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Everything posted by Bert

  1. Hi Gary, Thanks for your advice, I had forgotten, but I just checked and I had made a recovery boot disc for windows 7. You mention to doing a restore even for 2 files, but I am afraid of doing that as everything is working fine and I don't like to mess with things I don't know to much about. The only issue I have had in last year was that sometimes a program (also PTE) started to behave different. A system restore always corrected that problem. When the hard drive crash comes, I keep my fingers crossed and hope I did the right backup. Bert
  2. I do not know that much about computer systems, when I had my hard drive fail 3 years ago, I had it replaced but it took a very long time to put all the programs I had on it back. specially the ones I did not have disc for. When I bought a new computer 1.5 year ago, it came wit Windows 7 and it had a separate SSD as C drive for my programs and a 1TB hard drive for my files and pictures. When I read up on Windows 7 it said that you could create a System Image Backup automatically. Since then I have bought a 2TB USB drive and have Windows automatically ones a week, create the system image backup and also a backup for all the files and pictures. When I read all the postings here on this topic, I can not understand why no one has mentioned the System image backup thru Windows 7. I hope it works when I have to replace my hard drive. Bert
  3. Barry, the judging in this (small) competition is sometimes done with Mac's. I think this is a concession to the Mac users. As long as the AVI is easy to make, I have no problem with it. Bert
  4. I always used to make MP4 but recently I looked at sending my show in to a competition and according to the requirements I can not send in MP4 or EXE files. AVI files are allowed. I made an AVI video file with PTE,nothing custom I think, just 1920 x 1080, high quality, and 30P. That played fine, and I hope the opportunity to make these files will stay as it is. Bert
  5. Brian, I use Xrite Color Munki Display, it is very easy to use and works well. The only problem I have had with it is when I had to download an update and could not do it. After calling them they told me to shut off my virus protection. After that I could download the update. Bert
  6. It is not a big issue, but I have clicked the button "Follow this category" a few days ago. I see that new shows since then are uploaded but I did not get an e-mail notification like before on Bill's site. Did I miss something??? Or is it not ready for that yet. Bert
  7. Hi Bill, I like also to thank you for all the years you made it possible for us to download and upload PTE shows and for all the work and money you put in the Beechbrook site. The new site looks nice and is easy to navigate, maybe I missed it but it possible from this site also to get an e-mail when a new show is uploaded, just you did from your site? Regards, Bert
  8. Peter, This was a nice subject and an informative show, the past was just right. The photography and voice overs was well done. Thanks for showing, Bert
  9. Charles, Fantastic way to show what can be done in EXE, and an inspiration for all AV makers. Bert
  10. Hi Lin, Nice show, played beautiful on my paltry 22" screen :lol:/>, any reason you keep the 2:3 format? Your the master of the falling snow on the screen, the real stuff we had our share off yesterday here in New England. Merry Christmas to you too, Bert
  11. Very good tutorial Barry and the download was easy. Bert
  12. Worked perfect, Bert
  13. Hi Sam, Thanks for sending me the link to Diapositiv, so I could finally download your imaginative show. What a delightful dream and fairytale, everything came together beautifully, the colors and the constant changing back grounds, all the 3D images and a sweet dancing girl. You must have spend a lot of time on making this Holiday Season Show. Thanks for showing it. Merry Christmas, Bert
  14. Hi Sam, Tried the link to the zip file, and got the message Oops! Internet Explorer could not connect to www.samwhuel.com Try reloading: www.­samwhuel.­com I tried also the link directly to your web-site, and got the same message. I think I have to miss this one. Bert
  15. Hi Ken, Thanks for your help, unfortunately it does not work. I right click on your link. Get "save target as" and click on that. A screen" opens and I can see the place where all my other saved EXE files are. I see the file name "theatre_En_exe and save as type (*.*) I click save and a message comes "theatre_En_exe could not be downloaded" Maybe it has something to do with my provider's (ATT) security Bert
  16. Hi Sam, I have tried multiple times over the last two days to download your show. Every time I get the message: Oops! Internet Explorer could not connect to www.samwhuel.com It must be some setting in "internet explorer" on my computer, because I see that other people have downloaded this site. Does anybody know what I have to change in "Explorer" to get access to Sam's show? I lowered the security settings already, but that did not help. Thanks, Bert
  17. Sometimes you see a show that has all the magic that AV is capable of, and you think that other AV enthusiasts, may want to see it. I saw this show on the French Diapositif site, and because maybe not many of the English speaking PTE forum members go there, here is the link. (Google can translate if necessary) http://www.diapositif.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=37948&sid=67116fb0f96400d867b07b7fdec5d054
  18. Excellent Denis, Thanks Bert
  19. Maureen, I have seen an other show where your son did the photography, so I knew he has a great eye. These where beautiful composed landscapes of a interesting place. It seemed that the images where all on for the same amount of time, and that made the show a little monotone, and I would have liked a little more variation in the time some images were on the screen. Thanks for showing. Bert
  20. Ray, Fabulous pictures, great poem and nice music, you made it all come together in a beautiful nostalgic show. Thanks for showing, Bert
  21. Bert


    I have send you a private e-mail with a video file link

  22. Mark, It was a pleasure to see beautiful very careful compost landscape images of this for me unfamiliar place. Great black & white's too. Why the way it ended, I did not get it. Thanks for showing Bert
  23. Hi Ray, I was glad that I could download your show on a second try. I liked the subject, and your poem and the music gave it a nice atmosphere. Thanks for showing Bert
  24. Download does not work, the only thing I get is lots of advertisements from Media Fire Bert
  25. Hi Yachtsman1, I have PTE version 7.5.8 and I have the box "show navigation bar" ticket Bert
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