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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. Harry I haven't tried it but I have assumed that you open PTE a second time and so on without "finishing" the others. I haven't progressed with this SVCD feature of PTE because although my "output" has played back OK on my DVD player it has not done so on any of my immediate family's equipment. Ron [uK]
  2. Al is referring to Project Options>Advanced>Advanced Options>Run application after last slide. He will no doubt elaborate when Ottawa wakes up six or seven hours from now Ron [uK]
  3. Yes Michel, enjoyed by me also. The English title should this not be "Thus it is"? I don't think we would use "it's" in this instance. Best wishes. Ron [uK]
  4. Pete You will probably get a more authoritative answer, but have you tried Project Options>Advanced>Advanced Options>Run Application after last slide. Ron [uK]
  5. I thought it was cucumber that repeats on you Ron [uK]
  6. Well spoken Fred. I clicked on imagematics and it frightened the living daylights out of me. I am all for the way we are developing in PTE and it is great to be a part of it. Ron [uK]
  7. Shouldn't this thread be in "How to create a video"? Ron [uK]
  8. See also my Intro Demo downloadable from Beechbrook.com Ron [uK]
  9. I generally start any new Project in PTE using a basic Template - File>Templates>My Template - which clears for a fresh start. If I wish to work on a previous Project but not lose the original I use File>Save As on completion, just as one does in Photoshop. I cannot see any problem here or any need for change, I prefer to stick with standard conventions wherever possible. Ron [uK]
  10. Also worked perfectly on my XP Home. Nice sharp images. Looked for a c:\temp folder and found it but without its prepared icon. But what are MMB and SFX? Ron [uK]
  11. Michael Take a look at "Frame to Image" Utility by boxig in threads 17-23 October 2003. It may be what you are looking for. I can create frames in Photoshop but I haven't used Photopaint in years but no doubt they have similar features and someone using that programme will help you. Best of luck and a happy New Year Ron [uK]
  12. Your wishes are reciprocated with sincere thanks for an excellent piece of software giving hours of pleasure. Ron [uK]
  13. I think I may be right in saying that the "Video" button was named "AVI" in the original Beta, hence maybe the confusion. Ron [uK]
  14. Thanks Jim I have experimented with Advanced>Run Application after Last Slide, but not used it on the ground. However your post has prompted me to have a thorough look at the alternatives available in Objects Editor and I have now placed "Run Application & Exit" over the last sequence of the programme instead of "Run Application or Open File". This takes me straight back to my Desktop for closing down my equipment. My equipment is a Royale all in one projection system so my slide screen is my monitor and in full view of the audience. On my "Intro Demo" I see that I have said "Click Exit to Finish" when I meant "Click Esc to Finish". I also see now that I could have put an invisible button over the Moon and used "Exit" in the Objects Editor. Ron [uK]
  15. Will Whilst you are right if your camera is on *.jpg it is always best to do as Ken says and save the images in a folder. From there I always work on my selected images in Photoshop - correcting for converging verticals; cloning out unwanted items such as telegraph wires; cropping; re-sizing to 1024 pixels width (for landscape format); etc. etc. I then save this image to a designated folder for the sequence in *.jpg 6 or 8 per cent compression. The original image remains unchanged in it's folder. Ron [uK]
  16. Bart I am quite willing to go along with your idea. My full Life and Interests are in my website below. My portrait is on Andrew Buust's Rogues Gallery, but I nave a more up to date one taken this year and given Photoshop "treatment". This has been an excellent thread and has brought some members without Profiles partially out of their anonymity. Ron [uK]
  17. El Thanks. I have had a quick look at Buttonmania but not downloaded. It looks to be a useful tool and one that Steve may be after. However my "Intro Demo" is designed to show what can be achieved as an introduction to a full programme of sequences without having to go back to the Desktop showing on screen after each sequence or an array of buttons. I would like some comments on that from members of the forum. I have produced a similar intro using a page from a travel brochure. Clicking on say Day 1 for the holiday opens up a sequence for that day. Ron [uK]
  18. This thread asking about buttons and the Object Editor has prompted me to place on the Beechbrook site a very short demonstration sequence for opening a show. It is called “Intro Demo”. Thank you Bill for your perseverance in helping me in finally getting a sequence on your site. I am grateful to Keith and Ian for their initial advice on how to use the Object Editor and to Nobeefstu and CC for pointing me in the right direction in the use of invisible buttons. The thread “Object Editor – Invisible Button Bounding Box” relating to the latter was on 11 October 2003. All of the images were prepared in Photoshop. Ron [uK]
  19. From where Mondello? Ron [uK]
  20. Steve There have been various threads on buttons, even quite recently. Go to Search and key in "Buttons" in the box Search by Keywords. You should find some help there. Ron [uK]
  21. Christmas greetings from Sutton, Surrey UK. I will finish reading the rest of the latest threads before turning in for the night. My first actions before breakfast in the morning is to open up the forum to see what has been added from across the pond and the new dawn in the east. Weather has been damp and dreary all day here so I am hoping for better things tomorrow. Good luck to all for 2004. Ron [uK]
  22. Thank you Michel and a Happy Christmas to you too as well as to all members of the Forum Ron [uK]
  23. Fromatoz Thanks. Now I am with you and can foresee the advantages of what is being put forward in this thread. Ron [uK]
  24. fromatoz Are you looking at this from a commercial point of view? Your profile is empty Ron [uK]
  25. If you click on the page icon at the far right of the Comment Box, you can move the text down as you would with normal word editing. If you go to Customise Slide>Comments>Position there are a number of choices. Ron [uK]
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