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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. Sam OK with me. Sorry I cannot add any suggestions. Ron [uK]
  2. Ed I agree with Maureen - “Never be afraid to suggest anything - even if it has been mentioned before”. My recent post was in no way intended as a censure but to help you. My digital experience predates even Photoshop 3.0 with Micrografix and Corel, although it is not reflected in the quality of my work. Actual printing of an A4 image then took 8 hours. There were no instructional courses or such excellent forums as this one. Sutton Camera Club is still using my Club Logo slides produced by photographing the computer monitor. They predate even Windows and were “drawn” with Gem software. Best wishes. Ron [uK]
  3. Ed I used the method you described when I initially produced Juliette appearing on the balcony by a series of faded images before coming up with my final version quoted earlier in this thread, the example of which is on the Beechbrook Site under Third Image Demo. See my post of February 2 & 3 on page 1. My final method is more simple and smoother. Ron [uK]
  4. I too enjoyed your presentation and I am envious of, as LumenLux says, your trademark intro. One small thing though, with seascapes check the horizons - sorry it's one of my fads . Nevertheless it is always a delight to view your latest work . Ron [uK]
  5. You have it in a nutshell. Could that be a basis for a third image - a baby; a walnut shell open; and the baby cradled in the nutshell? Ron [uK]
  6. Ken I have been using these checks since Microsoft added their advice on MSN last week and I have received a clean bill of health. Ron [uK]
  7. The latest thing I am getting on this is advice that certain of my e-mails have been blocked because they contained the virus. The point however is that I did not send the e-mails and I do not know the addressees. I have discarded the advice messages like a hot potato, just in case they too are not genuine. Ron [uK]
  8. Hello mcarthur Your query has been answered in a previous thread. Have a look at "Need help ....." started by Inelson on January 21 - quite recent. Good luck. Ron [uK]
  9. Hello Lumenlux As The Image Suite has just commented, my Third Image Demo is now on Beechbrook (thank you Bill). Ron [uK]
  10. Sorry, all my efforts at trying to put a sequence on the Beechbrook site over the past nine months have ended in failure apart from my Intro Demo. If I get time soon I will do a sequence showing first the two basic images, then the "third" image and finally the overall effect. Ron [uK]
  11. I create my third images in Photoshop using two images as background and layer respectively. I use the eraser tool in a dark area on the layer to expose the third image from the background and save. You then have three images to arrange and fade in or out as you will. Ron [uK]
  12. Thanks Patrick & Michel. I have achieved the effect as in Vietnam. Another problem solved. Ron [uK]
  13. From my observation of the forum I have formed an opinion, right or wrong, that the majority of members in this part of the world are converts from AV using twin projectors and will endeavour to improve on what was possible with that system including the third image. Whereas in other parts of the world, particularly the USA a number of members appear to be professional wedding etc photographers seeking better ways of presenting their "proofs" to their clients but which would not include the third image. Ron [uK]
  14. By the way, I have removed my website details from my profile as it contains my e-mail address. This last week I have been assailed by the current virus and on more than one occasion it has come through alongside apparent visitors to this forum in the USA. One such was from South Carolina, with a reliable looking website, purporting to contain a screensaver. I had to delete it because Norton located the virus in the other mail. Better safe than sorry. Since then, last Wednesday, there have been others which have been blocked. I have removed my e-mail address book from Outlook Express for the time being. There is some useful information on MSN UK Homepage-Microsoft Internet Explorer. Ron [uK]
  15. Michel How is the title effect achieved using "push" please? I get a pause between each slide. Ron [uK]
  16. Played through excellently on my equipment apart from a flicker on one transition between a young lady entering a horse carriage and a night shot, about twelve images from the end. Ron [uK]
  17. It is all done in Photoshop. Use a photo as a background, give it a dose of gaussian blur if you like, then drag other images on top resizing them as required. Use the grid overlay for accurate positioning, particularly if further images are to be overlayed. Save each production in turn as a*.jpg file but retain your *.psd file for any future additions or adjustments. Your sequence could be (1) Background Image; (2) Background image blurred with two smaller images (A) and ( on top; (3) Background image blurred with two smaller images © and ( of same size and position as in (2); and finishing off with (1) again. [Edited: Sorry the C is coming out as the copyright symbol] Ron [uK]
  18. Thanks Igor for the extra effects which work perfectly. Every addition which you make is a bonus to us amateur AV workers who are out only to improve our art and add to our personal enjoyment in producing our sequences. Ron [uK]
  19. Walter I can answer the 're' bit for you. It is a shortened version of the latin in re meaning "in the matter of". Also it is used as a shortened version of "regarding". As far as the size of images in Object Editor, I found that I needed to do the sizing and shaping in Photoshop to suit my needs. A matter of trial and error. Hopefully there may be another way. We will have to wait and see. Ron [uK]
  20. Thanks Igor for putting our minds at rest and best wishes. Ron [uK]
  21. If you click on the link when Igor introduced v4.20 beta#5 you get "Object not found.....Error 404" by www.programania.com Sat Jan 24 02:11:15 2004 Apache/2.0.46 (Unix) I hope Michel is right and we have not lost contact with the mothership. Funny how these things always seem to happen at weekends. Ron [uK]
  22. I too am getting am getting programania.com. It was only a couple of days ago that I accessed wnsoft.com to get the date of an earlier version of PTE to reply on another thread. I have also tried your link Guido with the same result. Ron [uK]
  23. We have two threads going here on virtually the same topic. This one started by gogs and the other by Sandee. I have already added to the other one. Ron [uK]
  24. You don't necessarily have to redo the whole show, you can go to Projects Options>Main>Customize Synchronisation and open up the Customs Synchronisation box. On the timeline highlight the first of the slides where the grey area is overlapping the next. Then click on the "Customize Slide.." box over to the right and this will open for you to make any alterations for the individual slide which you have selected. That is if you wish to shorten the grey area you reduce the Effect timing. Alternatively you can drag the offending slides apart on the timeline so as to create a gap between the grey areas. Ron [uK]
  25. The final version of 3.75 was released on July 2 2002. A lot of water and versions and betas have passed under the bridge since then. I am sure that the feature "Run application after last slide" was added within the last twelve months. The latest version I am working on is 4.20 Beta#5. Why don't you download the latest version? It doesn't cost anything. You will be shattered by the changes which have taken place and are continually evolving thanks to Igor and his team. Good luck! You have a lot of catching up to do. I find it best to keep abreast of things if possible, otherwise some of the threads on this forum will be meaningless Ron [uK]
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