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using PTE as a electronic business card creator?
lenny replied to EOSPete's topic in General Discussion
Morning EOSPete I have purchased CD Bus Cards on the internet in the past and they worked fine. They are fairly inexpensive, .49 - .65 US, depending on quantity. This link is just one of the sites offering Bus Cards and labels. A Google search for "CD media" will bring more. http://americal.com/cgi-bin/smart_cart.cgi...el&src=FindWhat Lenny -
Hello Guru, Thanks for testing the links, I saw the "..." in the middle of that URL and must have gotten it by copying it from somewhere. I checked the links in my project and they are Ok, I've been working on other projects and haven't gotten back to this problem. Again Thanks Lenny
Good morning Marianne, Thanks for testing the links, I've been testing a number of combinations with varying results. I think I'm going to download Ver 4.14 and do some further testing. Thanks Lenny Kezer
Hello forum members I'm having a problem that I need your help with, I created a show called Sports.exe, it has hyperlinks to websites, the main website works fine, http://colorado.rockies.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb...ex.jsp?c_id=col, the next link goes to the ticketing portion of this website, http://colorado.rockies.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb.../singlegame.jsp, when I click this link from the preview, I get a message box stating "This program has performed an illegal...and will be shutdown, the file name is P2e_prev. If my memory serves me correctly I used to test links from the preview, am I correct? I've also gotten a message saying Sports.exe has performed an illegal...and will be shutdown. I created a show on CD-Rom using Nero 5.5 and the same thing happens running it from the CD. If I type the ticketing web address from the address bar the correct page loads, any help would be greatly appreciated. I am running Win 98, P2e ver. 4.20 beta #8 Thanks Lenny
Hello forum members I'm having a problem that I need your help with, I created a show called Sports.exe, it has hyperlinks to websites, the main website works fine, http://colorado.rockies.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb...ex.jsp?c_id=col, the next link goes to the ticketing portion of this website, http://colorado.rockies.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb.../singlegame.jsp, when I click this link from the preview, I get a message box stating "This program has performed an illegal...and will be shutdown, the file name is P2e_prev. If my memory serves me correctly I used to test links from the preview, am I correct? I've also gotten a message saying Sports.exe has performed an illegal...and will be shutdown. I created a show on CD-Rom using Nero 5.5 and the same thing happens running it from the CD. If I type the ticketing web address from the address bar the correct page loads, any help would be greatly appreciated. I am running Win 98, P2e ver. 4.20 beta #8 Thanks Lenny
Thanks Fred, I downloaded #8 and it worked. When things like that happen I begin to worry, is my old Win 98 machine heading for retirement. Again Thanks Lenny
Hello to everyone: I've been trying to add a hyperlink that works in the new beta version, 4.20 #7 without success, is anyone else having this problem. I go into object editor, select hyperlink, give it a caption, action on mouse click is set for Open Web Page, with a simple web address, http://www.nba.com/nuggets/, when I test the link by running preview it locks up the program, I have to crt-alt-del to get out, the box that pops up says PtoE not responding so I select End Task, as soon as the program closes the web site comes up. One other thing I noticed is if Nav Bar is enabled with top-left selected when I click on hyperlink button the button is behind the Nav Bar, I have to change the Bar location in order to move the link where I want it. Thanks for any help Lenny Kezer
Good morning Thanks for your helpful replies, I should have done my own search. Lenny
This post copyed from create a video forum because I realized some of the members may not read other forums. Good morning from Denver, Colorado: I have sucessfully created a video slide show using Nero Vision Espress 2, now I am wondering if it possible to put a regular slide show and the SVCD show on a CD for distribution for friends. I am assuming that a CD slide show will not run on a DVD player connected to a TV without burning it as SVCD. Would it be possible to burn the SVCD to a CD-RW and then burn a PTE slide show with an autorun.inf and let the user choose which to run? Any thoughts? Thanks Lenny
Good morning from Denver, Colorado: I have sucessfully created a video slide show using Nero Vision Espress 2, now I am wondering if it possible to put a regular slide show and the SVCD show on a CD for distribution for friends. I am assuming that a CD slide show will not run on a DVD player connected to a TV without burning it as SVCD. Would it be possible to burn the SVCD to a CD-RW and then burn a PTE slide show with an autorun.inf and let the user choose which to run? Any thoughts? Thanks Lenny
Thank you Jim. Chuck and Oleg for your input. I have Photo Shop and I will be working to learn how these great shows were created. The Elbrus show was helpful in seeing how this show was created. It appears to be a combination of layers created in PS and using the syncronized features in PTE. Again thank you all. Lenny
Good morning from Denver, Colorado I have been enjoying the shows posted on Beechbrook. There is an effect I like but haven't been able to figure out how it's done. In Chuck Chesterman's wedding show he brings up smaller slides over a background slide, any guidance on how this is created would be greatly appreciated, also saw similar effect in Olga Alakina show. I'd like to thank the people behind Beechbrook for posting all these great shows. Lenny
Good morning Granot I go out of town for a few days and I miss your centenial. Congratulations, I see you haven't slowed down, now your up to 103, keep the great work coming. Still trying to get the real estate slide shows going, again thanks. Lenny
Hi Granot, Thanks for the new version of CDstartup, great new graphics, and it is easier to configure. Thanks also for the card.exe explanation, I understand what to do now. When I configure the various *.txt files everyhting looks great, when I run the program from the folder if I open the menu box and click on the options, introduction, install, tech info, web site, other works, contact everything works great. Here's my question, if instead of opening the menu if I click on the right arrow at the bottom left corner it displays introduction, tech info, install, web site, other works, contact, the next right click displays the CD introduction, which shows how to set up the CDstartup program(this seems to the same as the CDstartupReadme.txt). I deleted the CDstartupReadme.txt file but it still shows up when I right click the arrow as I described above. Should this CD introduction be displayed? Thanks Lenny
Hi everyone First I'd like to thank everyone for their help. I downloaded Granot's CDstartup, great program, I don't know if anyone noticed that the word technical is spelled wrong on the main screen, just some feedback. I created the program and everything worked fine except when I used the right arrow to go from screen to screen the CDstartup text on Content, Install/Uninstall, What is this, etc. is in the program I burned to a CD. Is this supposed to be there? Also can I get a little more input as to what goes into card.exe, a jpg or text, or is there a seperate utility to create a card. Thanks Lenny
Hi Boxig Thanks, works great Lenny
It's me again, one final question. Is it possible to attach the TypeWriter.exe and configure.txt file to a slide show and burn it to a CD. Since I don't know alot about programming how would I do this? Thanks Lenny
Hi Boxig Thanks TypeWriter works great, I like the idea of using blank slide at beginning to run it first. Lenny
Hi Boxig This happens when I start up TypeWriter.exe, after I've set the config in TyWrEdit.exe. I also tried it using your default settings, I just saved all your settings and configured. Lenny
Hi everyone it's the rookie, I've been trying to use this utility with no success. I've followed the instructions, font, size, color, text and configured. When I click the exe I get a message that this program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. Running Win 98, any thoughts. Lenny
Hi Al Thanks for the input, I see what you're saying, set the music to play for duration of slideshow then save, create and then go back and add nav bar. I'll try this and let you know what happens. Thanks to everyone that has responded to my questions. I hope I haven't created new programming problems for Igor by posing this question. It sounds like everyone is beginning to think about what is possible. Good night to all, it's 10:30 pm in Denver, Colorado, it"ll take me some time to realize what time it is where you are., Lenny
Al thank you for responding to my post so quickly, sorry I didn't respond sooner, I had trouble getting to the WnSoft Forums page this morning. I understand what you are saying about "true" sychronization, perhaps I didn't do a very good job of explaining what I wanted and what I ended up with. I wanted to assemble a show of slides of my house with nav bars so friends could go back to previous slides. As you say the nav bar disappeared from my show when I went into project options, main screen and checked "synchronize slideshow to music duration and clicked automatic synchronization(all slides display for an equal amount of time-calculated by PTE), on music screen I checked play background music and added an MP3 audio file. So I assembled a show with the same slides with nav bar but no music, I saved it , then created the show and burned it to a CD. I opened this show again from the HD and turned on the same music options as above, I saved it as something different, created it, and burned it to a CD, when I ran the show from the CD it played the music and had nav bars and they worked, is this normal. Thanks Lenny
Hi everyone, I'm knew to p2e so please excuse me if I ask stupid questions or state things that are impossible. I believe I read in the documentation that nav bars cannot be used with music synched automatically by p2e for the slides. Since this was something I was looking for in slide show software I was disappointed. I assembled a show with nav bars but no music, leave last slide up at end, saved it, then created it, burned it to CD and it ran perfectly. After I called up the same show I went in and added an MP3 file, I was surprised that the nav bar was still there and it worked. If I used the nav bar during the show it threw off the timing, but if I let the show run, the synch worked fine and I could use the nav bar to go to previous slides. Did I discover something that shouldn't be possible or did I misunderstand the help files.