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    Moscow, Russia

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  1. Apple is genius. That's why there is iPad and... all other tablets.
  2. There is no app named iSlideshow yet. And there are many apps with slideshow functionality (but I like PTE, so I'd prefer to see its iOS version) in App Store. So I think you shouldn't bother about it. If you really have enough resources and knowledge, why not to try? Apple market is quite interesting.
  3. Собственно говоря, я так и думал. Да и не видео мне нужно для iPad вообще-то, а именно слайдшоу, и очень желательно, чтобы интерактивное. Боюсь, что для этого нужно что-то другое, а не PTE. Do you have some plans to make PTE for iOS?
  4. No, I didn't try that. Upscaling without visible loss is impossible, so it's not interesting for me. I just want to display slideshows on the full screen of the iPad 3 without any scaling. Hey, Igor, can you say something?
  5. "Fixed size" was disabled already. Look at the screenshots:
  6. Thank you for suggestion, but it doesn't work for me. I entered 2048x1536 in Project Options>Screen, but when I try to create video for iPad/iPhone, width always set to 1920 pixels.
  7. Hi Igor, I've got The New iPad, it's resolution is 2048x1536 pixels whereas PicturesToExe allows to choose 1920x1080 maximum (btw, these values are absent in drop down list). Is it possible to add non-standard resolution to fit all the screen of iPad 3?
  8. Hi Lin, Thanks for explanation (I think it's quite obvious for the most of us, though). But the topic's called "Reducing the file size of a PNG...", so my answer's about reducing file size, nothing more.
  9. Hope, you already tried PNGOut compressor?
  10. Hi Igor, Please get slightly updated English and Russian language files for RC3 from the attached archive. А почему RAR-архивы нельзя здесь прикреплять? Неправильно это. PTE56rc3_EngRus_Fixed.zip
  11. Moreover, as far as I know TrueCrypt is not the fastest program in terms of decryption speed. So, I think there are no problems to implement strong encryption in PTE.
  12. Присоединяюсь к поздравлениям! Желаю удачи, гармонии, здоровья, Игорь!
  13. To be honest, I'm quite amazed at what I read here, gentlemen. I know programming skill of Igor and his colleagues, and it's quite high to trust them. So I needn't keep all previous versions of PTE installed. I install any new version over existing one (and keep previous distributives as archives JIC ).
  14. I agree (despondently).
  15. Hi Igor, You mean every major version, not minor. So, if I had version 5.51 installed in non-default location, and I want to update it to v5.52, I still need to change suggested path. Your point of view is clear for me. But I think it's not the best solution at all. More clever behaviour: installer autodetects existing version in PC and asks user to confirm installation over it or into another folder.
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