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Everything posted by MikeyUK
Looks like I've fixed the problem by splitting the slideshow into two thirty minute segments, but still not sure why the original wouldn't work. In answer to previous comments about the length of the show and target audience, the shows will be screened on large TV monitors as an alternative to music videos in pubs, so it's not a case of the audience being bored witless !! OK, time to make start on the next show. Thanks again.
Thanks Lumenlux - I will try that out. As I said earlier, I would not normally try a presentation of this length, but on this occasion, the slideshows need to be approx one hour in duration - six separate shows in all - with more to follow (hopefully) and will be 'beamed' up on plasma TV screens in a local hostelry (Pub!!). I know there are workarounds - i.e. knitting together smaller presentations (say 30 mins) - but I'm just experimenting, to make life a little easier. Reagards Mikey
Thanks for all your comments. Normally I would only have a presentation of say 10 minutes maximum and as I said in my original posting, this is the first time I have tried a presentation of this length. In all, I have been asked to make 6 separate presentations of similar length. The music file is in MP3 format - one file, as opposed to separate tracks. The photos are all medium format, 900 x 600 size. I will reduce the running time to say 45 mins and retry. In the meantime - any further advice readily accepted
I've just created a presentation, approx 600 photos with music. In all, the presentation should run for just over an hour. Previwed presentation, but slides freeze at one point - though music continues. In project options I selected synchronise to music duration. I've changed the music, swapped the photos around, but same thing keeps happening. I've been using software for a year or so, but this is the first time I've done a presentation of this length. Apologies if this topic has been covered elsewhere. Any ideas? Thanks
Thanks again Now off to try your suggestions
Many thanks for previous assistance from you all. No doubt the following questions have been answered already in previous posts, so sorry if I'm going over old ground. I am part way through creating a 'multi slideshow' - together with menu page etc. - and so far so good. But........... 1. Can someone give me an idea how to create new buttons - can these be done in Photoshop - and if so, what format are they saved as? 2. Once completed, I want to put the entire show on to CD - when I send it out, how do I ensure that when the CD is inserted, the menu page comes up first. All of this may sound easy to you guys - but please be patient with this 'new boy' Just want to add what a great programme this is - and thanks to those responsible. Once again - sorry if I'm going over previously discussed forums MikeyUK
OK - so I'm sure this topic has been raised before. I'm a relative newcomer to PTE and have successfully put together several programmes. Can someone help me out - what I'm trying to do is put all slideshows on a CD with a 'Front Page' whereby I can 'click' on to the slideshow I want from a menu. Hope this makes sense. Also - are there any useful tutorials I can read? Thanks
I can certainly recommend the Canon EOS 10D if you're seriously looking at a digital SLR. The quality of the photos have to be seen to be believed. At £1300 for the body alone it sounds expensive, but I already had a standard Canon SLR so I didn't have to splash out on lenses. I won't bore you with all the specifications and functions - all I can say, is that it's positively the best piece of equipment I've ever bought.
Like John from Co Cork, PTE has changed my whole way of thinking about taking photographs. 'With a Little Help From my Friend' Adobe, I've turned some 'so so shots' into a respectable slide presentation, which as I speak, is on it's way to California, where it will be used as a classroom aid for English lessons. In addition, the programme has given me a kick up the backside musically - linking pictures to my own compositions. OK, so I'm no Beethoven, but even so, I'm proud of my music and so far, have had some very positive feedback on what I've done so far. Next job will be to set up my own website - any help would be gratefully received. In the meantime, I'll be checking out other members pages for further inspiration. Thanks
Just to say I had similar problems a few weeks ago. Whilst I was receiving emails to enable me to use the full version of the product - I was not receiving the attachment with the key. Subsequently created a new email address - and hey presto, the attachment arrived. Keep trying Diane - the programme is worth the wait
Just to say, that I am very impressed with the Pictures to Exe programme, which, after trying out on the demo version, I decided to buy. Right now, I'm a novice, so would appreciate any guidance. I would also like to add, that the Digital Photo Magazine, which I have taken regularly for the past few months is an excellent publication. Those of you outside of the UK, should take a serious look - Highly Recommended
Fellow new member here - I created show, saved and then transferred file to CD like any other file/document. Tried on an alternative PC and everything OK
Thanks Fred As I said - I tried out the Demo - and liked the look of it. I will keep you posted on any progress. Mike
Picked up Digital Photo magazine over here in UK - I was so impressed with the Picture to Exe programme, after playing around with the trial version, that I decided to buy the full version. Trouble is - I'm having problems. Got an email back from the software company telling me to open up the trial version then open the file which they supposedly downloaded to me - enabling me to use the full package. No file attached - any help would be gratefully received