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Everything posted by Tripstrilles

  1. Hi, two years ago I have asked to Nikon, which resolution is the best for scanning slides. They have answered me, that, if I want to view the scanned images with a beamer, I have to take the resolution of the beamer, multiplied with the factor 1.5. So there will be no moiree-effect. T.
  2. http://www.dvdshrink.info/ Freeware to make backups from your DVD And have a look for - anydvd - software T.
  3. Try - pixafe -, a picture database in several languages, with html-export and html-slide show: http://www.pixafe.com/GalleryAlex/Index.html You must click in the upper left corner at the pixafe icon, and you can view the demo slideshow.
  4. @Igor 1. I can confirm the same like ccmanz. 2. If I change to the last directory of a tree in the file-list, the name of this directory will not be displayed. There is every time only a folder icon with this label: <..>. It would be helpfull to show the real name of the directory where the files are. If there are subdirectories, all folder icons have their correct label. 3. The letters - T - V - F - for switching to another mode could be more larger and bold. Especially the letter - V - is not shown full. A part of the - V - cannot be displayed. The top of the right slash is missing. Greetings, T.
  5. Hello, how can I rename the file-name? If I press Strg-F or Alt-F the thumbnail rotates. ????? Greetings, Tripstrilles
  6. Hi friends, what happens, if I make an avi of my slide-show, where the music file is a mp3? Does PTE convert the mp3-file to pcm-audio uncompressed or are there no changings with the mp3-file? So, when I have mp3-music and it will decompressed to pcm, after this TMPGenc will compress the pcm-file once more to mp3, the quality of the music will loose. Isn´t it? Greetings, Tripstrilles
  7. Hi, I am back from holiday and I want to tell you, that there is now a new english version of the photo editing software I use since over a year. Try it, it is specially for digi cams. You can optimize a picture in about 10 seconds. All of my scanned photos of nepal I have edited with this software (autocontrast, gamma, XE 487, sharpen) and than with neatimage. www.j-k-s.com/enu/ Greetings, T.
  8. Or EAC (Exact Audio Copy) http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/ T.
  9. Hi, here my results to create a DVD: 1. PTE/DVD-Video Disc/interlaced/no mark for MF/no mark for sharpen 2. TEMPEGenc PAL 4:3 line 625/VBR 2 pass (min. 0 highest 8000) 3. Full Screen keep aspect ration 4. Motion search precision: Highest 5. Field Order B 6. Filter: sharpen 127 I have test it with all other settings. I didn´t see any difference (in TMPEGenc) with CQ 50/75/100, CBR 8000, VBR manually. Also the motion search precision fast - high - higest should be not important for a slide-show. So if you have time, you can take the settings above. I have test the same like above with PTE/non-interlaced and PTE/interlaced for Movie Factory/Sharpness filter. On my plasma-tv the show looks better with sharpness filter. The DVD-Player-Output is scart/rgb or component. S-Video looks unsharp. For me, there was no difference between interlaced / non interlaced. Screen Options: I have maken the background colour blue. So I could see the cutting of the slides. 99 % of screen, the images will be cut at the right and the left side. 98 % the same. 97 % there was only a small 1 cm frame around each image. After changing the background colout to black, the whole slide-show looks great on DVD. Greetings, Tripstrilles
  10. I have a new 43 " plasma display and at time I am testing to find the best settings. Fit to screen and 100 % of the screen crops the images at the right and left side. If I create an avi for moviefactory, the finished DVD is often flickering (A friend of mine told me the same). If I create a custom avi or an avi not for moviefactory and encode it with TMPGenc it looks very greate on TV. But a question: If I want to create a custum avi, the format will displayed 768 Width and 576 Hight. But the PAL resolution is about 720 Width and 576 Hight. Why is here a difference? And who can tell me, why the images are cropped in 100 % mode? Greetings, Rainer
  11. Hi, PTE-Family and the best wishes for the year 2004 to you all. I am living in the oldest town of Germany, in Trier. www.trier.de This is the best and most friendly forum I know. Thank you for all your help by using and testing PTE. Greetings, Rainer www.tripstrilles.de/nepal1998.zip (32 MB) www.tripstrilles.de/nepal2001.zip (32 MB) Coming soon (I hope) www.tripstrilles.de/nepal2004.zip (Around the Annapurna)
  12. Possibility to preview the image files as thumbs to sort and rename them easier, like in other programs (Aqua Show, Kais Power Show, Pro Show Gold ... ). So we don´t need ACDsee or other software to do this. Merry Christmas to all Tripstrilles
  13. Sorry, error with translation. Deleted. T.
  14. @Michel 1. LiteOn 811 S DVD-Burner 2. Nero 6.30 3. TMPEGenc 4. Ulead Movie Factory 2.0 5. DVD Shrink (for ripping DVD Movies - and !!! if you have a PTE-DVD-Movie which is too large, you can compress it to burn it onto one DVD). 6. DVD2One (same as DVD Shrink, but the quickest rip-software) - AVI-Output interlaced/no sharpness filter/no mark for movie factory - Encoding 720 x 576 PAL/4:3 display/center/one avi with variable bitrate, the second with constant bitrate 8000, manual filter: sharpen edges - The finished mpeg-files inserted into movie factory - Creating a main-menu - Burning directly out of movie factory on dvd+rw Superious quality at my plasma-tv Thanks Igor !!!
  15. Hi, now I have successful created a DVD with my new dvd-burner liteon 811 S. I have encoded the PTE-AVI-file with TEMPGenc and after this the DVD with Ulead Movie Factory 2.0 by burning from this software directly on DVD+RW and DVD-R. The movie looks great on my pioneer plasma display 43 ". But there is no answer to my question. What is the difference of the PTE-AVI-file if I mark - DVD - or - SVCD - ? The size of the output file is still the same. T.
  16. Hi, you can install WinXP over an existing Win98 installation. You´ll get the question for dual-boot or to change the existing system. If you want dual-boot, you cannot convert your harddisk to ntfs-file-system, but this is the better one. Or you have to install into an other partition. For me is the best way to overwrite win98 and when the system runs stable, convert your harddisk to ntfs. Greetings T.
  17. Hi, I have succesful created a SVCD and DVD with beta 2, using TMPGenc. But what is the difference in the AVI-dialogue when I mark DVD or SVCD? The size of the temporary AVI-file is the same, whether I mark DVD or SVCD. Is the quality of the output file the same or is there any difference? Tripstrilles
  18. @Ed You have much to learn about computers. If you have burning problems, check your ASPI-driver. If you have problems to burn CDs with Ulead or other software - how much burning-software do you have on your computer? Only install 1 burning-software. First deinstall all burning-software you have. Install the latest ASPI-driver from Adaptec and than install the burning software you prefer. It will not be a problem of the Ulead-software. Y.
  19. @Michel I have created an avi-file from an existing show. Afer this I have maken a s-vcd with Ulead Movie Factory trial version. My dvd-player plays no s-vcds so I have tried it on pc with power-dvd player. It has start but it shows only a black screen. The playing time runs normal, but there was no image to see on screen. ??????????????? T.
  20. @Bubba I´ve bought the new pioneer plasma-tv hde 434 2 weeks ago. I didn´t have any time to test it with pte-shows, but I have look an one year old photo-album-cd, created with WinOnCD 5.2. It looks great, especially the photos of my digital camera Olympus E 20. The plasma is a hdtv-panel and shows all images with full brightness and contrast. The resolution of the images is 1024 x 768 like the resolution of the panel. But if I have more time, I will test it with PTE-shows for the best results. Greetings to all, T.
  21. @Al Yes you are right. It sounds very well after this method. 1. First I do the calculation for the first part slides/music 2. Fading out in audacity and export as mp3-file, adding to PTE 3. Adding second song to PTE 4. In timeline all slides of the first calculation are o.k. 5. Manually adding all slides for the second part/music and calculate the fading-out-point of second song 6. Copy and paste the whole second song in audacity behind the first song. 7. Fading out the second song at the point, the PTE timeline shows me (calculation in seconds - for audacity) 8. Export the new song (part 1 + part 2) as mp3-file, adding to PTE, but first remove the old songs 9. In timeline all slides of the first and second calculation are o.k. 10. Adding third song to PTE (now you have the song of part 1+ part 2 (one file) and third song) 11. Manually adding all slides for the third part/music and calculate the fading-out-point of third song 12. Same procedure like part 1 and part 2 until you have finished 13. Fine-tuning the slide-changing points of each new song so the transitions occur on the beats of the music I hope this is for better understanding. It looks like much work, but it isn´t so. The most work is to calulate the minutes to seconds, and this in no work. Greetings to Canada, Rainer
  22. @Al Hi, today, I´ve started to create a new show with different music files by fading out each file. 1. Sorting and renaming all slides with acdsee. 2. Adding first music file in - project objects - and switching to - customize synchronization. 3. Manually adding all slides I need while playing the first song (every 4,5 sec.). 4. Loading this first song in - audacity - and fade out at the time point the PTE-timeline shows (you have to count the seconds). 5. Store the new file and add it to PTE (first remove the old music file) 6. Adding second music file behind the new first file. 7. Manually adding all slides I want to show with the second song 8. Open second song in - audacity - and copy and paste it at the end of the first song 9. Fading out the second song at the right time point the PTE-timeline shows. 10. Store the new file (now with the two songs) and add it to PTE (remove the old music file first) 11. Same procedure like the first two steps. I hope you understand what I mean. I´ve needed for 100 images with 7 different songs by fading out each song at a customize point and making one mp3-file in audacity about 1,5 hours. Greetings, Rainer
  23. O.K. Al, I will try it. Greetings from Trier / Germany Rainer
  24. Hi Al, thank you for your answer. If I were you, I would try to translate your - adjustor - to german. This is my problem. I don´t know exactly how it works. So I must synchronize the slides like the first point you have written. Greetings, Tripstrilles
  25. Hi guru, I am using audacity over a year. But I want to save time by synchronizing my show. - I want to display each slide for the same time - for the first 5 slides I need music which fades out before the next slide appears - for the next 15 slides I need an other song, fading out before the next slide appears and so on and so on. So I have to stop the displayed time of (incl. transition time) every part of my show with a stop-watch and make the length of each song with fading out in - audacity -. Then I make one mp3 file of all songs in - audacity - and after this an automatic synchronization to get the same duration of display each slide. Then I must finetune the slides where a new song starts in customize mode. Is it so right ???? Or is there any more simple way ? Greetings, Tripstrilles
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