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Everything posted by isabel95

  1. Very majestic pictures with well suited music! Isabel
  2. ...it was you who recommended the beta version of Audacity, wasn't it? I downloaded it and slowed down the music by 15%. Any more and there was too much distortion. Tried "normalize" and it sounded much better. Re-uploaded "Progress" at a more leisurely pace. Thanks again. Isabel
  3. ...and with the suggestion of Guido, I downloaded the latest beta version of Audacity and was able to slow down the music (which I played way too fast)! Reuploaded it! Isabel
  4. What's wrong with sending cash to Sweden?? I don't like to send cash through the mail, ANYWHERE. I find I don't need the program since I have several other free ways of slowing down the music. Isabel
  5. Thought I already replied to this, but I don't see it posted. Thanks, Al. I realized I can use my keyboard to to slow down a recorded performance, so instead of recording directly to the computer I will record to the memory of the Fantom and then hopefully play it back and upload it to the computer at the same time, using the metronome to slow it down if necessary. Isabel
  6. Dear Isabel, since November 2003 Audacity 1.2.0-pre3 is available. I used several times this beta, and in my opinion it works very well. I downloaded this beta and yes it has the tempo change effect but when I click on "preview" it plays a few notes and then cuts off. I went to the Audacity website to report a bug and while they state they want to know about bugs they don't have a link to report them...at least where I can find it. To get back to the tempo slowing down...yes I was about to do that when I clicked on OK in the parameter setting box, but the preview seems to be non-functional. Isabel
  7. Have you watched the presentation "PTE 101" by Al Robin? It has an excellent section on synchronizing with the time line. Isabel
  8. Which version of Audacity do you have? I have 1.0.0 and it does not have the change tempo effect. Could you be using a beta version? Isabel
  9. You didn't offend me at all, Michel. I'm glad you liked "Progress"! Isabel
  10. thank you, Guido. The images were made with Photoshop and also Painter. Isabel
  11. Found my own answer...sometimes I am so blind! Why can't I record the music in the keyboard and then use the metronome to slow it down on playback and record from the playback...there I've just saved myself some cash! Isabel
  12. Found a program, "The Amazing Slow Downer" http://www.ronimusic.com/amsldowin.htm The trial version worked nicely but only played for about 19 seconds! Unfortunately they want you to send cash to Sweden to buy the program! Isabel
  13. Is it possible to slow down music without changing the pitch? (I mean with a wav or mp3 file and SIMPLE software...always ready to move up to the next stair in my musical knowledge! Isable
  14. Thank you. I updated the original upload because a transition I didn't want snuck through. Now I have only my favorites, fade in and fade out. So many times I find multiple transitions very intrusive. The paintings were all photographs to start with. They have been manipulated with Photoshop, the "buzz" plug-in, and Painter. The work in Painter does require more "hands-on" painting with a drawing pad. I love the program! Isabel P.S. I hope my next music will be TOTALLY original!
  15. Thank you Michel. I realized after I uploaded it that one transition remained that I didn't want. All I like is fade in/fade out...so I uploaded it again. I can't agree with you about liking it better than Louie's show! That is my favorite!...but it was a great accomplishment to get the keyboard recorded. Now...if I could only get that tune out of my head. I keep hearing it over and over and over! Isabel
  16. After much mental gymnastics and the help of Al and Mark of this forum I finally managed to record a short piece of music from my keyboard. I picked out a few of my manipulated images to accompany the music. Recording this little piece of music was difficult...just knowing that the record button is pressed is enough to make me very nervous! I haven't really practiced for over a year and it shows...if you are interested in recording your own music you can follow my struggles in the PicturesToExe Forums section! I made the presentation mainly to show Al and Mark that the time they put into helping me wasn't wasted! Isabel
  17. Thanks, Al...after composing for hours and not doing the same thing twice I decided to arrange an old Irish folk tune "Be Thou My Vision" and put it together with a few slides. Playing the keyboard to be recorded is kind of like having your blood pressure taken at the doctor's...very nervous making. I tried to play as evenly as I could, but I kind of speed up in the middle...too bad I don't have a program that would allow me to slow down the music...but the main point is I want to thank you and Mark for helping get over the recording hurdle. I uploaded a program called "Progress"...hope Bill gets it in the directory soon. Thanks again. Isabel P.S. Audio Surgeon 5 is a neat little program that makes the recording very intuitive.
  18. I finally got a decent recording and you can expect to see a very short PTE presentation with my own music behind it. Trying to remember what I've composed without writing it down is extremely difficult and I haven't practiced my keyboarding skills in about a year and I'm very, very rusty. But...I thank you all for your input and feel I really understand a whole lot better what this recording process is all about...and realize that a lotof my noise is coming from not having the recording level set high enough! Isabel
  19. Was really enjoying your New York presentation when it got hung up back and forthing between and art image and a photo. Is it possible something happened in the uploading process? I donwloaded it two times and the same thing happened both times. I especially loved your helicopter sequence for the title! Isabel
  20. I just bought Audio Surgeon 5 from Voyetra*...looks like it will be good as soon as I iron out the fact that it won't accept my registration number! I do have Audacity too but afraid that I don't understand it very well. For %29.95 Audio Surgeon seems to have lots of features. People interested in checking it out can download the pdf manual here: http://www.voyetra.com/site/products/audiosurgeon/ Isabel *a trial version came with the Santa Cruz card.
  21. Progress Report One of the trial programs that came with the Santa Cruz card was "Audio Surgeon", and that seems to be an application I need to record a wav file of over 1 minute in length. I registered and got a registration number which, of course, the program says is invalid, so I'm waiting to hear from Voyetra's tech support about that glitch. Meanwhile I will try to make sense of the User Guide. One thing that appealed to me was the utility to "remove hiss". Before I move my card for the second time perhaps this will work. (Yeah...I know it won't be that easy). I hope someone besides me is finding this saga useful! Isabel
  22. I did the sound check and everything checked out all right. Isabel
  23. So...now what do I do...I can't record anything from the Fantom that's longer than one minute as a wav file. That's a limitation Microsoft put into the Sound Recorder. The Santa Cruz software seems to be geared towards midi. Tried shutting off all the other things like wave, mike, etc. Still the hissing noise. My dear husband is going to take another look inside the computer and see where the card is. Isabel
  24. Al....It was never connected with the power cord. . . all recorded on internal battery. Isabel Mark...my husband moved the sound card because of previous noise...he doesn't remember what he put it next to...I'll have to get him in a good mood to check it again. Disconnecting all those cables is a royal pain. I'm glad I never became a hardware expert! I will try muting all the other channels. There is so much to learn about this audio recording stuff! Thanks guys. Isabel
  25. Thanks, Al...I was recording on battery! Guess I'll have to reorganize the area around the desktop to make room for the keyboard...and I was using the correct input on the laptop. It was very exciting to hear the Fantom sounds, however, hissy, come out of my computer speakers after I had recorded them. So...I am definitely making progress. Thanks for the very much appreciated support and thanks for sticking with me! Isabel
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