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Everything posted by Monty
I'm speaking of the download. It seems to be unavailable for me here now. Perhaps it's the transfer to the new server. I'll happily wait for the transfer to be complete.
Greetings, all! I tried to access the Beechbrook site a few times today and it appears to be offline. Does anyone know when it will be available again?
Jean-Pierre: That game is absolutely outstanding! I was showing a friend last night some of the things that can be done with PTE and used this as an example. Interesting thing is that whenever I tried to solve it, I gave up--while demonstrating PTE last night, I accidentally solved it! Ron: Still have a Rubik's Cube gathering dust? You should get yourself the Rubik's Revenge, which is a 4x4x4 cube and the next one up, the name of which I forget, a 5x5x5 cube.
Okay, I think I have it now. Download the new file into the same directory as the old file. Run Setup If the program asks if I want a particular file replaced with a new file, respond "Yes." Enjoy the new P2E Is that right?
Fred, Not yet. I haven't downloaded it yet since I want to make sure I don't blow it. Thus my earlier question. So, another. I don't have to delete anything, either? Just download the new program into the same directory as the old program?
What are the steps to install this and have the previous version's registration (I definitely use the registered version) enter into the new one?
Hi, Fred! Oh, I wasn't confused; however, I think maybe my wording confused others. At the outset, I set up the slideshow so that the standard navigation bar is not displayed. Also, I set it up so that each page has a wide button ont he bottom to return to the main page; the main page has an exit button in the same place. I agree, of course, that this is a nice way to use P2E. My sister looked at what I have already for it and she's very excited about it. Plus, I described it to a friend who majored in Computer Science; her comment was, "Wow. That's really cool." My friend is also anxious to see the final product as she wants to do something like it now for her family--she also uses P2E. Come to think of it, I think P2E is the perfect program for this particular project: I don't have to worry about whether my relatives have the proper programs on their computers to run this. The reason I'm so hungup on this navigation issue is that some of the people who'll be using it are very much computer novices and I want the resulting program to essentially make them follow the way I designed it. Each relative's name will be on a hot button with that relative's name, clicking on the button will take the user to that person's info page. I guess you could call it "relative navigation" (my apologies for the awful pun there). Here are the features: Main page has my parents' names at the top and their children's names underneath (my parents are the oldest generation in this roster). Each name is on a clickable button; clicking on that button takes the user to that person's information page. Two thumbnail photos appear on the information page: one of the relative concerned and one of that person's whole immediate family (parents and their children). Clicking on the individual's thumbnail takes one back to the individual's information page; the family thumbnail has buttons to click for each person in the family photo. (I'm experimenting with "invisible" buttons to go over each person's face in the family photo so it looks like the user's actually clicking on the face in the photo & not a button.) The individual information pages include the relative's name, address, a section naming all of their children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, parents, grandparents, and greatgrandparents; all of these names are on link buttons which will take the user to that person's information page. Also, there's an e-mail button for the individual. I welcome any brainstorming. After all, that's why I read this message board. Hey, I'm having a lot of fun playing around with it right now while I'm waiting on the photos from my siblings!
Well, I'm still trying to make the slideshow not accept input from the keyboard arrow and keyboard ESC key. No luck.
Hi, Michel! Thanks. I looked at those options (and maybe I'm missing something/having a mental disconnect). What I'm trying to do is make it so that the keyboard arrows don't make the slideshow navigate and also make it so that hitting the escape button doesn't close the show. Plus, I don't want a navigation bar, per se. The reason I want it that way is because I'm making a kind of roster where to navigate, the user has to click on the button with an individual's name on it. There are a couple of other options, such as clicking on a thumbnail of the person's photo to go to a full size image. The final show is for an interactive family roster for my parents as a surprise. I actually have most of the stuff laid out; I'm just waiting on digital photos from siblings, and obviously this navigation issue. Having the keyboard arrows working will ruin the effect I'm going for. I already figured out how to keep the show from progressing to the next slide ("Project Options" -> "Main" -> make sure both "Display slides in random order" & "Display each slide for:" are deselected). Gee, I hope this was clear!
I'm working on a slideshow where the only navigation that must be available is the buttons on the slides. How do I disable the arrow navigation & the "exit on escape" options? Thanks for any answers!
Patrick, Wow! I downloaded the show last night and have already played it dozens of times. The transitions are absolutely beautiful. I particularly liked the one I call "floating boat with women"--that one picture alone was worth the download time. Every transition pulls the viewer along. The clicking sound for some of the transitions also helped to keep my attention focused on the next part of the show. Your use of the fountain pen as a pointer to the map to indicate where the scenes are is also brilliant. That kept the entire show as photos, there was no need to interrupt it with text slides or to have captions on the photos, thus diverting the viewer's attention. The music is also perfectly chosen. I like the idea of using traditional Vietnamese music for a show about Vietnam. Since that music is obviously influenced by traditional Chinese music, it's also fitting to use the Chinese music you selected. Additionally, the music, just as the visual transitions did, captured my attention and focused it onto the next part of the show. As it's said in Vietnam, "Gio?i la('m!" {Very good!}
Oddly enough, Vietnamese!
Al, Are you game for having the PTE 101 show translated? If so, I'd be happy (assuming I can get a couple of my friends to help) to start the voiceover. The show is so good that it deserves an incredibly wide audience. Cheers! (& many thanks!) -Chip
1) Sound 2) Graphics 3) Problems 4) Hints for and Questions by Beginners
Thanks guru & nobeefstu! I'll try that.
Let's see... For one show, I've used symbols. For one show, I've used numerals. For the third show, just letters. No menus I've set up to access the programs. I haven't carried P2E to the school since I don't want to be using more than one instance of the program I paid for. (And especially after Igor sent me a registered version on top of that one! It was to help with a problem I was having. Best customer service on the planet, folks!)) The nearest thing I can figure out is that over the Winter break, the school "upgraded" its computers to WinME for networks/businesses/whatever but it's a different animal than the home version. Before the break, everything worked, now no dice. The school's computers don't prevent you from running programs and you can even install your own. They do, on the other hand, have a massive virus library to protect both them and you. On top of that, at the end of the day, all the computers are restored to the condition they had at the start of the day: all installed programs, caches, cookies, etc., wiped.
Hi, all! Once again, I'm coming to you folks for assistance with something that just doesn't seem right to me. I have three slideshows (both created with P2E of course!) that run perfectly well on my computer; however, when I try to run them on the computers at the university computer lab, I get the following error messages: Now what's really odd to me is that of the three, the two that I tried running last quarter on the school's computers worked just like they did on my home computer. Further information: My home compute - uses WindowsME - show works just dandy. Friends' home computers: all using Windows XP - show works just dandy. University computers: Apparently using something called Windows ME (version 4.90.3000), my shows aren't working; however, the shows I've downloaded from beechbrook work (except for my Guayas show which doesn't work at the school computer). Thanks for any advice/help/ & most especially a cure for this problem!
May I suggest that one topic be: For Beginners. I would live in that forum! I've been having a blast with the P2E program and every time I use it I find out something new that's fun and also discover that there's something I'd like to do but don't know how yet.
Rudi, I've heard this called "the perfect loaf syndrome." Basically, what that means is that a baker has two choices: he can spend all of his resources, talent, and time on making one perfect loaf and thus sell one loaf or he can make the real-world inevitable choice to make the less than perfect loaf and thus make (and sell) a whole lot of them. I thoroughly enjoyed your slideshow although I'm not into ragtime at all. The layout, transitions (the coin "thunking" just like in a real jukebox is great), and information on what programs you used to make the images, etc., are extremely professional. I think you might've managed to make a whole lot of nearly-perfect loaves with this one.
Good point, alrobin. The slideshow I was making was only for a friend who also has the font and the program to run that font (yes, some fonts require extra programs due to the, shall we say, idiosyncracies of the orthography). I should've mentioned that in my posting. Thanks.
Hi, all! For a short while, I thought I couldn't add text with special features (such as diacritics). My conclusion was based on the way the text appeared in the property menu's text box in object editor. I wanted to type something in Vietnamese and it didn't look at all correct in that box. Well, I guess I "felt the Spirit move me" and tried it again on Friday night, November the 8th. The text still looked wrong in the menu box; however, when I previewed the slide, it was perfect. In short: if you're using something that's "non-standard" (such as Chinese characters, Vietnamese letters, etc.), preview the slide.
Sorry. That response was supposed to go onto another board! Turns out I've a song that has a *.kao extension, which is pc-karaoke.
Thanks, mh! The last time I tried it, I was using the previous edition of P2E. It works rather well. nobeef: I tried your suggestion of renaming the extension and got no joy. Oh, well.
I posted this on the old incarnation of this board, alas, with no luck on an answer. Anyway, the P2E program says it supports *.kar files. When I try to do that, it doesn't work. What's the cure?