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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. I took delivery of Audition only this week mainly to get the programme on CD. Whilst I cannot report on its full function, I can at least say that it is fully compatible with my previous CoolEdit+Studio and that no extra learning was needed to continue the recordings with voice over on which I had been working. One feature I did come across, which I think was not on CoolEdit (the basic version), was File>Extract Audio from CD. That was excellent, easy and quicker. It saved to *.wav. In the boxed version it also comes with a printed manual, which I have yet to explore. Ron [uK]
  2. Thanks Granot. Now listed and downloaded. Will experiment when the opportunity arises. Ron [uK]
  3. Thanks Granot & Ken. The list at the moment only goes up to 106. Will have another look in the morning. Ron [uK]
  4. Granot I haven't been able to find ExeRunner on your list. What number is it please? Ron [uK]
  5. Your grid works splendidly Al. Thanks for such a simple solution. Ron [uK]
  6. Tom I use the same settings as yourself for all my sequences as they are intended for projection. I certainly don't propose to move my projection unit backwards and forwards to fit the screen. I can't believe it will do the computer part of the unit much good moving it whilst it is running. As I have said on previous occasions I believe that the majority of PTE users in the UK have graduated from the traditional twin slide projector presentations. "Chacun a son gout" - everyone to his taste! Good luck Ron [uK]
  7. No problems on my equipment Alan. Enjoyed the sequence. Ron [uK]
  8. I had the same problem in viewing your excellent sequence. You do not say how the text was added. If it was added in PTE then, if the viewer does not have your font on his/her machine, an alternative default will be selected. However if the text is added as part of the original image, say in Photoshop, all should be well. Good luck. Ron [uK]
  9. I enjoyed both sequences, with Venice possibly a little too long. However that was minimal compared with the excellent quality of the images; the use of isolating the main image from the background in Cuba and throwing the background into monochrome, presumably demonstrating the tools available in Photoshop; and finally full use of the effects from PTE. I look forward to more from Claude. Thanks Michel. Ron [uK]
  10. Barry From all the numerous threads that have gone before my impression is that there are a lot of wedding photographers using PTE in the USA, whereas in the UK most users are AV enthusiasts. I often click for the person's profile, to see from whence a question or input is coming, but these are sadly lacking in the former. Ron [uK]
  11. Barry From all the numerous threads that have gone before my impression is that there are a lot of wedding photographers using PTE in the USA, whereas in the UK most users are AV enthusiasts. I often click for the person's profile, to see from whence a question or input is coming, but these are sadly lacking in the former. Ron [uK]
  12. Al 256 colours has just worked for me in Irfanview. 256 comes up as the default in decrease colour depth, so this time I clicked on it. Probably not the reason why it worked but it did. Hope Manny has got his problem sorted now. Ron [uK]
  13. I create the images for my Icons in Photoshop, then use Irfanview to re-size to 32x32, to create them. Finding that in 256 Colors PTE would not accept, I decreased the colour depth in Irfanview to 16 and all has been well. Ron [uK]
  14. Michel I agree with Ken. Will I ever be able to match the exceptional clarity of your images? Please keep feeding us with the output from your camera. Ron [uK]
  15. Bill I don't think you can call it incorrect behaviour. "Close show after last slide" activates first and returns to base before activation of "Run application after last slide". This return to base, as I call it, is just a flash or blip view of the base image. It is a conflict of action what to do "after last slide". Ron [uK]
  16. I don't like that idea Bill. Please see my recent comment on a similar thread in which I said " I do set it for "Close show after last slide". What I am saying is it does just that with a momentary blip back to base before taking up "Run application after last slide". That is why I am suggesting that "Run application after last slide" should be transferred to become a fourth choice under Main>Show settings." Ron [uK]
  17. Al I do set it for "Close show after last slide". What I am saying is it does just that with a momentary blip back to base before taking up "Run application after last slide". That is why I am suggesting that "Run application after last slide" should be transferred to become a fourth choice under Main>Show settings. Ron [uK]
  18. My sequences etc. are on my external harddrive. It is when I playback through my Royale Projection System that the blip occurs. Details of my equipment are in my Website www.ronwil.statacom.net One thought which I have had which might cure the problem is that "Run application after last slide" be moved from Advanced to Main under Show Settings. This way "Close show after last slide" would not be selected and there would be no conflict? Ron [uK]
  19. Harry I was the one who raised the original question on thread introducing Beta#9 on 31 July. However I am having trouble with a programme of 5 sequences. On playback, after the first two sequences, there is a momentary flashback to the start before proceeding. I know in the past we had a flicker when starting with a blank slide on single sequences, I am wondering if this may be the cause. Ron [uK]
  20. I cannot answer all of your questions, but two things I can say is firstly using Comments in P2E one has to rely on the fact that the recipient of your CD has the same matching fonts on his or her computer. The other is the way round this is to do your titling in Photoshop before finally saving the image. This way it is enbedded in the image with whatever effects you may have used. Ron [uK]
  21. Barry The Lakes ran perfectly on my equipment Pentium 4; 1.4Ghz; 640 Mb RAM; 20+40 GB HD;32 Mb GeForce2 MX Graphics; Windows XP. However this was not so with The Lakes on your Digital AV Tutorial CD when there were some flickers between fades - probably due to an older version of P2E. I am sorry to say that there are flickers on most of the fades in Eye except the cloud scene at the end. Also you forgot to check the option Advanced>Hide mouse during show. Ron [uK]
  22. I have had a look at Batch Thumbs but I cannot see where you can change the size of the image, which this thread is all about. Am I missing something? Ron [uK]
  23. Harry I have just looked at Infanview but although I have never tried this, try the following: File>Batch Conversion/Rename In the bottom right hand corner of the Batch Conversion box which appears check the Use Advance Options and click on Set Advance Options. A new box appears Set For All Images. Check the item Resize and I think you can now set the new sizes you want. Good Luck Ron [uK]
  24. Thanks again Igor. I made copies of three of my projects, changed the settings, created the *.exe (slideshow) files and played them back. They ran through one after the other. Perfect. Ron [uK]
  25. Thanks Igor and working satisfactorily. I particularly like the "Run application after last slide feature". I have tried it OK with just one sequence following another. I haven't tried it as a chain of sequences. Is this possible please? Ron [uK]
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