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Everything posted by chanfi22

  1. Hello Paul another great achievement, congratulations. Of course we are all interested and look forward to the style and instructions. thank you in advance
  2. hello Paul very impressive work and superb result. Bravo
  3. Hello Jean Cyprien same behaviour for me Indeed nothing happens when you type altxxxx in the space1 zone whereas it works correctly with the current version. And as it is in this zone that we want to type a text, it is a pity.
  4. Exclusively 16x9 for me due to HD TV ratio Philippe
  5. Hi Igor thanks for this new beta 25. Yes the clicking problem seems to be fixed. Regarding the wrong web page access for PTE AV Player downloading when do you plan to fix it?
  6. Hello Denis very beautiful images of these "crumpled" dunes all associated on a soft music. Envy to travel that you propose to us and by these period of restrictions it is highly appreciable. Thank you for this beautiful sharing
  7. Hi Igor I sent you a personal message regarding your request. Regards
  8. Restarted my computer and all works well when launching PTE 10.0.14
  9. Hi Igor I reproduced Denis'S problem. For example when using File Menu -> Open I often have to click twice to open the explorer window Another strange behavior : launching PTE AV Studio 10.5 and the following window appears : Via DXDIAG command I verified that my DirectX version is up to date : DirectX12. But unfortunately following this message I am unable to launche PTE AV Studio : the same Window is always opened. And by the way I have the same message when launching PTE 10.0.14. I will restart my labtop and hope the problem disappears when launching PTE 10.0.14
  10. good-morning Paul another one very interesting and aesthetic 3D style. Thanks for sharing
  11. Hello paul another one superb style and which indeed is perfectly suited for children. well done Philippe
  12. good-morning Paul still a complex and very well style done that you offer us. Thank you for sharing. Like other members I am interested in knowing more about the use of this style
  13. Thanks Paul for this new year gift (after the Christmas gift). I really appreciate. Happy new year Philippe
  14. Bonjour en effet il peut y avoir des saccades car ce style utilse beaucoup d'image en .PNG et de vidéos. Ceci est surtout valable lors du passage à la deuxième vue (mouvements horizontaux). Pour obtenir une fluidité parfaite il faut générer un fichier .MP4 et non pas un .EXE qui est difficile à lire sir l'ordinateur n'est pas assez puissant Hello indeed there may be jerks because this style uses a lot of .PNG images and videos. This is especially valid when switching to the second view (horizontal movements). To obtain a perfect fluidity it is necessary to generate an .MP4 file and not an .EXE which is difficult to read if the computer is not powerful enough
  15. very beautiful winter images. I particularly like those done at night. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
  16. good-morning Paul wonderful transition, it is superb. Many thanks for sharing it with us. Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones
  17. Hi MUR very nice exercise for playing with different masks and 3D rotation parameters. Thank you for sharing Philippe
  18. Hi Mur thanks for this this nice and interesting transition
  19. Nice style MUR Perhaps it will be interesting to add a speed modifier to avoid the sudden stop of the pan movement
  20. And what about .m4a files?
  21. +1 and this mark including all the files used in the O&A window
  22. Yes, me too I think it will be a very useful feature
  23. Very nice Lin, good job and idea
  24. Nice idea to send us this photo of the WnSoft team. I wish you all a very happy new year 2020
  25. As Denis, I think it's sometimes important to have the right size of the mask. In your example it's very relevant. Thanks
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