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Everything posted by Bert

  1. Barry, I looked at your show in YouTube, it plays in HD at 720 quality. (Seems to be the best quality it can show) On my 22" screen it does not look that good at all, and no comparison to the view of that same show downloaded from your web-side to my computer. Bert
  2. Inspiring, and has some nice pointers. Bert
  3. Great way of explaining difficult procedures in PTE 9. Thanks, Bert
  4. Fantastic idea, thanks Lin. Regards, Bert
  5. 15 Minutes
  6. Great explanation and demonstration. Regards, Bert
  7. Nobeefstu, When I did a search for it, it did not show up. Bert
  8. I submitted this show some years ago. When I did a search for it, it did not show up anymore. Maybe now is a good time to look at it again in light what is happening here in the U.S. See: http://www.slideshowclub.com/files/file/441-abandoned/?do=download&csrfKey=2a4319e1b5b4b1d209bfd8d2a7eb3608 Bert
  9. Everybody at Wnsoft and on this forum, Merry Christmas and a very good New Year. Bert
  10. Great sequence, and have a Merry Christmas. Bert
  11. Great style. Bert
  12. Mark, I had the same problem last month when I tried to upload a show. I saved all my images again at a lower solution, I think it was 6 in Photoshop. The show was still 140mgb, but I could download it but only still the first one (PC) and than the other one (MAC). Hope this helps, Bert
  13. Thanks Lin, Interesting how you did that. Now, looking for the right waterfall image. Regards, Bert
  14. Lin, Nice project with the images changing in the frame. But if I lived there I would look out of the window all the time, what a view. Bert
  15. Great demo Barry. Bert
  16. Igor, Slideshowclub opens fine now on my computer, thanks for looking in to this. Bert
  17. Thanks for your response Lin, so I no it is not my computer. Bert
  18. Is it just my computer or have other people also difficulty accessing "Slideshowclub" the last 2 days. I have tried everything but the page does not open on my computer. Is there an issue with it at the moment? Bert
  19. Hi Lin, The issue is solved, I made the jpegs in the show smaller and got the show down to around 70mgb. I have just downloaded it to the "slideshowclub" and it downloaded fine this time. Regards, Bert
  20. I have uploaded a show in "Slideshowclub", from images I have taken on two visits to Cambodia. 70mgb, 9x16, 4 minutes. The (2) in the title is the PC show. Enjoy, Bert
  21. Thanks Igor, For now I will see if I can make the images in show less mega bites, so it will not take that long to download from slideshowclub. Thanks for all your help. Bert
  22. Great idea Dave, I have send you a PM with the DropBox links and my user name and password. Let me know if you could upload the files (PC and MAC). I send also a picture and description of the show because I did not know if I could put that in later myself. Hope this works. Thanks, Bert
  23. Barry, Thanks for letting me know what the problem probably is. Unfortunately I have nobody close by with an other upload location, so it will take a while before I can try that. I have uploaded a show successfully more than a year ago, and I have still my same server. Invision Power must have changed something I presume. Bert
  24. Hi, I try a few times now to download a show to the slideshow club, but after a minute it says "upload failed-200" I have made zip files from my EXE and MAC files but they can not be downloaded for some reason. Is there something more I have to do??? In Slideshowclub, I click on Submit a File, Slideshows, Paste here, and the files appear in the window. But then the downloading stops after 2%. Any advice please. Bert
  25. Very useful and good demonstration. Thanks, Bert
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