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Everything posted by isabel95

  1. It's back! Yay! Isabel
  2. It's back! Yay! Hip Hip Hooray for Bill Hines! Isabel
  3. Was in contact with him via email and his provider has cancelled his service due to heavy traffic! I wish I hadn't mentioned beechbrook on so many of my photo forums...mea culpa. Bill has been so extremely generous allowing us to upload huge files without a fee. I know I've supported him with a couple of donations because I've used up a lot of space. Have you thought about sending him a donation? (Of course the site is down now and there's no way to do it over the internet, so you'll have to find another way. Isabel
  4. Yes...I'm pretty sure iTunes is finalizing the disk when you burn from it. Now that I realize I can download in wav and convert to mp3 I will do my burning from the Roxio software. Isabel
  5. Regarding iTunes...thanks for mentioning that route for getting music. I just registered and downloaded my first piece of music, which was recorded in m4p format...one I hadn't seen before. I know there's an option to record in mp3, but I thought I could download the music and then convert in case the original format was better sound and I'd want that just for listening. I chose to burn the selection to disk and upon trying to add more music to the disk via my Roxio software found that it was inaccessible. I have a feeling that iTunes finalizes the disk rather than the session. Have you found that to be the case? Isabel As usual I figured out my problem in the preferences and see I can download to wav (and then convert to mp3). Isabel
  6. Regarding iTunes...thanks for mentioning that route for getting music. I just registered and downloaded my first piece of music, which was recorded in m4p format...one I hadn't seen before. I know there's an option to record in mp3, but I thought I could download the music and then convert in case the original format was better sound and I'd want that just for listening. I chose to burn the selection to disk and upon trying to add more music to the disk via my Roxio software found that it was inaccessible. I have a feeling that iTunes finalizes the disk rather than the session. Have you found that to be the case? Isabel
  7. Can we have the beta and 4.14 in different directories or will installing the beta overwrite 4.14? Isabel
  8. Greetings from the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina, My husband and I retired here over six years ago. It is a photographer's dream. http://www.pbase.com/image/9515467 Isabel
  9. Found 'em. Thanks! (Had to remove music, however!) Isabel
  10. I'm running XP Pro and wonder into which directory I should put the scr files? I did a search and found them in Windows/System 32...but didn't see the entire path. TIA. Isabel
  11. Just wanted to thank the maker of this presentation for a wonderful visual and auditory treat. The images and music complemented each other beautifully. Thank you for sharing. Isabel
  12. Thanks, Bill...I realized after I posted the question that I was in the wrong forum. Found out about the PTE 101 presentation which had a great tut on how to do it. Isabel
  13. Thank you Jim and Al for helping me with the synchronization. Al...I looked at your tutorial months ago when I first started playing with PTE. Watching it again made me aware of lots of things I overlooked. The instructions for the synchronization were extremely helpful and I redid "Devyn's Christmas" altering the times between slides. I could have done with a few month slides because I feel a few are on the screen too long, but I was extremely pleased with how easy it is to make the adjustments. Everything about PTE is so EASY and quick to use. I just love this program! Thanks so much, guys! Isabel
  14. Apparently your Internet Explorer is set for too secure a setting to accept attachments...that's your problem IE - Tools/Options/Security/Internet Zone - less secure.... Zipping the PTE presentation doesn't significantly change the size of the content because jpg files are already compressed files, but it helps a little. I use "Winzip" for zipping my files, not XP. I also size my pictures at 800 x 600 or less,72ppi. For vertical formats (portrait mode) I make the file less than 800 pixels high because it crowds the screen if it's too high. Isabel
  15. I know we can customize the length of time each slide is on the screen, but I can't find any sort of time line with which to visualize the "flow" of the program. Have I missed it? Is it possible to preview the pictures as you adjust the time of the music? TIA. Isabel
  16. I know we can indicate the time for each slide, but is there a graphic way to see the time line so we can be more precise in when exactly to change the slide with regard to the music? TIA. Isabel P.S. Sorry I put this in the wrong forum!
  17. Came across this site while searching for CD mailers. http://www.pbase.com/image/24416388. Here's a picture of my case cover: http://www.pbase.com/image/24416388 Isabel
  18. "Abused"?...I'd rather think of it as being paid attention! (I do, however, have to admit that Ricky HATED being in that costume...it was only the homemade liver cookies in my pocket that elicited his cooperation!) Isabel
  19. What a cutie that must have been. Thanks for the kind comments. Isabel
  20. Added a short presentation of my Havanese dog so he doesn't feel miffed that Louie got all the attention! http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/index.asp. See "Gotta Love Ricky, Too!" Isabel
  21. Thanks, Cindy...looking forward to seeing a PTE presentation with your critters! Isabel
  22. Love the choice of music! Lots of black in the beginning...no opening screen. Beautiful images...so crisp! Isabel
  23. Well...until I install my new sound card I'm going to have to put the creating music on hold. I also have to have a date with my Fantom manuals. It's been a long time since I TRIED to understand them! Thanks, Al, for all the explanations...as overwhelming as all the information is, I usually figure out what I have to do to get a job done. I don't give up easily. Isabel
  24. "Unable to initialize file"...that's what I get when I try to export an imported midi file in Audacity to an mp3 file. Probably somethign very obvious I have to do, but I can't figure it out. Isabel Not sure what you mean "through my sound card". Can you elaborate? Thanks so much! Isabel
  25. Arghhhh! I see I am going to have to do some serious studying here...complicated by the fact that my computer is on a different floor from my keyboard. I do have a laptop down there, but what sort of sound will I get using that??? Isabel P.S. So I just can't save a recorded midi file, I must attach the keyboard via a midi cable to my cpu? P.P.S. I watched both your presentations and am impressed by both your musical and photographic skills. I especially enjoyed the Canada Day presentation.
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