Now that I am converted to "Show first transition from desktop" as a useful tool I look forward to the possible "Last transition back to desktop". Ron [uK]
  19. That is a saying I apply to my work Alan. Ron [uK]
  20. The deadline of 1st March has passed and we still have only 12 architectural images from which to produce our masterpieces for the Challenge. "They gave him a job that couldn't be done and he said that he could do it. He tackled the job that couldn't be done and found he couldn't do it." "If what shone afar so grand turn to nothing in the hand On again the virtue lies in the struggle and not the prize" Ron [uK]
  21. Fascinating on PIV Windows XP Home. Why can't I do that? Ron [uK]
  22. I switched to XP Home about 12 months ago. To my dismay there were no longer suitable drivers for my SCSI film scanner and flat bed scanner which originally cost me a total of £1300 (UK). Fortunately I was able to purchase an Epson Perfection 3200 Photo Scanner (I believe there is a different version in the States) at a cost of £330. It is an excellent substitute doing both the jobs of my old equipment and more. My A3+ Epson Printer was also no longer fully functional and this I too have replaced with an Epson Stylus Photo 2100. Ron [uK]
  23. Thanks LumenLux for bringing me back to have another look at the "first slide" feature and with experimentation I can now see that it is a feature that I will be able to consider in preparing my sequences and in particular on my Intros to a programme of sequences. Ron [uK]
  24. Surely Boxig this would just copy the list over. The images would still be scattered around Chesapklady's hard drive. If I am not mistaken, Al is suggesting copying the images over into a separate folder, which is what I would have advised. Ron [uK]
  25. The reason Maureen is that it started on this site and is part and partial of what we are trying to achieve, viz the third image. Apart from Bart's site there has also been a small tutorial on the Beechbrook site. Once our sequences for the "challenge" have been completed they will go elsewhere, possibly to The Image Suite for assessment. It is best therefore that we keep the thread going here, where we all 'meet'. Ron [uK]
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