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About isabel95

  • Birthday 04/19/1940

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  • Location
    Western North Carolina
  • Interests
    Digital Photography and the manipulation of images with Photoshop. PTE slideshows stored at: isabelcutler.com/MyPTESlideshows.html

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  1. Hi Lin...Thank you so much for making this video for me. Very helpful. Very simple to the editing I do in Sony Vegas Movie Studio! Really appreciate your customized help! Why is replying on this forum so darned complicated?
  2. This reply interface is a bit daunting. I'd like to thank each one of you individually, but I'm confused about how to do so. Thank you all for your input. I will try all methods, some of which sound a lot less complicated than others! :-)
  3. It's been several years since I've used PTE, and in fact I've regularly updated and not even used the updates - shame on me! Happy to report that the program is much better than when I last used it - very intuitive, but I can't figure out how to fade to no music. It ends abruptly. Can you fill me in on how to fade to nothing? TIA
  4. thank you, Jan. I will bear your suggestions in mind the next time I try to upload to Vimeo. I think I recall that I may not have chosen the 1080p. Isabel
  5. I only looked at Christmas in Finland and it was spectacularly beautiful. I didn't see any loss of quality. The clarity and color were excellent. Loved the music too. Stunningly beautiful production. Isabel
  6. Good idea! I had forgotten I do have my own web space. I pay Yahoo about $35 every 3 months for a small business website. thanks for the reminder. Isabel
  7. As I recall we used to be able to upload directly to Vimeo, but that's been changed and as far as I can figure the only thing we can do is make a high quality mp4 file and upload that - but that file is too compressed by Vimeo to produced acceptable image quality. Seems the only option is to upload to Youtube because Facebook's compression is terrible too. Any suggestions for better public viewing on the internet? Isabel
  8. Sorry I haven't responded sooner - I haven't been receiving email notification of replies - Just noticed it says "You are currently receiving email notification of replies". Wonder why I didn't get this one. My neighbor, who is trying PTE, was wondering about audio fade and zooming - he will be happy to hear those are included.
  9. Thanks, Lin. I pretty much came to the same conclusion. Isabel
  10. I hadn't used PTE in a long time, but quickly threw together a program with some low res pictures from a 5 megapixel digicam. I didn't expect the outcome to look so good...and to be posted online so quickly. Decided that since I didn't want to look at version 5.6's defunct Vimeo upload option, I would upgrade to the latest version. I'm sure glad I did! Also tried (from version 5.6) YouTube upload and that went flawlessly too. I find creating an AVI file extremely confusing, with all the codec options, so I haven't been too successful with that - maybe the user guide for version 7 will explain that. Isabel
  11. Decided to upgrade figuring I was way out of date...then had trouble with paying - got a message asking if I wanted to continue because it was an insecure connection, but the address was an https address...next I get an error message from PayPro that an error occurred while processing. Contacted them and hopefully will get the purchase straightened out. Thanks for the previous info! Isabel
  12. Thank you, Lin. I am a little rusty in how to create the mp4. I guess I am a few versions behind with PTE and probably should update, but the older I get the more reluctant I am to upgrade programs because it means I have to learn a new interface. I am a paying member of Vimeo and don't use it all that much, actually. I think it's stinky that they don't allow direct uploads and should think about not renewing when my contract is up. I went hiking today with some friends and wanted to go light so I took a little digicam with me - thought it would be nice to put together a quick show for them and dusted off PTE. My friend was so impressed that last time I spoke to him he was trying out the program and said it was easy to use (He's in the computer field). Wanted to know how to fade out music - I don't recall that being a feature of my version - suggested Audacity - but when you use that on an mp3 file the sound really degrades when you resave it as an mp3. Also wanted to know how to zoom in and out and I haven't done that because anything involving animation has given me agita. Can you tell me what features the latest version has that are irresistible? Isabel
  13. I successfully updated a video to YouTube, but when I try to upload to Vimeo it won't accept my sign-in data and a box comes up with "Name" in it. Can this be corrected? Isabel
  14. I've been linking to blank pages with my flash slideshows. I'm not an html expert and am wondering if I use a page with design elements on it, which I would create using Yahoo's SiteBuilder (since I buy my web space from Yahoo) how do I indicate how much space to leave for the video window and how do I direct the placement (left, right, middle, etc.) I'm glad someone else here uses Flash Video MX. Isabel
  15. I've found it helps to use uncompressed avi to start with and also you can improve video output by raising the baud rate. The files will be larger, but that's the price you have to pay. To get rid of the watermark you have to buy the program. Which codec did you use in PTE to make your avi file? (I was a little confused about that.) Isabel
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