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Everything posted by e.b.west

  1. I've had lots of nice attempts to help with no resolution so far. Nothing what-so-ever from staff. I tried the uninstall early on with no changes.
  2. I sent you an email also. I think Wnsoft gave up on me. I sent them an email asking what progress was being made and was it getting to a point that I should consider asking for a refund. Their answer was "your refund is being processed".
  3. Brian, I was, and am, somewhat disappointed in Wnsoft and I'm afraid I got a little snippy with you because of that, and I apologize. My only experience with 64 bit is Photoshop CS4 and it runs flawlessly. I'm still disappointed with Wnsoft. I just use PTE for a few projects a year, since 2002, as a hobby and had hoped to continue. However, there was very limited response from Igor or anyone else except for the thread he started about problems with Win7. The thing is, that I'm not trying to access the full power and potential of PTE. All I want to do is burn a DVD. Although I'm grateful my money was refunded, I would rather have a functioning program for my enjoyment. I was both surprised and disappointed that they apparently gave up so quickly.
  4. I take it all back. I guess you guys are right, they just refunded my money for Deluxe. I guess there is no solution.
  5. I guess I have nothing to look forward to. I wrote an email to support as if anything was being done or should I ask for a refund. They sent back that my refund had been processed, I guess that's it for me.
  6. I wish I was, I'm going in the hospital for 8 days maybe we'll both have a working program when we get back.
  7. So, are you saying that Windows 7 will only work in 64 bit mode on a custom made computer? I'm amazed at both of these responses, so much so that I've been sitting here for 10 minutes trying to think of something that dosen't come off as sarcastic. I'm assuming that you are not speaking for Wnsoft. To suggest that jdearman or I or any of the other people having probems change operating systems so that one program will work is, as I said, an amazing response.
  8. DVD maker immediately locks up. Sometimes on one click sometimes it takes two clicks, but I can't do anything on this page. Also, for those familiar with Windows, after I attempt to run the DVD Builder I look in the Task Manager under the "Processes" tab and there is a process called Burn.exe*32 running. If I run the builder again then there are 2 instances of the burn.exe*32, and so on. When I try to end the burn.exe*32 process it won't end, it just stays there. The only way I can get rid of the entries is to start the computer. I said this earlier and it may have been overlooked but after I try to run DB no other program will recognize the DVD drive until I re-start.
  9. Yes, greyed out.
  10. Has any progress at all been made on this? I still can't make a DVD. Just so I'm sure that I explained it right, this is a screen shot of where I get to. If I click anywhere on this page the DVD Maker stops responding.
  11. It's nice to know that you're working on it. I've tried everything within my limited knowledge and nothing works. I even started a new slide show with different photos from different folders. Same thing.
  12. Sounds like we have the same problem. If you go on the Adobe site and look for the user groups they'll help a lot quicker than and Adobe tech would. I have CS4 and a Canon, so I can't help anymore than that.
  13. Thanks for the replies. nobeefstu, I tried all of that several times before my first post. None of it seemed to help. jdearman, Your problem is similar to mine but just a little different. Since this all worked on an XP machine, I think it may be a Windows 7 bug and not us as far as I can tell.
  14. nobeefstu, Tried your suggestion, in addition to this discussion, which seems to have died, I sent an email to jdearman with no success. I was hoping to hear something here. I still can't get it to work.
  15. I'll do that but his problem is not the same as mine. He gets a drop down menu. I get a lock up when I click anywhere on the page and I don't get any messages from PTE. I was also waiting to hear from Igor since Jdearman had asked him to respond if he wanted an more detailed explanation. I didn't want to butt in.
  16. A wise decision as far as PTE is concerned. Everything else works fine, so far.
  17. Yes I did. I went back and re-read it and saw that I hadn't checked the synchronize music and slides check mark. I did that and it seems to work from wherever I start now. Thanks. Now if I could only burn a DVD.
  18. While I'm waiting for a solution to the DVD maker problem I've been trying to add some more music to a show I eventually what to get on a DVD. When I preview from the slide I'm on the music keeps playing, not stopping where it's supposed to. But, when I preview it from the begining, it stops and the second song starts as it should. Is this how it's always worked or is this another Win7 bug?
  19. Thanks everyone. I knew I was missing something.
  20. I'm trying to solve a problem by using a file I created on one computer on different computer. I create the show and save it as a pte file. I then copy it to a thumb drive and try to open it with the second computer (both running 6.0.1). All I get on the second computer is all the slides referring to the drive where the pictures are on the first computer. How do I copy a pte file, which includes the pictures, so I can open it to work on another computer?
  21. Has there been any progress towards a resolution to this problem? Apparently I'm not the only one with some issues. I know it's a holiday weekend and I'm trying not to be too frustrated, but this problem started, for me, on the 18th and I had wanted to give a DVD as a present. I have to admit, I even thought about going over to the dark side, Pro Show Gold, but I took one look at it and like PTE even more than before, except that it won't work correctly. I also got my laptop out, which has Windows XP SP3. It burned the DVD with no problem. Hopefully someone will have an answer soon.
  22. 1. When I open the project in video maker (for TV) it goes fine until I get to the page where it asks for a project name and the other choices. As soon as I click on any field (or just on the page) it immediately locks up. Everything else seems to work fine, it's only when I go to the video maker project section that it freezes. 2. Windows 7 Home Premium 3. 64 bit 4. Clean install on a new computer 5. I've check and it seems to have all updates 6. The problem still exists. I've also uninstalled and re-installed PTE twice. The second time, just to be sure, I disabled all virus protection. Still didn't work. I also just found that after trying DVD builder and having it lock up it also makes my DVD drive unable to recognize CD/DVDs when they are inserted or when I try to look at the contents with Windows Explorer. When I turn the computer off and back on the drive works fine.
  23. I tried the bundled DVD burner from HP and all functions seem to work. I burned some photos to a DVD with no problem. I've used a different set of pictures from a different folder and I've uninstalled and re-installed PTE twice. The second time I even deleted the registration from the registry and it still locks up the minute I click on the project page to begin the burn. I can now understand the frustration of some of the people who write in for help, especially to the help desk at WNsoft. Except for one reply from Peter, you (Ken) are the only one who has tried to address the problem. I've heard nothing from the staff. I'm certainly no expert with PTE but I've had it since 2002 so I know it should be working and it's not.
  24. I'll be away from that computer until Monday evening, but the PTE dvd builder is the only problem I've had so far. I'll try the DVD burner that came with the computer when I get back.
  25. Thanks, I thought I was really missing something.
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