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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. Thanks. All is now revealed and I will away and cook my lunch - not a pretty sight for the gallery!!! Ron [uK]
  2. I am certainly not a killjoy Image Suite but more a disappointed worrier that my fellow forum members had not responded to the challenge. I was not aware of the contribution by Lumenlux and I see too that you have re-sized your contributions. My problem now is that I cannot seem to access the "Architecture" album on Bart's site. When I click on "album list" all I get are six random images and the six latest. Ron [uK]
  3. Sorry but I am getting a little confused now with this "challenge". I thought we were to submit three images each on the subject "architecture". So far we have had three from The Image Suite which are to be re-sized up to 640 pixels width; then three from myself and three from Alan. Now we have six images of "people" not of 640 pixels width. With the suggested closing date of 1st March I think this "challenge" is a dead duck. Ron [uK]
  4. I don't understand it either. Without this facility my sequences start on clicking the respective icons on my desktop and return at the end to where I have programmed. However I like the additional fade facilities. Ron [uK]
  5. Hello Alan Your images go well with what has gone before and my crop to 4:3 has in no way affected their quality. I am sure you will enjoy Ian's visit at the end of March. Ron [uK]
  6. After "Can future uploads be 4:3 please?" I should have added "for this challenge". The request is for the challengers. Thanks Bart for your e-mail. Ron [uK]
  7. The first three images for the "challenge" uploaded by Image Suite were of the width:height ratio of 4:3. So I followed with my three also 4:3. The latest by Alan are 3:2 so I have had to crop them. Can future uploads all be 4:3 please? Ron [uK]
  8. Thanks I can breathe again my memory was not deceiving me. Gerard, I have had your Digital Basics set as one of my 'Favorites' for quite a while now and whilst I had not referred to it recently I originally used it to confirm and amend the procedures which I use. Now we can get back to the challenge???? Ron [uK]
  9. The Image Suite I am hoping that either Ian or Maureen will step in and save me on this one. Otherwise I will have to start scanning through my copies of AV World and AV News. However most of the images I have used over the past eighteen months, including the Dome and the RC Cathedral, Lille, have been from my Minolta Dimages 7Hi. They are 1280 pixels width and 72 dpi. For PTE, after working on them by cropping etc., I resize them to 1024 pixels width leaving the 72 dpi unchanged. I then "Save for Web" jpg quality 80. For competition prints I resize to 12 inch x 9 inch dimension and 300 dpi resolution. (I use A3+ paper cut in half). LumenLux Did you copy the thumbnail or the true size image (double click on the thumbnail). Ron [uK]
  10. The two of my images which I copied from Bart's site came in at 400 pixels width as I have said in my previous message. I have just tried re-sizing them to 640 pixels width and looked at them in PTE and they are as the original. On preview they are 9 inches wide on my 19 inch monitor and should be quite adequate for the exercise. From all that I have read the 72 dpi is not relevant to images on screen but only to printing. If my memory serves me right Ian Bateman has written a paper on this and maybe he would like to comment.. Are you sure you cannot locate the task bar in the top lefthand corner of the image, which only appears when you pass the mouse over that area. That is how I copied one of your images and was able to see that the pixel width needed increasing. So far so good. Ron [uK]
  11. Sorry, to put it correctly I didn't download them but copy them using the task bar which appears as you 'mouse' over the top left hand corner of the image. Resolution there and back 72 dpi. Ron [uK]
  12. Well I have taken the plunge and added my three images to the "Architecture" album on Bart's site. However the results are disappointing. I uploaded at 640 pixels width but at download they are only 400. Sizing them up in Photoshop to 1024 or 800 they are not to my liking and no way compare with the original or as seen on Bart's site.. Ron [uK]
  13. My three images are ready. Cautiously I have been waiting to see what others submit just in case mine do not fit the bill. So far only yours are there in their smaller size. By the way do we have to supply thumbnails as well for Bart's site. Ron [uK]
  14. Depends what you want this for, copyright and all that, but you can set Adobe Audition to 'Record' then set PTE EXE to play and there you have it. I have just tried it on one of my sequences. Ron [uK]
  15. Thanks Igor. A short intro sequence which I had prepared for a forthcoming show had a slight flicker. I was preparing to do a bit of tweeking within the next couple of days. With your latest string all is now smooth. Ron [uK]
  16. I have just looked at one of my sequences in PTE and my final images vary between 81 and 320 Kb depending on the complexity of the image. I size at 1024 pixels width and save to *.jpg at compression 8 in Photoshop. The problem which you have posed, Barry, was something which was being experienced by many of us a couple of years ago and I thought all this had been ironed out of the system with improvements in PTE and in Graphics Cards. One thing which might be looked at is that on the Timeline there is a gap between the fades (shaded portion) and the next change. Regards Ron [uK]
  17. As usual Maureen gives some sound advice and well worth reading. To add one feature in Adobe Audition, which was not in CoolEdit+Studio, is File>Extract Audio from CD. The operation is simple and really fast compared with its predecessor. Still improving Maureen? See you soon. Ron [uK]
  18. Thank goodness for that. I always go to this forum first after my e-mail check, whenever I switch on my computer. There are always things going on here, whereas some of the other forums are slow to respond and lack vitality. I must admit however that I like the look of Bart's site and will be a more frequent visitor. I have my images ready for re-sizing and will upload as soon as I see if they fit the bill. Best wishes Ron [uK]
  19. Why have we left this site please, things were going along quite smoothly, and what size have we fixed on? Ron [uK]
  20. Sandra Before you opened this topic, above on the page in a topic on its own is Pinned: PicturesToExe v4.20 beta #7 . Open that topic to the first item and click on "http etc etc" to download the *.zip file. Download it into the same folder as your existing version of PTE. Unzip and you will be upgraded to the latest version in full. If you wish to retain your existing version, copy it over into another folder. Ron [uK]
  21. Don't spoil our fun Barry. From the initial post by The Image Suite we have reached a point where those of us who are interested will upload on to Bart's site three architectural images in horizontal format 4:3 at a pixel width of probably 640 (yet to be agreed). From the resultant uploads each of us will see what we can do in PTE. Some images we hope will lend themselves to our various ways of producing a third image. Most of us who have shown interest in this particular thread are well established AVers. Our ramblings hopefully will trigger ideas from new generations. Ron [uK]
  22. I am no expert on this but in the galleries on my website www.ronwil.statacom.net I have used 500 and 600 pixels width. I think, by looking at some of those images, your suggestion of 'double' might be more acceptable. By the way, how did you send your images? As *.jpg attachments to e-mail? Or did you use the upload facility on Bart's site? Ron [uK]
  23. I have just copied over one of the images and opened it in Photoshop. The highest acceptable size on my monitor viewed from normal distance is 4 inches by 3 inches. Back to the drawing board? Ron [uK]
  24. Alan Should we not also stick to the same ratio either 3:2 (normal for slide scans) or 4:3 (normal for digital)? I am now using the latter for better use of my digital projector, in which case the preferred width would be 320 pixels. However there would be no problem in cropping the images to suit our modus operandi. Thanks Bart. Ron [uK]
  25. "Start first transition effect from desktop" option. Worked perfectly. Something I would not have thought of but a very useful option. It will have its place in some of my presentations. Thanks Igor. Ron [uK]
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