Thanks!!! The sounds were recorded using a mini disc recorder. I left out of the show another 15MB of mp3 sound files that would be played by your default mp3 player, in order to save space. The only effect is that one slide with the "music" has 9 dead links to these songs. These were singing performances by the staff of the safari camps. I design my shows to be distributed by CD so file size is usually not much of an issue. This hosting server (see looks to be a really good deal. For US$65 you get a year of hosting including new domain name registration, 333MB of space, unlimited emails and more. I have another show that I did earlier this year on The Temples of Angkor / Cambodia but it is over 100MB so I need to wait till I register another domain before I can post that one - unless someone else has a lot of space and bandwidth to share. I could use file splitters to break up the file into several chunks, but I suspect that it would probably end up being more confusing to novices than helpful. What do you think. Keep me posted if there are ongoing download problems. Thanks again and aloha, Mitch