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Everything posted by ronwil

  1. Why has the background changed to Royal Blue? It is very difficult to read the black lettering WnSoft Forums> etc. Ron [uK]
  2. Why has the background changed to Royal Blue? It is very difficult to read the black lettering WnSoft Forums> etc. Ron [uK]
  3. An excellent production with great impact. So many close-ups of the competitors of outstanding quality. The organisers and participants must be delighted with the sequence. I don't think there is anything in Version 5.0, great as it is, which could have added to the emjoyment. Thanks Fried. Ron [uK]
  4. An excellent site Dominique. Simple to use and very effective. Thanks. Ron [uK]
  5. Ken Peter is saying that he will have a site "in a short while". I don't think he means that short. Hopefully he will tell us when for he is my original guru. Ron [uK]
  6. Yes that is what I am suggesting but I haven't tried it. But if that doesn't work create a second piece of silence the same length as a replacement before creating your final *.exe file. Good luck Ron [uK]
  7. Whilst your idea is not something I need to use, if you had a copy of your client's piece of music, you could always assemble the sequence using it, then remove it before creating the executable file. Ron [uK]
  8. Whilst your idea is not something I need to use, if you had a copy of your client's piece of music, you could always assemble the sequence using it, then remove it before creating the executable file. Ron [uK]
  9. When you press the P button before "Customise Slide" the menu opens with "Use customised settings for this slide" already checked. What the significane of that is I do not know but I do agree with Ken and Dom that it is an indicator. Ron [uK]
  10. I agree with Ken. Was it the flowers or the perfume? Ron [uK]
  11. As Lin says if you go to Control Panel>Mouse>Pointer Options, the last item is "Show location of pointer when I press the CTRL key". Check this to activate. I find this very useful in Photoshop when I am cloning and the pointer doesn't show up clearly on the image. Ron [uK]
  12. Played back well in Windows Media Player and a very clear tutorial. Two ideas which may be of interest:: 1. I usually use yellow as a basis for my texts before using the blending options. Yellow doesn't show up well on the chequered transparent background, so I create a duplicate layer, to be phased out later, and fill it with a dark colour. 2. If the text is intended to roll up and taper in PTE, it is more realistic if you taper the basic text also by using the Create Warped Text button in Photoshop (Text). From the drop down menu choose Style>Shell Lower and the following settings Bend = 0 ; Horizontal = 0; and Vertical = 10 (or whatever}. Ron [uK]
  13. Ron, you can send a copy to me, you have my e-mail address. Ron [uK]
  14. As far as I can see Ron, the information you require is not available in either version of Sitemeter and is only sketchy as regards pages seen. Obviously there is software available which provides this information. I wonder if Bill of Beechbrook Cottage can help as his site shows the numbers of downloads of individual sequences. Ron [uK]
  15. I am using http://www.sitemeter.com Ron [uK]
  16. Peter I too have had the same problem and reported this on a thread started by John (Ebenist) on August 18. I have tried shaking it off by using added seconds of silence in Audition, but that has not always been successful. Can't wait for the definitive version of 5.0. Good luck at Cirencester. Ron [uK]
  17. I agree with you Ken to read all threads not only in certain sections but in all sections. However some threads are rather verbose and when they are preceded by a full quote of an equally verbose earlier thread it becomes rather taxing. I wish members would give due consideration to usung the ADD REPLY button rather than the "REPLY one before making their responses. The use of the latter when making an immediate reply is particularly irritating when you have just read this previous message and you get it all quoted at you again and ending with "Thanks X". The long threads which I like are those which are clearly laid out and easy to follow. Ron [uK]
  18. I have removed the link from my site. Ron [uK]
  19. I have added two more sequences to the project at one o'clock and six o'clock. The folder is now 90Mb but the *.zip took only 3 minutes to download on fast Broadband. The Group sequence and three individual sequences are in the pipeline but two others are hanging in the balance. Ron [uK]
  20. Thanks Al for the link Ron [uK]
  21. Downloaded OK in just under 3 minutes. A good demonstration but I am still of the opinion that all the new facilities in PTE 5.0 will have to be used with discretion. I appreciate that this is a demo but if this had been a normal sequence one would have expected the water to also ripple with the shot of the wolf (correct me if I am wrong) but I appreciate that this would have been impracticable. Strangely enough I did not find the general use of pan and zoom throughout the demo unacceptable, in fact I thought it a very smooth and tasteful rendition. I have had an Adobe action for a still reflection on my system for some time, but used it only once and that as a bit of fun. I would like to try this latest action but cannot see how to download. Thanks Lin Ron [uK}
  22. I had already tried adding 2 seconds of silence in Audition before my posting. Hopefully you may be right with the next beta. Ron [uK]
  23. Ron To create tapered text in Photoshop. Type your text. Select "Create warped text" using the button to the right of the "Text Colour" button on the top toolbar. Select Style>Shell lower and use the following settings Blend: 0%; Horizontal Distortion 0%; and Vertical Distortion 25% (or to your taste). Ron [uK]
  24. Now you are in your element Peter. That was excellent and typically you. Thanks amd regards. Ron [uK]
  25. I have had this happen also. Just a bleep, but it is there. Ron [uK]
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