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Everything posted by isabel95

  1. How nice to find you here, Barry! I have enjoyed your video tutorials and recommended them to the members of my Digipets Yahoo Group! I have uploaded two screen grabs to illustrate my problem: The first one shows the waveform in Audacity: Audacity waveform and the next shows what that same ending looks like on the PTE screen: PTE waveform I couldn't get that mp3 file not to end that way so I went back to Audacity and added a fade effect at the end. Saved it in wav format hoping to maintain the quality of the mp3 and next saved that to mp3 and it worked properly in the program, not cutting off at the end. I'm mystified. Isabel
  2. I am using an mp3 which mysteriously cuts off about 2 seconds before the end of the music. I checked the file in Audacity and it ends normally, yet when I bring it into PTE it stops to soon. I tried fading out the end and saving it with a different name and bringing it into my show and it worked fine playing all the way through but the recompression degraded the audio quality. Any idea why the music should have cut off like that? TIA. Isabel
  3. I have had an Epson R800 printer that can print on disks and was disappointed to find that when I moved the Vista, the printer driver had lost the ability to print on disks. I put a question on the Printers forum at dpreview.com and someone recommended the Discus program from Magic Mouse. I downloaded a trial (30 days - but prints "DEMO" on your disk!),found it worked with my R800 and offered a lot more, so I ordered it the same day. I was able to download a partial program that removed the "DEMO" but had to await for the program disk to arrive with all the artwork on it. It labels all sorts of media. I really like it. Think offering a disk with a beautiful image on it enhances the value of the slideshow. Here's a collage layout that is only one of the very mention options offered: Discus Work Screen Isabel
  4. I want to put together a slideshow of pictures taken at 16:9 ratio. What are the best pixel dimensions to use for each image? Isabel
  5. Thanks for the feedback - I agree about the length. The original show was shorter and then I got a request from Shebang's owner to add a whole new bunch of shots. She was incredibly bonded with Shebang, who had been featured on the TV show "Pet Star" performing some of her amazing tricks. She died at only 8, leaving her owner completely devastated. This slideshow was played at a memorial for her. If you had a chance to meet her and see her perform you would understand why her loss was so tragic for her owner. By the way, I just tried for the second time to upload the AVI to youtube, because Tammy has a lot of Shebang's videos over there. As happened the first time the uploading has just hung. FlashVideo MX converted that 158mb file to the flash file you saw in just a few minutes. It's very fast. Fortunately I have my own storage space on the web, so I don't need to use YouTube, which can be a royal pain! Isabel
  6. and then compressed to Flash with Moyea's FlashVideo MX Standard. Original PTE AVI file size 158mb. Flash file 56mb (converted in FlashVideo MX with the h264 codec). Want to know if the file streamed immediately and smoothly, because it is a large file...and also if you have a less powerful computer in the house how it ran on that computer. http://www.isabelcutler.com/Shebang2FlashFiles.html (This was created for Shebang's owner, who was quite devastated when she died, and asked me to put together a slideshow with her pictures. Some of her friends have Macs and couldn't see it.) Thanks for anticipated feedback. Isabel
  7. Thanks for the helpful links. I'm still not clear as to which would be the best to upload to YouTube. I've put a show together with PTE for a friend that turned out to be 130mb after AVI conversion with PTE. It took at least an hour to upload to youtube (which accepts up to one gig) and then seem to hang in processing mode for another hour until I closed it. No notification that the upload had failed and it didn't appear. Wondering if it wouldn't be best to just convert the AVI output from PTE into flash with an application I like very much, Flash VideoMX (Standard) which gives me four files when I process to flash, flv, swf, jpg and html for streaming. Just wondering which I would upload to YouTube and if YouTube would compress it further, thus reducing quality. I might add that I was able to upload the AVI file to Motionbox and it view just fine: http://www.motionbox.com/videos/ee98dfba1b14e464 Isabel
  8. I just downloaded Microsoft mpeg4 vki codec which installed shows three versions: v1, v2, and v3. Can someone tell me the difference between them? TIA. Isabel
  9. Thanks, Ray. I will have to do this as well, now that I have both files! Isabel P.S. I hope I don't have to change computers for a loooooooooong time!
  10. Hallelujah! I found the PTE Registration License # and it was accepted. Still haven't been asked for the Video Builder License #. That's kind of puzzling, since one was sent. Isabel
  11. I realize what the problem is. I downloaded the 5.5 Pro install file to install in my new Vista machine and probably needed a license code to install that AS WELL AS the Video Builder (at least I'm assuming that because the request for the Video Builder License is not coming up and when I open PTE it's a trial unregistered version and I don't have a license # for it because I've been using the program for so many years on my XP machine I just lost the license number. It's been several days since I emailed wnsoft and I haven't heard either. Perhaps he's on holiday. I'll try your insert the file in the wnsoft program folder. Thanks for the input! Isabel
  12. Hummm....my file is 244 bytes!
  13. I had run the program fine in my XP machine and donwloaded the latest install file from the WN Soft site. Installed in my Vista machine. To insert the license number do you just browse for the reg.txt file? The number is very long and I prefer to cut and paste. The number was rejected. I emailed WN Soft a few days ago and received no response. Can someone offer a solution for me? Isabel
  14. Thanks for sharing your experience. I was just transferring the contents of my Photo Applications folder in my old machine to the new machine. I've deleted the file that got the virus warning. I will reinstall the latest version of PTE (I suspect the file was a PTE install file I had parked there) and just add my registration code to that. Isabel
  15. Was setting up my new Vista machine and transferring PTE to it when I got a popup telling me the file was infected with the "Peru trojan". Has anyone else had this experience? Isabel
  16. For months I have been having a problem with not being able to burn more than one track with my Plextor PX 760A burner. For a while I was able to burn through Windows XP, but even that became unsuccessful. I wondered what was causing the problem and looked for applications I had recently installed and I had in the past few month's upgraded to version 5.0. So...I uninstalled PTE, reinstalled Cyberlink Power2Go which I had uninstalled when I had the problem because it wasn't working for me...and lo and behold I was able to a DVD, a CD and copy a disk from drive to drive. BUT...I still can't burn more than one track on a disk. If I try to burn another track I get a failure (and the program is set so that the disk doesn't close). I am completely baffled, and of course want to be able to use PTE as well. Isabel
  17. Sure...I forgot about the "arrange all points" click - I ought to use this program more often! Thanks for the input, Peter! Tough having an old brain. Isabel
  18. Still doesn't work. Took all the music out (five selections) and then replaced it. Music was then longer than the slides! Decided to join all five selections into one file and tried synchronizing that and music is still longer than the slides. Wondering if my problem is caused by the fact that I have 301 slides???? Isabel
  19. It's probably something I've overlooked but in the timeline I have Synchronize music & slides and Auto Spread slides along Music checked, plus in the Program options I've chosen to Synchronize and my slides are lasting much longer than the music. Can someone set me straight! Isabel
  20. Mea culpa - I just found the manual online and it's quite good - don't bother to answer my questions! Thanks for your patience. I have a love/hate relationship with manuals! Isabel
  21. Thank you, Neil - I hadn't thought of that. I do use Audacity to edit my sound clips! Never thought of combining them into one file! Great idea. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Isabel
  22. All my former PTE shows have been very simple and I've used one or two songs with the slides synchronized to last as long as the music. Now, I'm working with PTE 5.02 making a slideshow with individual mp3 sound files for each slide - they're sounds from nature and each is a different length. Is there a simple way to enter the number of seconds the slide should be on the screen to coordinate with the length of each sound file? TIA. Isabel
  23. Thank you, Lin. It was truly a privilege know Shebang and her talented and very loving trainer. Isabel
  24. Thanks, Al, for the upload info. It's been uploaded. Got hung up trying to upload via Firefox, went instantly with IE since I was using a link to my storage. Isabel
  25. I have lost the information for posting. I have the file uploaded to my space and just need to post a link. I believe I have to upload a thumbnail - don't remember what else I have to do - embarrassed to say I lost the file I kept with the info. I'll have to wait till I have that. Do you have a link to instructions? Thanks. Al
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