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Everything posted by CliveW

  1. Thanks for the tips guys. I had been producing shows using the synchronising method in project options but it takes far too long to align everything, so I thought that the option of putting mp3 tracks into the slide where you want that track to start was a good improvement. I already use an mp3/wave editor to sort out the music files and size their duration etc. The idea of using a silent mp3 file as the master background track and then putting individual mp3 files in slides as needed is good (thanks Guru); except that I need to have slides showing for different time periods (some change quickly and display for only a short time and others remain for much longer) and I wanted to avoid the time needed to align each slide to the track. But I guess that the only way is to do one big master mp3 file and align the slides to that through project options again. However the fading option might be an enhancement idea to add to future releases (Kai's Power Show used to do it quite well, but lacked other features that Pictures-to-Exe has.) Clive Southampton
  2. The feature of specifying music tracks to play for each (or selected) slides on a slide by slide basis is good. It speeds up the creation of the slides shows for me a lot. But is it possible to have a option to fade a previous track rather than just stop it suddenly when a new slide with music attach starts? I find this is necessary as the slide durations/transition times vary on different speeds of computers, so to ensure that I don't get periods of silence on slow machines I make the music slightly longer than needed, but would then like an auto fade as it transitions into a new slide with new music. Any views of suggestions how to handle this? Thanks, Clive Southampton
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