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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. Al Could you add the actual title of Oleg's tutorial so that it can be selected from Beechbrook Download List? Thanks Ron [uK]
  2. Barry "Balloons" is on Beechbrook and working well. Ron [uK]
  3. Has "Beechbrook" any views on this? Ron [uK]
  4. Try http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr.zip Version 4.0 was released 11 March 2003. Go back to that thread. Good luck. Ron [uK]
  5. One source of copyright free music recommended on this forum was on www.garylamb.com You can listen to excerpts before you buy. For free downloads try www.mp3.com but here you will need to sort out licensing requirements. Ron [uK]
  6. Robert Tell you the truth I do not know what to call it. All I know is that some such AV workers get all hot under the collar when digital AV is mentioned. Reminds me of the time in the 50's when people would never have television and then bored you to tears when they did get one. Also when I first started digital printing nearly ten years ago the reaction I received in some quarters then and what those people are doing now. But back to your question, by traditional AV I meant projecting slides using twin projectors and pulsed soundtrack. Ron [uK]
  7. When I started to view "After the Rain" I didn't know the source but I conjectured that it came from a previous traditional AV worker. I liked it very much. Thanks Alan. Ron [uK]
  8. I agree Option 3 Ron [uK]
  9. I too assemble all my images for a particular project in one folder. I then add them all to the Slide List and using my standard Template give them a run through. Some I will delete; some I may go back into Photoshop for further editing; and some I will re-position either directly by drag and drop or occasionally by using Bill's PTE Adjustor. Finally it is a question of fine adjustment using the timeline. As my interest is AV presentations to small audiences of say 30 to 100, my sequences seldom exceed 100 slides and are more likely to average 50 so my needs are not that great. However it would be nice to be able to view my project as though it were slides on a light box and make the adjustments from there. This can be done to an extent in Windows XP by looking at the Thumbnail version of the particular Image folder but any adjustments would have to be manually recorded for eventual use in P2E or by laboriously renaming all the images with a pre-fixed sequential order. Ron [uK]
  10. Before Digital and P2E one would sort slides for AV using a light box. Surely what is required now is a separate programme which would give you thumbnails of an acceptable size, such as provided in InfanView or Windows XP, and a capability of repositioning or dropping as in Al's PTE Adjustor. The final selection order to be "frozen" and transferred en bloc to P2E. Ron [uK]
  11. Bill I have scanned in a slide using four different dpi settings and the results for the times of the scan were as follow: 1200 dpi 40 secs 2400 dpi 1 min 08 secs 3200 dpi 1 min 20 secs 6400 dpi 4 min No perceptible difference with the on-monitor detail of each, but work such as cropping etc. takes infinitely lomger with the 6400 version. As a result I may be switching from a 3200 to the 1200 scan in future and may be lower, but I will wait to see how they project on my 6 foot screen. Hope this information is what you want Ron [uK]
  12. Sorry Bill. Not the sort of statistics I keep in my head, but I will do some dummy runs over the weekend and let you know the results. Ron [uK]
  13. Recently I upgraded from ME to XP only to find that drivers for my film and flat bed scanners were not available. So I invested in a Epson Perfection 3200 PHOTO scanner which combines both facilities. It can scan up to 6400 dpi and is priced at approximately £330 (UK). The two units which it replaces cost four time that amount. I have just completed scanning in over two hundred slides and am quite happy with the results. Have a look at the last four images in Gallery>Gallery Annexe of my Website. Ron [uK]
  14. Michiele I do not understand your term "choppy". However, I have never taken much notice of the resolution. I have checked back on some of my recent titles and they have varied from 72 to 3200 pixels/inch, with no difference in the final screen quality. The important thing in Image>Image Size is the Pixel Dimension. I use a Width of 1024 pixels giving a final image size in P2E (with jpg compression Scale 8) of approx 100 to 150 kb. Ron [uK]
  15. Yes Michel I see the difference but what have you done exactly to the one on the right please? Ron [uK]
  16. Wonderful. Thanks Guido. Ron [uK]
  17. Could someone in the Italian Forum translate the following into English for me QUESTE FURONO LE CASE DEI CAPULETI D'ONDE USCI LA GIUILiETTA PER CUI TANTO PIANSERO I CUORI GENTILI E I POETI CANTARONO SECOLI 13 E 14 EV It is engraved on a plaque in the courtyard of the home of Giulietta (Romeo & Juliet) in Verona. Thanks. And Jim if you are looking for Sophia Loren I believe she has a place on the Amalfi Coast Ron [uK]
  18. Bill Well said and thanks for the greetings. Ron [uK]
  19. Bill This thread is under development in the other channel PicturestoExe, where Ian added the latest piece on 16May. Connie has added her submission above to this thread. Do we need to go off on a separate course? Ron [uK]
  20. Michiele Exactly. Save the blank and it is always there when needed. I often start and end my sequences with a blank. Ron [uK]
  21. Michiele Is your main question "How to create a blank" ? If so what picture editing software are you using? I use Photoshop and might be able to answer if that is so with you. Ron [uK]
  22. I had this problem Dennis with a brand and type of CD incompatible with my CD writer. Just one suggestion until others respond. Good luck Ron [uK]
  23. Sandee, I am not sure that you are giving the correct instruction by suggesting that the image resolution be reduced to 72 dpi. I scan my images in at 3200 dpi and reduce the Piixel width dimension to 1024 the height is adjusted for a 3:2 format to 683 by Constrained Proportions. The resolution remains unaltered. After saving to *.jpg my file size averages 150 to 200 Kb. There has been some useful input on this by Guru in recent threads. Ron [uK]
  24. Could the fault lie with the graphics card of the other computers? Ron [uK]
  25. Sorry Bill, my brain ranout of RAM three quarters of the way through. I think I will wait for the movie. Nevertheless congratulations on such dedication and best wishes. Ron [uK]
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