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Everything posted by Bert

  1. Nice show Dave, with interesting faces. The constant same zooms became a little tiring, just mine opinion Thanks for showing
  2. I would be interested but. How long before you will implement the "Shadow and Highlight' adjustments in the Video-Optimiser?
  3. (I'd like to see an example of what the short screen times but long transitions look like.) +1
  4. Hi Igor I tried your new video optimizer and of the color adjustments do the same as in PTE 10.5 for the still images. What I would like in an video optimizer is something what does the same as the "Highlight and Shadow Adjustments" sliders in Lightroom. I don't know if that could be done in Video files.
  5. I love to see slide shows that are interesting and Barry's shows always have a new edge. The photography is beautiful and the quick cuts and music was a perfect combination. Thanks for showing Barry.
  6. Congratulations with 25 years of this incredible program. I registered at the end of 2003 and have had a lot of joy all this years of making slide shows. Thank you Igor and the whole team.
  7. Great, got it all right now. Thanks Jill,
  8. Hi, It has been a long time since I made an AV and since a few weeks that I was working with my images I have used the file I had made in my D drive. D: Pictures>Canada2023>Canada for Show. Now that I want to put videos and music with the images, I remembered that I should have made a master file first that had separated files for the images, videos, music and project files. I have now made that master file, also in my D drive under D: Bert's New Shows> Canada Rockies 2023. Within that Master File I made a folder "Shows Jpeg Files" and copied all the images from D: Pictures>Canada2023>Canada for Show to D: Bert's New Shows> Canada Rockies 2023>Shows Jpeg Files. Because I have done a lot of work with the images in PTE 10.6 already, and saved the project file 4 times in the Master file under D: Bert's New Shows> Canada Rockies 2023>Project and EXE Files. My question is how can the Project file in PTE be made to use the images in D: Bert's New Shows> Canada Rockies 2023>Shows Jpeg Files, from the the master folder instead of using the images from D: Pictures>Canada2023>Canada for Show. I know how to change the image in the project, but that is only one at the time and will take forever for a few hundred images. I am looking how to point the project to the new image file without losing all my settings in the project. I hope I made myself clear. Thanks, Bert
  9. Thanks to both of you, I followed you guidelines and it works now. Bert
  10. I have not worked in PTE 10.6 for a while but seem to remember that you could edit an image in the "Slide List" by highlighting the image and press "Control W". The program that was set up in the "Advanced Options" under "Run external application" (Photoshop in my case) would than open with the image from the slide list. Nothing happens when I do that now. I went in the "Slide Options" and pointed the Run external application to my "C" > program files > Adobe > Photoshop and hit O.K. But when I click "Ctrl.+W, nothing happens. I have the Photoshop subscription and can not figure out why it does not open in PTE 10.6 Unless I have "Run external application" not pointed to the correct program file, I don't know what to do more. I have windows 10 and PTE 10.6 Can anybody tell my what I do wrong? Thanks, Bert Schmitz
  11. As you say, very moving images. Thanks for posting.
  12. Great style thanks for sharing it with us.
  13. Great to see a show by a PTE master again.
  14. Can this be the same reason that I can not "Create a back-up in Zip" in my PTE Studio 10.5.9 Pro? The back in zip only does not work with this show. This is a 2.73GB show I made last year (2022) with 257 slides. With many video and audio files. As I have no plans to upgrade from Studio 10.5.9 pro, will there be no possibility for me to "Create a back-up in Zip" in the PTE studio Pro I have now? Bert
  15. Well done nostalgic show, you did a great job with the sound track that added a great deal to this production.
  16. Hi Gary, That's a nice outfit you have there. Years ago I bought a Minolta scanner, it did a good job but it had only 4 slides in the holder what took forever. Bought also a lens with a fixed unit on the front were you could attach your slide too. But because it was a fixed lens, you needed a full frame camera to copy the whole slide. Having only C frame camera's did crop to much. Take care, Bert
  17. Hi Gary, Nice show and brought back nice memories when we did the "gringo" trail in 1981/82, Mexico to Paraguay for 9 months. I still have hundreds of images in a slideshow from that trip. Never found the time to scan them, but seeing your show wets my appetite to give it a try. Thanks for showing, Bert
  18. A video would have been more interesting.
  19. Happy New Year to all and me we all have peace in this world. Bert
  20. I was also looking for the AB button a few days ago, after I had seen it mentioned in the manual. Still have not found it.
  21. I like to see a sample before downloading a style.
  22. Thanks, Barry, Always something new to learn from your tutorials.
  23. Always something to learn. But unfortunately too late for my just finished project that had 10 short videos incorporated. I work for some years now with video in PTE, but was not aware that the front of a video could be trimmed in the timeline. Thanks, Barry, for showing me that in this tutorial.
  24. Maybe you have set the image to "FIT" instead of "COVER"
  25. Since the day that styles could be imported, I have accumulated more than a hundred different styles in PTE AV Studio Pro. They were all posted by members on the forum in the last few years. I thought that there was at one time the idea of putting them all in one place on the forum, but don't know if that was ever implemented. You can look in the forum under "Styles and Templates".
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