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Everything posted by Tripstrilles

  1. I don´t know. Maybe Guru is right? Now I´m at my Athlon PC. The show of Igor runs smoothly without any errors. But after the 6th image the screen turns blue, the music stops and the show closes. Is this right? T.
  2. @ Igor: Now I have test your show without any background program. The sound errors occur every time at the same position. The sound springs back, the slide flickers and so on, I have written some time ago. This errors occur only, when the show is created in automatic timeline-sync-mode. ??? T.
  3. @ Igor: So, now I have test and view your show too. First I have viewed some shows of Michel and others with no problems. When I start your show, I have had the same sound-errors like written before. This time at notebook P II 233 Mhz, 192 MB Ram. All other shows are running well. I am in the meantime, that the error must have to do with PTE. Now I shut down my computer and try it again with no software in background.
  4. My wishes are the thumbnails too and to change the transition effects in timeline. Additionally it would spend a lot of time, when there is the possibility to fade out a song at a specific slide I want - so that a new song can start at the next slide. This is a feature in - Kai´s Power Show -. The show-file will then get much larger, but it will be very easy to combine some songs with only a part of them. Because this feature does not exist, I have to cut and fade out each song in audacity and make one soundfile of it. Then it is a lot of work to do an optimal syncronization music / slides. Another point is, if I set a text in the - comment-field -, I can only give the positon top, bottom, left, right, center .... It would be much more easier to give the position with coordinates like object editor. For my show with 155 slides it takes a lot of time to change in ojekt editor and fill in text for every slide. If we could do this in main-window in the comment-field with the possibility to position the text like in object-editor, we woud spend a lot of clicking-time too. What do you mean?
  5. I have had the same problem and no one could help me. Win2000, Athlon 2000+, 512 MB Ram. I realised, that win2000 gives not always all memory free - or is it the software we use? When I start PhotoImpact, some times it begins to start and than hangs. There is a CPU-use of 100 %. After shut down the prozess and restart the program, the CPU-use is minimal. This could be too with PTE. I think, that there is maybe a part of program-code in RAM? I have given my show to my friends who have much slower computers than I. The show runs perfect there. I always have this problem in preview-mode. If I create a show after preview and view it, the problems are always there. After restart the PC the show works fine. The same with Win98. T.
  6. My Nepal show at beechbrook has no limitation. Enjoy it. T.
  7. Super show, good idea. T.
  8. AMD Athlon 2000+, 512 MB Ram, no resident program, Windows 2000 SP 3; testing at 3 other computers with win 98. Image-size between 80 and 130 kb. The errors come only with background music and auto-sync with timeline. I have downloaded the largest shows from beechbrook and they play all without problems. I think that there are problems in PTE-Versions upper 3.8. Other shows of mine witz PTE 3.8 and lower are running perfectly. Test will go on.
  9. I tried everything, the problems didn´t go away. Only in timeline prview all is o.k.. Yesterday I have viewed my ready show with 155 images. It first seems to run well. But in this time, after ca. 80 images, there were errors in music but it plays. The image tried to change but it doesn´t work. After this, the music played normally, the image freezes on screen, and I must press - strg-alt-entf - to stop the show. I tried the show again in normal preview-mode. This time the problems came after ca. 20 images. I stopped preview and started it again with the image before the error. Now it runs o.k. for some pictures. When the next error came, I did the same - stop the preview and start it again one image before the error comes. Preview runs o.k. for some pictures ... and so on and so on. I tried all the same with internal mp3-player and at different computers - every time the same, but not even at the same point of the show. If I play all without background music, there are no problems. I tried mp3 with variable bitrate 192 kb (Lame) and with constant bitrate 128 kb (Lame). MP3-files are all o.k.. I have downloaded a show at beechbrook. In this show there was this error too.
  10. Mark the autorun.inf.txt and rename it to autorun.inf. If you don´t have enabled the showing of the file extensions (in explorer), when you name the autorun.inf with notepad, the extension of the file is always .txt. You must use the option - save as - and then give the new extension .inf. Greetings, T.
  11. picture-size the same. effect 3500 ms. customize sync auto ca. 5,5 sec.. error only in normal preview, not in preview with timeline. ready show without errors. all mp3 (1 file) o.k. I must say, the picture which doesn´t change flickers - in german flackert -. the next image appears for a few seconds, than, the image before is on screen. This happens two or three times. Then, after 20 - 30 seconds, the next image will come.
  12. 1. new show 2. timeline auto synchronisation 3. preview in timeline-mode with music o.k. 4. preview in main window: after some images there is a loop. the image will not change, there are errors in music (mp3), after ca. 20 - 30 seconds the next image appears. this is every time but not even by the same image. if I create the show, there are no errors. who has found the same problem? I have made an error, I have meant not the customize sync, I have meant auto-sync in timeline, music as long as show.
  13. I think I have found the error. I have paste one text-object in my first image. Then I have edit the pte-file and set the coordinates to 50 % - 92 %. For the following images I have cut this object and paste it into every image by only changing the text. In this time, the object is not in the center under the image but much more to the left side of screen. Now I tried another way: I set the position of the text-object by clicking at the positon button to center (50 % - 50 %) for each image. After this, I have edit the pte-file and changed the vertical position manually to 92 %. In the slideshow the text-object now appears exactly in center under each image. But the difference of the distance to the right and the left side of the screen (I mean the image) is exactly 0,5 cm. Test will continued.
  14. Maybe it´s your screensaver.
  15. Hello friends, in object-editor I have paste text-objects for each slide in position 50 % 92 % (coordinates); it´s horizontally the center of the screen. Now the problem: Resolution of the slides: 640 x 480 Resolution of the screen: 1024 x 768 100 % of the screen to show images Background gradient filling: blue to yellow In the fullscreen preview-mode of each image I have discover, that the images are not exactly in the center of the screen. The image is 0,5 cm nearer at the right side of the screen, and the text-object too. In slideshow-preview, all images are in the same position (0,5 cm nearer at the right side), but all text-objects are 0,5 cm nearer at the left side of the screen. So there is a difference about 1 cm and the show looks bad because the text is moved out of center. Who can help me? The coordinates of 50 % are exactly center Other news: By vertical images is the difference 1,5 cm. When I go to object-editor - object preferences - and click ok without any changes, only ok, the difference to center is in slideshow preview much smaller. I hope you understand, what I mean.
  16. @Truelight Thank you for your answer. I tried it and it works well. Greetings, T.
  17. Thank you for your answer. But I specially mean the position of text with coordinates. T.
  18. Next question: There is no possibility too, to use an individual self-made background, isn´t it? If I want to use such a background I have to make it in Photo Impact and then I must paste every picture in this background-picture and store it under xx.jpg. It would be much much easier to select a background file for the slides. Another problem is to set the position of text in object editor. The text on the bottom is to deep, and on top it is too high. It takes a lot of work, to set the position of text - to center - with mouse at 50 % with the values of shown coordinates. I want to make a slideshow of my pictures of Nepal with comments under each slide. And the position of the text has to be at the same place - here center, but not at the bottom -. Will there be in future the possibility to enter the coordinates manually in properties window? In this time, I set the position of the text of my first slide manually at 50 % horizontal and at the position I need vertical. Then I copy the text and paste it into the next slide and change the text. So every text-object of each slide is 100 % exact at the same position I want. But it takes a lot of time and it is not as simple as to give the exact coordinates manually in a special window. What do you mean?
  19. Hello friends, a little question: Is there a possibility to select different slides in the slide list to custumize their display time or transition effect with one click, like there is in the left file list (select with - shift or strg -)? I have 100 slides and I want to select 50 of them that they have the same transition effect and display time - I hope you understand. The same function I am missing in timeline-mode. Is there no possibility to select some slides to synconize them with the first background song (right mouse-click and in context-menu - synchronize with song nr. x), then the next slides with the second song and so on? Thank you for your answers.
  20. Download works, thank you. T.
  21. Download stops after ca. 850 kb.
  22. Is there too the possibility in one of the next versions, to synchronize some pictures with a part of music, may be, the first 15 pictures customize in timeline-mode, then, for the next 30 pictures an automatic synchronisation in timeline-mode, calculated by PTE, which ends with the end of the music; then the next pictures automatic once more, ending with the next song .... ? The problem is, if I make in timeline-mode a customize synchronisation for a part of the first pictures, I have also to do a customize synchronisation for all of the following pictures. I must calculate the playing time of the rest of the music and divide it through the rest of pictures. After this I have the value of time do display all following slides for an equal amount of time. It would be much better to have the possibility of automatic calculated synchronisation by PTE for the following pictures. I hop you understand my bad english. Greetings, T.
  23. Hello, I didn´t use the timeline-function. How does it works? I need for example for the first 10 text-pictures a synchronization with the music of - zaratustra -. Then 3 songs background music and the display time for each following picture 5 sec.. The synchronization with timeline will work well. But what is about the pictures during the 3 songs. Is there a possibility to use timeline too (automaticly), that, perhaps picture nr. 30 ends with song nr. 1, picture nr. 48 ends with song nr. 2 and picture nr. 60 ends with song nr. 3 ? Here I mean: after a customize synchronization, an automatic synchronization (calculated by PTE) for one or more songs and after this a customize synchronization once more for some sound effects. I hope you did understand me. Greetings Tripstrilles
  24. Hello, thank you for your reply. My settings are: Main: display each slide for 5 seconds Music: play background music; listing of mp3-files to play Effects: enable transition effects, smoothing line 40, duration 3000 ms, duration for fade in/out 1500 ms For the first 14 slides customize settings to display, sample 10 sec., 12 sec. ... The following slides with default time 5 seconds. The problem is, the speed of the effects takes much longer with a slower computer like duron 700. Although I set the duration of the effects to 3000 ms, they come to an end much earlier then 3000 ms on a faster computer. Therefore the time to display a slide with a slower computer is my problem. When the music has to finish with picture, sample 30, it finishes with picture number 27. Then the next song starts and the whole show is no more sync. When I say in a software: do the effect within 3 sec., the duration of the effect has to be 3 sec.. Last saturday I have taken my big-tower to a birthday-party to present my show. All other computer I tried were to slow. If I make a slide-show at a slower one and I watch it at a faster one, it will be too fast. ??? @Ian: The text-pictures are made with PhotoImpact, stored as .jpg-file - small size -. You are right. The wether in Germany is rather cold. At thursday it will be about minus 7 degees Celsius. Greetings from Germany Tripstrilles
  25. Hello, last week I made a show with 70 pictures with my new computer (Athlon 2000+). The first 8 pictures are only text-pictures with different time to appear, the effect is fading 1500 ms. After these pictures, the normal show starts. Every picture in auto-synchronise-mode 5 sec. effect time 3000 ms. Now my problem. Why is there no synchroniation - text/music - with the first 8 text-pictures on a slower computer - here duron 700 -? The music plays normally, but the fading text-pictures appear too late and so the music will finish before the show ends. The setting of effect duration is 3000 ms, but the effect is on my athlon 2000+ much quicker. So, when the music ends, I am missing 7 or 8 pictures. How is it possible to make Shows with PTE, running at other computers with synchronisation of pictures/text/music? Sorry for my bad english. Greetings from Germany Tripstrilles
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