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Everything posted by Bert

  1. Never use them. Bert
  2. I would like that also. Bert
  3. Hi Roger, Nice show with humorous and ironic commentary, hope the people responsible for it get to see it. Regards, Bert
  4. Bert

    Script error

    Took me hours and did lots of things. It seems to be solved for now. Bert
  5. When I try to go in the WnSoft Forums website, I get the following screen message on the screen see dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p15bme1mi8cee1r/Screenshot%202015-03-25%2019.05.44.png?dl=0 It does not matter if I click Yes or No, the next screen will come to the forums screen. But every time I click in the forums screen I get the same message back before I can go to the next screen. Even typing this message, when I want to change a word deleting a letter will bring up this screen before I can delete the letter, but not when I do it thru "backspace" Sometimes the numbers are different but it is always this "script message". I have restored the computer via "System Restore" to an earlier time, when I did not have this, but that does not make a difference, it still comes up. Any help to get this solved as soon as possible is appreciated. Thanks, Bert
  6. Mark, Great show with beautiful composed landscapes and soaring music. (Having seen your Iceland show also, you have a real eye for those stark landscapes). Congratulations on winning with this show. Bert
  7. Jan, Beautiful poetic show of winter scenes, Thanks for showing, Bert
  8. Dawn, My wife and I arrived there just an hour before it closed and there was almost nobody. The light was perfect and I rushed to take as many pictures as I could. Unfortunately I never made it to the cemetery on the top of a hill.
  9. Thanks Dawn, Its worth a trip combined with Yellowstone N.P. as it is close to that.
  10. Hi Andrew "Trailertrash" I am glad you liked it, when you made the template available in 2010 I liked it very much and wanted to use it for a show with Bannack images. As I said before, I started many times, but could not get a grip on how a book works. Finally I got it these last months and could make the show. Thanks again for your template of the Tatty Album. Bert
  11. Hi Mur, Thanks for your comment. Your tutorial "How to make a Virtual Book" that you published on the forum in December and also a tutorial that I had on disc from Barry Beckham, helped me in the understanding of the complexities of a 3D book. There are so many things to watch for, that it still took me a long time to get it right even with the template I had. Bert
  12. Mick, Thanks for your comments, I always have mini zooms in my shows, I think a small amount of movement makes the show less static and especially with this show where the images where a bit longer on the screen. Thanks for watching, Bert
  13. Igor, I uploaded my show "The Bannack Album" as a EXE and a Mac file. I see that it can only be downloaded as an EXE file. Did you not get the Mac file. I send the EXE as an Zip file that I made with PTE. Should I have zipped the Mac file also before I was sending it. I have send the Mac file as it appears after I made it in PTE. How do you want me to send it? Bert
  14. Gilio and Snapcam, Thanks for your comments, Gilio, the idea was to see the virtual album as you would see it in the present time in color. But the old images are in mono of course. Then kind of let your mind go to the images of Bannack as it looks today in color as a juxtaposition to the old b&w images. To make it all mono would not have worked I think. Snapcam, The faces in the show are associated with Bannack, but not especially with the buildings they appear in. It was more an artistic decision to get the right feeling and also to show some of the woman for whom it must have been a tough live then. Thanks for watching Bert
  15. In September 2009 I was photographing in the preserved (not restored) historic mining town of Bannack in the western USA. Looking to make a slideshow of my images, I wanted to make a show that somehow connected with the people who had lived there 150 years ago. When Trailertrash made his Tatty Album available as a template, (Thank You Andrew), I got the right idea but could still not get my head around how a book and 3D pages work in PTE. After many frustating attempts, this winter with all the cold and snow and so much time on my hands I finally got it. The show is called The Bannack Album Res: 1920x1080. PC and MAC versions on www.slideshowclub.com Enjoy, Bert
  16. After many hours in the color settings of my video card,I finally managed to make my MP4s resemble the colors of the EXE. Lin, thanks for the shortcuts to the 2 small files you made of the (Impala) it helped me to compare. Thanks everybody who was looking in to my problem and doing a test for me. Problem is now solved. Bert
  17. Dave/ Peter Thanks for your testing. Now that I know for sure it is the display on my computer, I can try to find what causes the color difference. As I said before, I did not see any difference with MP4s I made from an other show in November and as far as I know I did not change anything in my video card. Maybe going back to a restore point from November is the easiest method for me. Thanks again, I will post if I find something. Bert
  18. Dave, I don't know if the links only work for people who have dropbox. Here is an other link to my Public dropbox folder with the files in there. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x8ct37p1zp9pwzw/AAD7ZD9627FcjGiV9vSesYSra?dl=0 Hope this can work, Thanks, Bert
  19. Hi Dave, I gave them all separate links this time. I added a Backup zip of the project see: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ri1plfweegw3ziq/Project%20Bannack%20Book%201_Feb22-2015_14-13-02.zip?dl=0 Here is a link to my screenshot, https://www.dropbox.com/s/s7ixkg3rjujsts0/Screenshot%202015-02-21%2015.30.42.png?dl=0 Here is the link to the MP4 I made of this project, https://www.dropbox.com/s/fxueikuhf906vv4/Project%20Bannack%20Book%201.mp4?dl=0 Bert
  20. Dave, Lin, Igor. Because MP4s I have made from other shows look O.K., I think the culprit is only with this show. I have made a 1 slide project, made an MP4 from that and also an EXE file. I have put them in a folder at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nfx7kmkavh2px65/AAD32-zk3uDQCWVylGr1f3fda?dl=0 Can you please do the following test for me. 1. Play my MP4 file on your computer. Does it look O.K. or does it look like the screen shot in the folder (To red) 2. Make an MP4 from my project file in the folder. Does that look O.K. or is the MP4 you make also to red. When the MP4 you make looks like the EXE file, the problem must be my computer. When the MP4 you make looks also to red like mine, the problem must be with the slides in the book. Thanks Bert
  21. Lin, Igor, When I look to change the setting in my AMD video card, there are so many tabs and settings (non of the ones Igor mentions) that for me, it is not really an option. (As Yachtsman mentions, I don't know where to start. I still wonder why the MP4s, I made a couple of months ago look the same as the EXEs I made then of those same shows. I have not changed any setting nor have I updated anything related to video. The only updates, have to do with Windows 7. I can see by adjusting the color of my monitor, that it is manly the Red channel, what gives the wrong color in the MP4. When I decrease that by 7% the color of the book pages in the MP4 look a lot better. Not really a solution however. Bert
  22. Hi Lin, Here are 2 screen shots from the EXE and MP4 you made, as seen on my computer. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vim4de0hqwp6enl/AACLqjRwRYjgiNN-olPi5lCXa?dl=0 You say that on your computer they are the same, but I see a clear difference. The MP4 is definitely more saturated, (More Red) but not as bad as the page I showed in the MP4 in my dropbox link before. Bert
  23. Thanks for all your suggestions, I did the following tests. In PTE 8.0.12 I made a MP4 of an old show, where I hade made already a MP4 from some time ago in PTE 8.0.8. The MP4 looked the same as the older MP4,not over saturated. So the problem seems only with this particular show. I have made the same screenshot of different files. See this dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gn34iy7hsxynz0m/AAA6_4iFlm_RssugvNRhNx8Aa?dl=0 No.1 Is the MP4, No.2 EXE, No.3 PTE, No.4 EXE from Igor's suggestion. No.5 Screenshot of original page without added text. The color problem seems mainly with the pages of the Tatty Album that I used in this show, when I made an MP4, but not an EXE file of this show. The Tatty Album I used in this show was provided by "Trailertrash" in 2010, but I checked the pages and they are in the sRGB color space. Any suggestion?
  24. Hi Dave, Yes I am using the default high quality presets for making the MP4, and as I wrote when played back in Media Player Classic Home Cinema or in Windows Media Player or in VLC media player, the colors are way to much saturated. I think it is a PTE problem. Bert
  25. I have made a slide show in the latest PTE 8.0.12 and published it as an EXE and an MP4. The EXE file looks fine when played. When the MP4 file is played, the colors are over saturated and look to garish. This is the same if I play the MP4 in Windows Media Player or in Windows Media player Classic. I never had this problem before, but this the first time that I made an MP4 in PTE 8.0.12 Has anybody else seen this problem with the latest PTE? If possible can maybe somebody make an MP4 from a slide show on there computer with PTE 8.0.12 and compare it to an EXE from the same made show. All the images are in the sRGB colorspace> Any suggestions what to do? Thanks, Bert
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