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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. What Al has omitted to mention is his own excellent PTE Tutorial, which can be downloaded. Ron [uK]
  2. One of the faults with the forum is not the setup but we the users. It is like a committee with a weak chairman with members going off at a tangent and the original topic being lost. I tried earlier in a previous original thread opened by Admin to get things back on track but with little avail. What is needed is a little thought and (re)search before creating a topic or adding a reply. We are all at fault! Ron [uK]
  3. Thank you Bart & Cindy I did enjoy and your greetings are reciprocated. Ron [uK]
  4. No problem noticed or simulated using v.4.20 beta#3 on Windows XP. Ron [uK}
  5. Sorry unable to download. Log in>Register>Download>Forum>Home kept going round in circles. Ron [uK]
  6. Maureen There are details of the copyright licensing arrangements on Barry's site above. It looks as though it fits the bill for our work. Hope you are much better. Ron [uK]
  7. Thanks Ralvis. A most enjoyable sequence. The subtle use of the sound of the helicopter as it passed across the screen made one join in looking for it. Best wishes Ron [uK]
  8. Ralvis Firstly I liked the content, the quality of the images and the widescreen format. However, I suggest that if you are using a picture editing programme, such as Photoshop, you should correct the horizontals and verticals. In Photoshop you can also correct the converging verticals. I would have preferred fades rather than the use of page effects in your transitions and also "hide mouse" as an advanced option. As for the backgound of lapping of water on the shore, whilst I liked it as a lead in and a fade out for the sequence, I would have liked some appropriate music in between. Good luck and best wishes Ron [uK]
  9. Michael You say that you use DVD for storage but you do not say which programme you are using to burn the DVD. As reported in previous threads on this subject, thanks to advice received from Michel over last weekend I have successfully produced two SVCDs on CD-Rs using Roxio's Easy CD Creator Platinum 6. Whilst I personally would not presume to give technical advice on this subject, it is possible that the additional information may help those who can. Good luck. Ron [uK]
  10. Jan Best to use a sound editing programme and create one sound file for the whole of your project. I use Adobe Audition and before that it's predecessor CoolEdit+Studio. There are other cheaper programmes and some freeware on the market and I am sure you will soon get some sound (excuse the pun) advice from other members of the forum. Good luck. Ron [uK]
  11. My experience is the same as Ken's. I have created two satisfactory SVCD's on CD-Rs using Easy CD Creator Platinum 6 thanks to advice received from Michel over last weekend . It is wrong to rubbish Roxio in the way which has been expressed. Easy CD Creator 5 was around in 2001 - at what stage was PTE then. My quandary is what extra benefit would I get by investing in ULead. Ron [uK]
  12. I personally think that this must be very low on the list of needs. To achieve the best results, I think it is essential to check the images over in an editing programme, such as Photoshop, first. It is there that rotation etc can be applied. The rotation facility is available in the simple editing programme supplied in the OS such as Windows ME, XP etc. Ron [uK]
  13. Jason Welcome to the forum With "Synchronize slideshow to music duration" you can make your own transitions by clicking on "Customize Synchronization" and using the timeline for positioning and the "Customize Slide" button for transitions and effects. I know it works because my trial use of AVI was with a project using the method I have just described. Good luck. Ron [uK]
  14. Al I can't say "Great minds think the same" in the shadow of all your excellent contributions to this forum. Ron [uK]
  15. Ed You ask "I'd also like to be able to save my own customized Project Options settings ......" This facility is there already by creating a template. I use this method as the basic structure for my projects, then modify to suit the needs of the particular sequence. Ron [uK]
  16. Thanks to an e-mail exchange with Michel I have created an SVCD on CD-R of my latest AV which plays back on my TV via my DVD player with excellent results. Used the latest upgrade of PTE (Version 4.20 beta#2), and Easy CD Creator. The DVD+ or - ceases to be a factor. With the other new features in PTE 4.20 all are great assets making the production AV sequences most enjoyable. Thank you Ron [uK]
  17. So many threads are working on this that it is a job to know where to post my comments. However, first I must add my congratulations to Igor and his associates for their latest developments of PTE and to say how pleased I am for those who are able to make use of the DVD facility. I have successfully created an AVI file and played it back on Windows Media Player, but that is as far as I have gone. My writer is a Philips DVD+RW 200 Series and I could burn a DVD using Roxio Easy CD Creator 6 software, but as far as I am aware any DVD+R created would not be compatible with my Philips DVD634 Video Player. Am I right in this please? Ron [uK]
  18. Didn't Michel produce a sequence sometime back from slides taken by an "attachment", "partner" or whomsoever? Was that Mido? Ron [uK]
  19. Thanks again Al and Stu I can now create my icons direct from Photoshop instead of going via Irfanview. I hope the initiator of this thread, Hlooker, has benefited from theses exchanges. Ron [uK]
  20. Al Tried File>Open - no *.ico. Otherwise I have been doing exactly as you said and still no *.ico. As I pointed out even with a search my version of Photoshop doesn't recognise ico. Maybe it is because my version was purchased from Adobe (UK). I have 55 *.ico files in my Icon folder and none will open in Photoshop. I hope other members of the forum reading this with Photoshop 7.01 might check. Until then remains a mystery. Ron [uK]
  21. Al I have my 32x32 256 colors image open in Photoshop. I select Image>Mode>Indexed Color then where do I go. If I use Help>Search there is no response either to icon or ico. I think maybe you are right as regards a plug-in, unless someone else can throw some light on the mystery. Ron [uK}
  22. Boxig I am not insisting on Photoshop merely querying what Al had to say earlier in this thread. I do use Irfanview for my icons. Ron [uK]
  23. Mike Your question puzzles me in view of our contacts at Mid Thames AV. I experienced no problems latterly with CoolEdit Plus or now with Adobe Audition. Firstly when creating a New Wave form I select Sample Rate 44100; Channels Stereo and Resolution 16bit. I believe in the past when I tried to use a lower Sample Rate, conversion to Mp3 didn't work. Hope this may be the answer. Ron [uK]
  24. Sorry Al, I have not been able to do what you say. Cannot find use of ico extension anywhere in Photoshop. Can you give me some further directions please? I am using Version 7.01. Ron [uK]
  25. Al and Stu Thanks for another useful tip deselecting "Show Image". Ron [uK]
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