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Everything posted by chanfi22

  1. As Denis, I think it's sometimes important to have the right size of the mask. In your example it's very relevant. Thanks
  2. Thank you Igor for this recommendation. Now we have to wait, patiently, that Microsoft deploys the new version via windows update
  3. Thanks Barry for these very interesting videos. Now we have a lot of time to spend if we want watch and understand all of them
  4. Hello Igor and John A big thank you for your complete answers and the trouble you are giving yourself for information on the progress of NVIDIA and MICROSOFT's resolution of these issues. Indeed it seems that these two companies do not care about our concerns.
  5. Hi Igor any feed back from NVIDIA regarding these 2 problems?
  6. Very good news to well start this new week. Thanks Igor for the information
  7. No idea about your problem. And as you I use PDF Xchange Viewer (version 2. Build 197.0). Did you tried with another one PDF viewer?
  8. It's strange. I did and now problem to open the Tutoriel_Pte9.pdf file !!!!
  9. I full agree with these 2 requests. Regarding the waveform, at least to be able to see one sound track among a lot, would be a great improvement to facilitate the sound and image synchronisation.
  10. Hi Igor any news from NVIDIA regarding these 2 issues?????
  11. Yes we can think and hope that NIVIDIA will do the best to fix this problem
  12. Hi Igor do you know if NVIDIA will also fix the issue related to "poor performance under Win10 (v1803) on laptops with dual NVIDIA graphics"?
  13. Good news and we are waiting and we look forward to NVIDIA's correction
  14. I agree with Bruno it would be a nice and useful feature
  15. Hi Lin very interesting these modifiers and the usage you did. Good example for me and perhaps I'll use later
  16. Thanks Igor for this tip. It's very useful. I just have to remember it
  17. Hello +1 for this interesting improvement
  18. As MUR no issue for me when opening Texte Decoupe or Flaming Sky Windows 10 up to date (1803)
  19. +1. Very good
  20. Thanks Lin for this very fine and useful style. Great
  21. Hi Igor it's very clear and by the way a perfect solution. Thanks
  22. +1 and it's seems an sufficient evolution
  23. Hi Barry sure you were thinking about milliseconds and not microseconds (micro is too much for us :-)
  24. I agree with Bruno. Il will be a very useful feature
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